Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: June 2008

"2008.06.21 Alchemy BOD Meeting Minutes 2:33 pm: everyone present, meeting start Gators and Budgetwe had 200 tickets at tier onew/tier 2, now have ~213 Temple proposal? Don't have one. Lee is going to talk to Jonathan when he gets here tonight. Insurance update:still in progress. Troy has been talking to Gold Coast Underwriters, who have insured Transformus and are comfortable with what we do. Probably will be less than the budgeted $1500.  Generating Reports for the WebsitePost four standard financial reports already posted: cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, and profit & loss. If anyone wants to see any other information, they can ask. We will include vendor information but no personal info of purchasers. Availability: On a monthly basis. Troy will also create a redacted report.  Children at burns:Rebecca has spoken to a law student. We need to be careful about making it look like we are doing a lot directly to protect children. We should have a waiver and allow the parents to retain responsibility. Kids under 18 have to be here with a parent/guardian. Have an explicit waiver for the guardian of the kid, but nothing extraordinary, because the more we do, the more our responsibility we give ourselves.  General liability:Just have an indemnification that people sign (in addition to the one on the back of the ticket) when they come in the gate. Flipside has a good indemnification procedure. We can learn from them. Joshua is happy to gift lawyer's time to look at Georgia laws to see what would pertain to child welfare. Inform ourselves so that we can inform our participants. Rebecca: Boils down to the people who are around a child at any given moment.Troy: We would be negligent if we did not inform people of the laws.Joshua: Wants to be able to say, "This is a real attorney who has researched the information, and this is what he said."Rebecca: Being informed might help to protect us. If we inform people of the law, then it becomes their responsibility to obey or not. Make it clear that just because we've presented this information to you, it doesn't mean that we are doing anything about your personal responsibility. We have the cash for this expenditure, including current outstanding AP. Joshua will be happy to pay out of pocket and have Alchemy reimburse him. Everyone will do homework on what kind of attorney to talk to, and specific referencecs. Danielle will contact BM to see if their lawyers have anything to share with us about this topic. T: will contact the national nudist federationR: get info from all avenues, including attorney, and then make a wikiJ: start with other avenues and then end with lawyer (will hold off for now) timeline: one week  In and OutsRebecca: Idea! Charging people not fair because some people have more money than others. Answer: either pay or do some sort of service. Ex: 25 people vouch for you. Everyone gets an in/out token worth 1/xth of an in/out. Number to be determined at the next board meeting. Lee: gate lead comes down to get cash for cash in/out Rebecca will research the tokens.  Puck and KittyHappy to have the stuff they currently have in their garage until after the event. Concerned about some of the stuff b/c they have some roof leaking issues. Troy will organize inventory w/ team leads.  Vision statements: Tabled New stuff Perimeter proposal: Joshua: Rope lights would be preferable. Stakes are 12-27 cents a pieceDanielle: Paint is pretty visible at night. Can do designs like stars or whatever Consensus is that rope lights would be better. Joshua says that we should get better than the cheapest ones because the quality of the wire is not great in cheapest ones. Troy advises getting LEDs because of the power draw off the generator. Danielle: lasers?Troy: will look into lasers  New Atlanta RCsClove, Amsterdam, Wild Card Julian  Shade StructuresWorked really well; took about ten minutes to put up. Can set all of them up in about an hour with 8 people.  Art FUNdraiserBudgetClove: have $500 to pay for space. She spent ~$70. Troy is going to spend ~$180. AtlantaComdecompression event after Alchemy-- one day eventall vote yesDanielle considering running it. What else? Next meeting on Saturday 7/12/2008 @ 3:00 pm.Joshua hostTroy facilitateRebecca, notes"