Alchemy BOD Minutes: June 2010

Alchemy Board Meeting MinutesJune 11, 2010All members in attendanceRebecca facilitatingBeginning at 3:35 p.m.Old business from May 18 meetingMinutes from May meeting need to be redactedWeb updates and financial reports discussed in previous meeting arestill unfinished but expected by the end of the week (May 25th)New BusinessContainer:Votes are still out of the proposal of a container purchase. Currentestimated cost is ~4500. A board member needs to discuss both the costof having the container on Cherokee Hills land and exactly what accesswe will have to the container with Smokey. Troy has volunteered to dothis.Tent:The current expenses for the new tent are at ~4300. A similar tentwill be raised in Asheville and the sellers would like us to have thechance to watch and videotape the work involved. This will happenduring the time of the Alchemy Art Fundraiser Event at CoLab sosomeone else needs to be found to videotape this. Arlo may be apossibility. Troy will contact him and discuss the possibility ofsending up a video camera.Team Leads:The positions for team lead of Center Camp, Connexus, First Aid & FireSafety are still unfilledTangent has been voted in for CoLead of the GreetersRanger Rack will ask if Michelle is interested in a CoLead position.Leads for the openings in First Aid & Fire Safety will be shelveduntil the July meeting.Troy will contact potential web-lead about additional experienceneeded for position.Budget:The new budget is still being worked on but will be ready by the Julymeeting. The approximate cost of the Effigy is proposed to be $2000.Lamplighter Update:Subleads are filled. A kitchen area and chapel are planned for thisyear. The number of lamps leading up to the effigy will be doubled andnew lamps will be added to back pocket areas. Current budget is at~$2400 and 16 more robes have been ordered.APW Update:Projects for this year include the screening of more Porto-Johns andthe painting of supports for ease of identification. The blueprint ofthe effigy is ready. Keith described the temple design using visualaids and will have a blueprint shortly along with a more detailedbudget. Proposed date of June 24th.Puzzles for Alchemy 2010:DASH: a large scale scavenger huntSurvival Guide for 2010:Rebecca will head up this project with a projected send out date of late August.Insurance:Insurance for the event has been applied for from the same companypreviously used, Gold Coast. Events covered will be the ArtFundraiser, Alchemy itself and the Decompression.Work Weekend:No current dates for Work Weekends.Tickets:Tickets will be organized and prepared for mailing this Thursday 22nd,8:00 p.m. at CoLab.Police Interactions during the Art Fundraiser:As was last year, the Art Fundraiser will sell cups but provide freealcohol, which has been donated to the bar.CoLab improvements include a private windscreen and a decibel meter.Rebecca will write a contract between the Alchemy Board and CoLabRepresentatives for the Fundraiser. The Board has voted and will bailTroy out of jail in the event it becomes necessary due to the event.Fire Approval for the Fundraiser is expected to clear on Monday 19th.It has been decided that Alchemy will proceed with filing for 501c3 status.