Alchemy BOD Minutes: May 2012

Attendees:Trevor, Sarah, Age, Dawn from BOD + Jessica Seales (Alchemy ELT) Old Business: Bank Account / Financials discussion:Recommendation from Age to break roles into three positions:1. Treasurer - someone from the BOD who will handle monetary transfers, and certain decision makinga. No decision made on whether to make this an official title.1. Bookkeeper - prefer to be a hired party, who will handle entering receipts and reconciliations to Quickbooks, etca. Sarah to get recommendations from Karrinb. Jessica to check with her employer (a non-profit) for recommendationsc. Age to continue bookkeeping until a separate one is found1. Accountant - Year end audit and tax preparationa. Need and choice to be determined toward end of year. Sarah voiced concerns regarding there only being two persons on the BOD with ability to transfer money  and access online banking, and both of those living in the same household.  Would prefer the backup be  from a different household, primarily because the house tends to travel together.  No decisions made,  tabled until full BOD can participate in the discussion.  Alchemy 2011 Afterburn report and financials:BoD votes to give up on getting any financial details for 2011 from Troy Cobb, including bank  statements, accounting files, or the detailed financials to publish to the community.  A multitude of  efforts to get any financial detail or perform confirmatory audits of the books continue to be blocked by  Troy Cobb and has become completely unresponsive to further requests from the BoD for these details. BoD votes to publish the limited financials that we have.  Internet team to publish 2011 financial summary. BoD votes to give up on getting  a final Event Report for Alchemy 2011.  A multitude of attempts over  the prior 6 months to get the Event Report from Troy Cobb have been entirely unsuccessful, and  after resigning from the BoD in March under pressure to complete the event report, Troy has become  completely unresponsive.  Trevor has volunteer to contact each team lead from Alchemy 2011 to get individual reports resent, and  compile into report. Sarah will get this year's limited financials to Patrick to post. Age to do reconciliation of monies owed to Alchemy by individuals. Troy Cobb  used $500 without BoD approval for a personal purchase and has not returned the money.Euphoria budget has been submitted and reviewed.  A few items of note were brought up, and Age will work with Lee to resolve those items offline so budget can be approved.Euphoria ELT: No updates, no ELT members present. Alchemy ELT: Updates - review of current team lead applicants, ticket sales.  Some team leads have not  been applied for, only a few have more than one.  Theme is selected as "Choose Your Own Adventure",  and will be announced in next newsletter.  Art Fundraiser:Deposit check has been mailed to the venue.  Contract is pending receipt. Fundraiser team is working on budget.  Trying to find lower prices on items like portapotties, etc. Discussion on whether to serve alcohol.  Due to licensing issues, decision is to not serve alcohol.  A new newsletter is written, waiting to be published.  Trevor to send to Patrick. Meeting adjourn 6:22 PM