Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: July 2008

"July 21, 2008 BOD Meeting- Cherokee Farms, La Fayette, Ga. In person attendance- Joshua/Try Me!, Lee/Puzzle, Lovelace, Rebecca and Troy/RunAway.Not in attendance- DanielleOnline decisions made- noneFINANCIAL REPORTS238 tickets sold to date$3,681.10 in current assets$3,206.82 in fixed assets$6,887.94 in total assestsACTION ITEM: Troy will create website ready financial reports from Quicken this week and get them posted to the website.INSURANCE POLICYTroy reports:Quote recieved from GOld Coast, who is familar with burns and covered Transformus in the past.$625 in total cost for a million in coverage per incident for 1000 participantsNo coverage for voluntary labor endorsement, we are going to have an additonal quaote for covering that$5000 per fire incident, asking about fire specific riderACTION ITEM: Troy will get rider information and report to the BOD for discussion and decisionCHILDREN AT BURNSJoshua/Try Me reports:Due to specific nature of the questions and his case load, the lawyer Joshua/Try Me! has on retainer is not willing to take the caseBob Morton, the attorney from the nudist association has not returned mulitple attempts to contact.Board discusses options:Troy/RunAway does not think we need a lawyer, we know what our possible liabilites are and we need to push that back on the participants. Tell theme camps told what they are responsbile for alocohol, adult activites, nudity. Guardians are responsible for their minors.    The board agrees that this is something that we would like to help the community understand, we would like to do this, but it is cost prohibitive.We agree to formulate a statement- that we believe that children at burns is important, and that we will make sure at Alchemy that children are always welcome. Educate and make the community aware of the responsibilty in the hands of the participants.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca will contact Raspa about BMORG possibliy helping us out with bill since their lawyers are NV and CA.ACTION ITEM: Troy has a copy of the waivers of the Flipside uses. Will forward to the BOD this week.ACTION ITEM: REbecca will make a list of possible attorneys in Georgia that we can call. FOrwarded to the BOD list and each member will take 5 attorneys to call.CONCENSUS: We will earmark $500 from the budget for this attorney, no more than that. IN AND OUTsCONSENSUS: We will use pins or buttons as tokensACTION ITEM: Lee/Puzzle will research costs and options and report back to the BODEFFIGY PERIMETER LIGHTINGTroy Reports: LED is cost prohibitive- $450 for 150 ft.CONSENSUS: This would be something that we would if we can, if there is enough money we will do the LED as our "dream" solution.We want to have a full circle around the effigy.ART FUNDRAISERACTION ITEM: Troy/RunAway will forward financial information to Lee to finish the Art Fundraiser financial reportACTION ITEM: Lee to follow up with Clove on the following items: Jen's Art, Overage money.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca to put together write up.ATLANTA DECOMOTABLED: until Danielle is at meeting.Follow up with her on the list.ATLANTA WORK DAYCONSENSUS: August 9, 2008 at Puck and Kitty's, confirmed on site with Puck and Kitty11am- Inventory of phyiscal items in their garage1pm- Mandatory TL meeting3pm BOD meeting TEAM STATUSMedia Team- we need someone to really take over the website. Troy cant continue to do it because of his own work. Lamplighting- Unga Bunga will helpWe need a new team lead.VISION STATEMENT "