October 13, 2012Meeting start: 3:18pmAttendees: Sarah, Trevor, Age, Rebecca, Jonathan, Dawn, Joy, AllenDiscussion on use of recorded media at AAA Events:The BOD has received two requests for permission to utilize photographs from AAA events and AAA projects at other events (CORE effigy at BM 2011). In one instance (CORE) the photo is being used for a book, in the other photos from Alchemy will be used on a blog which does generate some ad revenue.Decisions: BOD has approved both requests, and will evaluate further requests on a case by case basis. BOD also retains dual ownership of recorded media as per the waivers signed by all participants at AAA events.Alchemy 2012 Updates: Age & Rebecca (Alchemy ELT members)Burn Injuries: Total of 8 burn related injuries, 5 of which were transported off-site. 1 still in hospital at time of meeting (since been released). The ELT has prepared a PR statement regarding the issue. PR statement to be issued to team leads, event leads, and BOD. Will also be published to the website.ELT Model Discussion: Feeling of ELT members present (Rebecca and Age) is that the current structure for the ELT did not work well, which mimics the feedback from the Euphoria ELT member present (Rebecca): In short, with no defined hierarchy within the ELT it was difficult to reach critical decisions in short order as some ELT members were hard to reach at various points. In addition some ELT members did the bulk of the work, while others did very little before or during the event.Other Board members expressed the desire to talk to the rest of the Alchemy and Euphoria ELT members and Team Leads before making any decisions on next year's model.Event Report for Alchemy 2012: In progress. Financials are in progress, and the event appears to have stayed on budget. Team reports are incoming, and ELT will prompt for the remaining outstanding reports. In addition, only two ELT members (Age and Rebecca) have completed ELT reports.Decisions: BOD approved PR statement prepared by EMS and ELT.Action Items: Completion of the Event Report.Tabled Items: Discussion on ELT StructureCommunity Center / Warehouse:One of the primary goals of the Alchemy Event was to raise funds for the establishment of a burner community center in Atlanta. We cannot commit until financials are complete and Decomp has occurred, but all signs point to AAA having the money to pursue it. Discussion on current options.Action Item: Age to follow-up with listing agent for the primary property the BOD is considering, as well as doing another round of research on additional available properties.Georgia Decompression 2012:As the Decomp ELT was finalizing plans for the Decomp event on November 17, the North Carolina BM RC announced an Asheville Decomp event on the same date. Discussion on whether to try and move the event at the last minute, or whether we are too far into plans to change. After internal discussion and discussion with the NC BM RC, the BOD decided to keep the November 17th date. Both Decomp events will do cross promotion of the events, and cooperate to make both events as successful as possible.Decisions: Decomp date is November 17. Ticket cap is 400, ticket price $15.Potential 2013 Event Dates:Euphoria 2013 - Brief discussion by BOD on dates.Decisions: BOD selects June 13 - 16 as the first choice date for Euphoria 2013Action Items: Rebecca to confirm dates with land owner.Alchemy 2013 - Brief discussion by BOD on dates. Desire to be a couple more weeks removed from Burning Man, not compete directly with the established dates for Flux, and if possible not be the same weekend as Counterpoint (if it returns). Additional discussion as to whether the Alchemy Event can continue to be held on the same property. Problems with law enforcement have reached a point where staying on the same property is difficult.Decisions: BOD selects October 11 - 14 as the first choice date for Alchemy 2013Action Items: Rebecca to confirm dates with land owner.Alchemy, LLC to Alchemical Arts Alliance, INC changeover:Decisions: BOD votes unanimously to transfer all assets and liabilities from the LLC to AAA on Dec 31.Org structure discussion: Lengthy discussion as to potential changes to the structure of the organization as we move to the new non-profit corporation. Discussion focuses on issues related to being a non-member corporation, which means the new BOD is appointed not elected.In order to maintain the community elected leaders, which all agree is important, a proposal is made to minimize the role of the new BOD to only legal/financial roles, and have an elected Committee and Sub-Committees which manages the various events and projects. Additional discussion on requirements to be a member of an ELT.Sarah, Trevor, and Dawn express concerns that the full details and ramifications of the incorporation of Alchemical Arts Alliance, Inc. were not adequately explained and communicated to the entire BOD before the vote to dissolve Alchemy, LLC and transfer assets to AAA was made.Decisions: To be considered for an ELT position going forward the applicant must have been a Team Lead at a prior event.Action Items: BOD members Rebecca and Age to document the discussed approach to org structure for review by the rest of the BOD.Tabled Items: New org structure decisions have been tabled. Additionally, elections may need to be postponed.Content for next two issues of The Alchemist:Upcoming Alchemist: Details for Decompression Event.Following Alchemist: Call out for Art Fundraiser Event Lead Team, link to the press release, postponement of election if necessary, moop map from Alchemy if ready.Meeting end: 8:30PM