Alchemy BOD Minutes: January 2009

January 11, 2009Location: Clove and Tunna's houseAll in attendance, in person.Meeting start time:  4:19 pmRebecca started the meeting with a motion for the BOD to take a month off.  This was discussed throughout the meeting, as open agenda items were discussed and prioritized.  No formal vote was taken.Old Business:Item:  Team lead Afterburn reports and suggestions.Joshua expressed concern that this needed to culled and indexed further than what was available in Troy's report. Action Item:  Joshua to cull and index Afterburn reports and suggestions.Item:  Financial Statement.Lee recommended getting this out ASAP.  A summary has been created, and the report just needs to be finalized.  No action item was assigned for this.Item:  Event report.This still has not been reviewed and approved by the Board. Action Item:  Board needs to review and approve.Item:  Bylaws.Continued discussion of bylaws was tabled until the March meeting.  Previous decision to try to finalize the bylaws by close of fiscal year was revisited, and it was decided that other things have priority.Action Item:  Rebecca will continue to work on edits to the bylaws.Item:  Clarifying roles for the festival.Some suggested roles that need clarification include a business manager role, the team leads (descriptions need to be done) and the event lead. Action Items:-By February 15, Team Lead descriptions will be done.-Feb. 15, after the BOD meeting, a call for submission of team lead applications will be sent out by Troy.-March 1, BOD begins evaluations of submissionsItem:  Bank account.The goal is to have this by open of ticket sales for the 2009 season, but this can be put off for another month.  It was decided that the business manager person should have some input in this process, and that role won't be fully defined until February 15.Action Item:  Troy will work toward getting the account.Item:  Tickets/ticket designs for 2009 burn.Vote:  To open the design up to the community.  All in favor.The BOD still chooses the final design.  This item becomes a priority after the February meeting.Action Item: -Troy will send out design parameters ASAP to Lee.-Lee will send out to the public immediately, and follow up by January 15.-Lee will create a document for the ticket design artists, which states that the art submitted is original or with permission of the original artist.Item:  Art fundraiser.Everyone agreed that setting the date is time sensitive.  The date decision depends on the involvement of new team leads, so the goal is to readdress this at the March meeting.Item:  Work weekends.This item is also dependent upon choosing of team leads.  The goal is to have the first work weekend in early April.New BusinessItem:   Welcome Clove to the BODClove has read through old emails, and asks that the BOD update the bios page on the website.Action Item:  Rebecca will update the websiteItem:  Regional Summit in SF.RonJon requested that Alchemy participate in his breakout on crisis management.  Also, it was determined that any questions regarding Alchemy will be referred to the BOD as a whole, rather than answered by those in attendance at the Summit.  Discussed possibly doing a video to post at more than just the Summit.Action Item: -Joshua is going to email RonJon to request a proposal, so that the BOD knows what he expects from us.-BOD will decide at that point if we will participate.Item:  Meeting times.Vote:  To move meeting to 2nd Sunday of the month, 4pm.  All in favor.Future meeting dates:  February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13.Item:  In/Out Tokens.Tunna gave web address for Alpine Casting ( for possible in/out tokens for 2009.  Mention was made of possibly opening this to artist submissions also.Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.