
So many terms, so many inside jokes! Here some terms and abbreviations you will want to know:

APW (Alchemy Public Works): The team responsible for overseeing construction of the city
infrastructure, managing inventory, completing construction projects, overseeing Build
Weekend and Tear Down, fueling the Effigy and Temple, and generally working behind the
scenes during the event to deal with infrastructure issues as they arise. Also called Public
Works. (See TIMMY.) [SEE ALSO.]

ALPHA: A novice Ranger. See RANGER.


CENTER CAMP: Host to many different musical experiences, performance art, and educational

CONCLAVE: The Saturday night fire performance delivered by any interested and competent
Participants. [SEE ALSO.]

DARKWAD: Someone who is running around at night with no light or glow on. It gets dark out
there. Real dark.

DEFAULT WORLD: The rest of the world that is not the event. Sorry, you must return to it no later than Monday of the event.

DIRT: An experienced Ranger. See RANGER.

DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles): The volunteers who review and register Mutant
Vehicles, giving them permission to drive during the event. [SEE ALSO.]

EFFIGY: The main org-sponsored structure, a focal point of the burn and social gathering spot. The burning of the EFFIGY on Saturday night is the main event. After authorities have declared it safe and PERIMETER is dropped, one of the traditions is the RUNNING OF THE HIPPIES around the bonfire.

EVENTS COMMITTEE (EC): Formerly known as the ELT (Event Lead Team), this is the team of
volunteers who manage the event. They’re Participants just like you who facilitate the needs
of the community. They are selected by the Board of Directors, which in turn is elected by
the community.

FAI: Flashpoint Artists Initiative, the legal entity responsible for Alchemy.

GATE: The entrance to the event. Your ticket, ID, and Vaccination Card will be checked and you
will sign a waiver.

GROUND SCORE: MOOP that is useful to you, if you find something that someone dropped, and
you keep it, it's a ground score. If it looks valuable, don’t be a dick — take it to lost and found.

KHAKI: A Ranger that stays at HQ as a point-of-contact. See RANGER.

LAMPLIGHTERS: The volunteer group that lights lanterns each night to illuminate some of the
roads. [SEE ALSO.]

LEO: Law Enforcement Officer

LNT (Leave No Trace): One of the 10 Principles, LNT is the concept that we should leave the property in beer shape than we found it. It can also be verbed, as in “Hey, I’m going to LNT the campsite after everyone packs up.” [SEE ALSO.]

MOOP (Matter Out Of Place): Trash, litter, things lost or left behind, things on the ground that
shouldn’t be there.

MUTANT VEHICLE: A motorized conveyance that is radically, stunningly, and safely modified.
Also called an Art Car. [SEE ALSO.]

OPEN CAMPING: Areas where camping is permitted by Participants who don’t have a


PERIMETER: Predetermined areas around the structure combustion events (Effigy, Temple, etc)
that are staffed by volunteers to keep observers at a safe distance.

PLUS/DELTA MEETING: Following the event, members from every level of the Alchemy organization are invited to bring their thoughts on what worked, and what did not work for them during the event. This meeting is leveraged to capture growth opportunities and continually improve. This typically occurs offsite. There is an equivalent post burn meeting on site on Sunday for the community to share any feedback, usually at Center Camp.

POCKET GUIDE: The list of the various Theme Camps and a Theme Camp location map, plus all
things happening whether they’re run by the event, by individuals, or by theme camps. You
can print it out or save it to your phone. Download this before you arrive as you might not
have a signal on-site. [SEE ALSO.]

POOP (People Out Of Place): People who are not where they should be. If you see someone
passed out on the ground in the middle of the field, they may be drunk or having a medical
emergency. Check and see if they’re ok. If they want to be there, it’s at their own risk, but
we try to get these people back to their camps.


RANGER: A volunteer empowered to address safety concerns, mediate disputes, and resolve
conflicts when they cannot be resolved by the persons involved.

  • ALPHA: A novice Ranger

  • DIRT: An experienced Ranger

  • KHAKI: A Ranger that stays at HQ as a point-of-contact.

SANCUTARY: A dedicated space for those who may need an environment or area in
which to beer acclimate or adjust to the atmosphere of the event. [SEE ALSO.]

SPARKLE PONY: A derogatory term for a Participant who shows up at the event with little or no
food or water, suitcases full of costumes and makeup, who do no work and no volunteering,
and only exist to look pretty, have fun, and party. They are often fashionably attired, since
they packed nothing but costumes.

SURVIVAL GUIDE: An essential source of information for novice Parcitipants,
and occasionally useful to experienced ones as well. [SEE ALSO.]

SWAG: A memento from an event, often wearable. You get swag from Greeters for attending,
and you may often be gifted swag from your volunteer teams, and people you meet may gift
you swag they made for the event. Swag can be picked up at the Greeters Tent in the City

TEAM LEADS: The people who head up each team that makes the event happen.

TEMPLE: One of the two org-sponsored structures that burn during the event. The Temple is a more contemplative space than the Effigy and usually burns on Sunday night.

TEN PRINCIPLES: The ten core guiding concepts of most events. [SEE ALSO.]

THEME CAMP: A group of people camping together in a pre-assigned spot who often have
common bonds and shared activities. [SEE ALSO.]

TIMMY: Alchemy Public Works volunteers. Nicknamed this after the interchangeable set of
characters who "assisted" Mr. Lizard in his experiments on dinosaurs.

VILLAGE: A group of Theme Camps sharing a common space and ethos.