FAI BOD Minutes: May 2014

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC.The regular meeting of the Directors of FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC. was held at 1:30 p.m. on May 18th, 2014, at the house of BOD Member Jessica at 1680 Newton Avenue SE, Atlanta, GA 30316 by general consent of the board instead of the registered office of the corporation, pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation and by notice given to the community through all normal channels.The following Directors were present in person: David, Dusty, Jessica, Sunshine, Nugget, TareqThe following acted as secretary for the meeting: DavidThe reading of the minutes of the last meeting was waived as they were not available at the time of meeting.In notice to the community, the Board submits this record of Business taken in session by the Board since the previous meeting:

  1. Approved Events Committee pursuant to the outcome of the April meeting
    1. Vote -- approved by consensus
  2. Approved Vote to appoint the following to the Events Committee: Robert Lucas, Ash Monogue, Melissa Roberts, and Jason Sanders.
    1. Vote -- approved by consensus, 1 vote with rights, no discussion submitted
  3. Approved Communications Committee pursuant to the outcome of the April meeting
    1. Vote -- approved by consensus
  4. Approved Outreach Committee pursuant to the outcome of the April meeting
    1. Vote -- approved by consensus

The following old business was discussed

  1. Regional Status
    1. nothing has changed, more communication ongoing
  2. New Venue Committee
    1. no proposal received; will reach out to those showing interest to see if this is going to happen as a community effort or should it be an official FAI committee.
  1. Financial Update- Provided by CFO Dusty
    1. Account Totals

Org 4949Event 2017APW 195PayPal 81551 (Alchemy T1)

  1. Comm team/positions - Jessica
    1. time to do a callout for the jobs associated with these two committees
  2. Tech teams/positions - Sunshine TechOps Committee Description
    1. will write up final requirements and submit extra-session for a vote
  3. D&O Insurance - David
    1. insurance company interested, doing underwriter’s eval
  4. Internet team update- if available- Nugget
    1. no update
  5. PW Committee-
    1. Dusty to write up for votes to create in the same structure as other committees
  6. Liberty Bottles continued discussion
    1. David to call to get pricing/ timelines to see if these will work for Art Fundraiser
  7. TL/ELT staff review question
    1. Board suggests hierarchical review structure, notified Event Committee
  8. Euphoria 30-day report
    1. sent to RCs, pending feedback
  9. Proposal to authorized Tunna (Event Committee member) to have authority to spend up to $6000 (Level 1)
    1. Vote to approve via extra-session; Mind of the Board is that this authority to spend money from the Event Account with financial oversight from the Event Committee / Finance Officer is reasonable.

The following new business was brought before the Board:

  1. Art Fundraiser/Insurance
    1. David working with agent to get a quote for extra-session approval
  2. Art Fundraiser update - Event Committee
    1. Lucas/Sarah/Trevor to organize, getting venue and dates (3rd or 4th weekend of June)
  3. Past due minutes for February, March
    1. reaching out to Carissa for executive summary minutes, recognize that we may need to recreate these for expediency.
    2. Any votes on the recreated minutes will be done extra-session.
  4. Ra$pa email to the Board and Sunshine, and FAI Board response
    1. Board nominates Sunshine to be the Burning Man Liaison (not advisory position)

Vote - Passed by consensusSunshine to write response as liaison, send to EVERYONE

  1. Incendia Proposal
    1. Nugget and Tareq will get a message to Cory (proposer) -- unfortunately this is not something we can do at this time, but it really sounds cool.
  2. Budget vote
    1. online vote coming after updated doc to board.
  3. Secretary position
    1. Board assigns responsibility for agenda creation
    2. A request for hiatus email received from Carissa for personal reasons
    3. Board to thank for services, put out a new call for Secretary….
      1. Nugget moves to put out a new call / Dusty Seconded
      2. Vote - consensus
      3. Nugget to handle thank-you communication, wish her well in getting things on-track for herself, and acquiring outstanding correspondence.
  4. Vice president position
    1. Position required by Bylaws
    2. Chair suggests that CFO and Vice President role be merged
      1. Vote - consensus
    3. Board nominates Dusty to VP position
      1. Vote - consensus
  5. Invoice for next block of tickets from Thunder Tix
    1. Invoice listed Alchemy, LLC as the client
    2. Nugget will request have FAI added, not ALLC, as billing entity
    3. New invoice will be presented to the Board extra-session for vote and payment.
  6. Team Lead callouts are out, closing soon (from Events Committee)

VI. CONFIRM UPCOMING MEETINGJune 14th, 2014  1pm  // Hosted by Sunshine 6380 Dodgen Road, Mableton, GA 30126VII. ADJOURNAdjourned at 2:35pm