️April 27th we will gather at:
Terrell Mill Park pavilion #2 from 2pm to 6pm for a camping gear exchange and LNT event. Bring your gently used, no longer needed camping gear, and exchange with other community members. We will also be doing a community park cleanup.
Get involved in Alchemy's 2025 Leadership
Planning for Alchemy 2025 has begun! We are seeking passionate and dedicated burners to join our year-round Event Committee team. If you have the time, energy, relevant skills, and experience, and get excited at the idea of learning and doing more for your community — we need YOU!
Applications for the Event Committee are open to all members of the Alchemy community who want to help create a collaborative, engaging, and inclusive team environment where people are inspired to contribute and make a difference for our community. We are currently accepting applications for Department, Team, and Task leads. Check out Our Website (Get Involved) for more information on the different roles available, then fill out this form (2025 Alchemy Event Leadership Interest From ) to apply!
Alchemy 2025 Theme Announcement
Long ago in a burn far away, burners whispered a prophecy that Alchemy 2025 would be the greatest burn of all time… Legends!
Mythical and fictional and fantastic, historical or present, world renowned or personal, a legend can be anything you make it. Marsha P Johnson, Greer Lankton, Bushra al-Tawil, Martin Luther King Jr., Sophie Scholl, Jimi Hendrix, Rebekah Erev, Jimmy Carter, Randa Siniora, Frida Kahlo, Anne Frank, Kacey Wong, Aryeh Neier, Gerda Wegener, Tortuguita, Freddy Mercury, Ziggy Star Dust, Ship Destroying Orcas, Big Foot, Luigi, King Arthur and the Knights of the round table, Zelda, the Dread Pirate Roberts. Unicorns, dragons, fairies. Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge and the Pyramids.
Join us this October 16-19, 2025 to celebrate legends of all kinds. It'll be legendary!
Website Community Survey
We want to make our website better serve you! Let us know any thoughts you’ve got on the website so we can incorporate that in this form: https://forms.office.com/r/tL8Q7X7zZv
It's mainly open-ended questions, but if you want some specific prompts:
What do you go to the Alchemy website to learn/find out about?
Have you struggled to find certain info, or have things you think work great?
Would you be down to give more feedback or do user testing? If so check out this link
Let's make next year’s information distribution even better!
Social Media Community Survey
Alchemy is always trying to plan our event in a way that honors our community values. Part of that includes regularly checking in with our community to see where your values are.
Please help us guide decisions about which social media platforms we use for community building by filling out the form below:
We are committed to supporting the community wherever they gather online, and we thank you for participating in our surveys to help guide us to the best-fit decisions.
D6 Announcement: Community Support (Copy)
Life is hard, many of us are struggling and need community support. We are so much more than a yearly event, we are a community. People need support year-round, and we are committed to building a community network of support.
Let's get pragmatic and practice some good ol' Communal Effort. Filling out this form doesn't mean you're signing up to do anything specifically; it just gives us an idea of what things people are willing, able, and want to do or accept.
If you're overwhelmed by the duties of life and interested in developing a practical support network within the community, take 2 minutes to tell us how you'd like to participate in that network. There are lots of parts to play and there are no wrong answers ❤️
2025 Board and Event Team Leads
The happiest of New Year to all Alchemists who celebrate!
We hope you came into January feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
Fresh updates and exciting plans are brewing this year for our community.
After our event in October, our community voted to fill new board member seats in our 2-year term. You can find those results here:
After the community chooses new board members, the board elects their non-voting board member and Event Lead Team (ELT) liaison. We're excited to announce Butters as the new non-voting board member, and our 2025 Event Lead Team, consisting of Ernie, Patrick, and Smiles. Smiles will serve as the ELT liaison.
Here's our 2025 Board of Directors, including non-voting board seats. This list can also be found on our website at: Event Teams — Alchemy Burn
Our 2025 Board of Directors (serving January 15, 2025, through January 15, 2026)
Aaron (re-elected)
Butters | non-voting
Smiles | Event Lead Team, and non-voting
the ELT team is:
RL will be rolling off the board and Ean off the ELT this year
We'd love for you all to join us in giving our new leadership a warm welcome or a happy return to serving the Alchemy Community and making the 2025 event happen.
Alchemy Community Events
Want to host an Alchemy Community event? We wanna hear about it!
Community Event: Ax Soup
Ax Soup...? What's Ax Soup? Ax Soup is a variation of Stone Soup. Don't know about Stone Soup... no worries here's the Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Soup
Lauren Hennessey has been kind enough to open her home up to the community so we can gather and share a meal. This is a community potluck and this one is going to be centered around children. Kid focused foods and activities. Like all of our community events, this is open to all ages and folks without kids are welcome and encouraged to join us. Radical Inclusion means there is space for everyone.
What to bring:
a dish to share with an ingredients list
plates, utensils, cup
camp chair
if you'd like to bring a game, activity, or low-mess craft that would be super cool.
Post Burn Party
What: Post-burn Party
Where: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta 2650 N Druid Hills RD NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
When: December 21st from 5 pm to 9 pm
We're all still toasty with our post-burn glow✨️
⭐️Join us at our Definitely Not a Decomp event on December 21st from 5 pm to 9 pm
🍪We're having a holiday cookie exchange. Bring or bake some treats to share. Please make sure you include the ingredients so folks can make the best choices for their bodies.
💜We will have a Volunteer Appreciation Station and Swag pickup if you missed it.
🎅Going to Santa Con... great! Come get ready with us, then join the rest of the Santas, reindeer, and elves in L5P.
Join our event on FB https://www.facebook.com/share/19XuMiMUWs/
More details to come...