FAI BOD Minutes: February 2016

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC.The regular meeting of the Directors of FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC. was held at Rebecca’s home at 1:30 pm on February 14, 2016, as a scheduled meeting by general consent of the board instead of the registered office of the corporation, pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation and by notice given to the community through all normal channels.The following Directors were present: Dusty, Michelle, Rebecca, TunnaThe following Directors were absent: Anna (excused)The following Officers were present: Dusty, president; Michelle, vice-president; Aislinn, secretaryThe president called the meeting to order at 1:30 pm.Motion to approve the January 23, 2016 minutes made by Dusty. Amended to list Jacob Davis as general counsel. Seconded by consensus. Approved as amended.RECORD OF BUSINESS TAKEN IN SESSION BY BOARD SINCE LAST MEETING

  1. Board approved access to equipment (chairs, tables, etc) to Southeastern Roundtable.
  2. Sexual Consent/Harassment Committee formed: Gina Juhan, Andrew Chou-Chambers, Kisha Bertrand, Seth Williams-Welch, Evelyn Olansky, Tristan Stone, Rebecca Rea (board liaison).


  1. President’s Report - Received new debit cards.
  2. Committee Updates
  3. PW Committee - Storage move is 85% complete. A second move to consolidate remaining items will occur before June. Inventory will be completed by end of the week. An updated budget for Euphoria has been submitted.
  4. Event Committee - First tier tickets went on sale Feb. 10. Tickets sold out in 18 minutes. Up to four medics will be on site at a time. Dusty will ensure that FAI will pay for additional insurance on any rental trucks. Art online fundraiser closed. The board notes that the Event Committee members is working very well and are pleased with the collaboration of its members.Tunna moves that the following standing committees receive access to leadership tickets: Events; PWC; Outreach; and Communications receive access to leadership tickets. Michelle seconded. Passed by consensus.
  5. Communications Committee - The new Euphoria website launched! The board recognizes and appreciates the hard work of everyone involved, especially during the final sprint before the launch. The Alchemy website will be launched in March and a FAI website will be launched in May.
  6. Community Outreach Committee - Anna submitted a report in absentia, read by Michelle.
  1. Eatonton - Rebecca has compiled a list of outlets in the Eatonton area for food, supplies, and other event needs. She will vet the list to find good partners in order to guide hungry/needy hippies and turn it over to the committee.
  1. Sexual Consent/Harassment Committee - Anna submitted a report in absentia. The committee will submit a  policy recommendation by April 1.
  1. Budget – Michellea. Meeting with Jennifer Luce, tax consultant will occur on Wednesday, February 17  at noon in Clarkston. We may need to either a) back file 2014 taxes due to filing them under the assumption FAI should pursue 501c3 or b) file for 501c3.
  1. Michelle will submit an updated budget following the meeting with the tax consultant on Wednesday.
  1. Committee ChartersProposal: Look at committees we have; make sure they are meeting FAI’s needs; clearly delineate/describe committee functions. Develop template and organizational chart before March meeting. Feedback will be requested from committees during this process. This will be a major focus at the next board meeting.
  2. Event insurance - Anna submitted a report in absentia, read by Michelle. The board will review the policy Anna forwarded.
  3. 501(c)(3) Status - Discussion tabled until after meeting with tax consultant.




  1. FAI Annual Report - Michelle created a first draft on Google Drive.
  2. 2015 Event Reports - FAI will focus on a 60 day report. Michelle will present a proposed Event Report template at March board meeting.
  3. Bank Statement
  1. Org: $63,299.45
  2. Event: $95.39
  3. APW: $1,701.89
  4. Money Market: $50,013.89


  1. Safety Side - Board decided not to approve request for individual funding.
  2. Passwords housekeeping: Michelle is handling updating all passwords on financial accounts.
  3. U-haul - A tag renewal notice for the U-Haul truck was found; it is in Alchemy LLC’s name. Tunna will contact Jacob about the  title and promissory note and then arrange the transfer.

V. ACTION ITEMSDusty -  Contact Authorize.net re: ticket proceeds.Dusty - Ensure Dwayne will purchase additional insurance coverage for all rental trucks.Aislinn - Create contact list with roles/responsibilities/authorizations noted.Rebecca - Vet list of Eatonton outlets to find good retail partners. Submit it to Community Outreach.Michelle and Dusty - Meet with Jennifer Luce, tax consultant, on 2/17/16.Board - Review Rebecca’s committee charter template; clarify committee functions/processes; seek committee feedback.Board - Review insurance policy submitted by Anna.Michelle - 2015 FAI board report template.Michelle - Update passwords on financial accounts.Tunna - Contact Jacob about U-Haul truck promissory note and title. Transfer ownership to FAI.

  1. ADJOURNDusty moved to adjourn at 4:05. Passed by consensus.