Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: May 2008

"Alchemy Board Meeting- May 2008 Troy and Rebecca are on the phoneLovelace, Danielle, Joshua and Lee physically present Vision StatementBoard speaks breifly about the idea of a Vision Statement.  Danielle and Lee have energy and interest in writing one. Will use the the notes taken when the Mission Statement was written to put something together and bring it to the board at the June meeting.Troy wants to make sure we include the concept of sustaining the change we make at the festival in real life, everyday being.Insurance PolicyTroy has gotten in touch with a couple companies. Gales Creek out of Portland Oregon is the most promising company- has done burns before and was the suggestion of Steven Raspa.Application has been submitted, but the full proposal has not been received. Current cost estimate is $800-1500. Troy will update when he has the final amount.Tabled until the next meeting when Troy gets the proposal to review.Temple DesignLee volunteers to get a full proposal from Jonathan no later than June 1st.  Discussed staffing impact of burning the temple at dawn- Rangers and Fire Safety, doubling the staffing requirements for burn night. Temple Guardians as possible relief for the Ranger staffing.Legal and Insurance Research- Medical and KidsRebecca will research the legal risks and laws regarding children on site. Once we have that information, at the June meeting, the Board will review the information and decide what action if any needs to be taken at that time.  In and OutsAfter the TL meeting last month, Tunna suggested that Site Services handle in/outs and the Board agrees.  Medical emergency that requires off site medical attention will be allowed back when  they have been medically cleared.Board discusses the option of allowing people to pay for an in/out the cost of a final tier admission ticket.  Also discussed is how to educate the community on why we discourage in/out- to create a temporary community as separate from the default world as we can make it.Lee volunteers to write up the discussion notes and post to the Board list for continued discussion and then a final decision to be reached at the June board meeting.Renting a storage unit Joshua will check in with Kitty and Puck and see how they feel about storing the stuff until the end of the festival. Item tabled until June.    BudgetTroy brought a outline budget for the board to review based on the actuals from last year's event. Members briefly review and add to the line items:                - Gators/ Golf carts- Troy to find pricing quotes and report back.                               -Art FUNdraiser- $750 approved by all members for this event to include the cost of renting the space as well as refreshments to be determined by the Art Team.Troy will prepare a more detailed budget for Baord review before the June meeting, item to be discussed and voted on at that time. Request from BMORG- ShadeBMORG wants to know if they can use our shade structures at Bonaroo. Will do as long as they are reutrned in the same condition is approved. Voted, confirmed.Alchemy Village at TfusUsing Alchemy shade structures at Tfus. Voted, confirmed.Update from SmokeyEvent that is using Cherokee Farms wants to come on the land on Sunday, Troy told Smokey that this was unacceptable. Smokey may have them on another part of the land on that Sunday.  Troy will report back on this issue when he has more information from Smokey.  AJ: 4:25"