FAI BOD Minutes: March 2016

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC. The regular meeting of the Directors of FLASHPOINT ARTISTS INITIATIVE, INC. was held at Rebecca’s home at 2:00 pm on March 13, 2016, as a scheduled meeting by general consent of the board instead of the registered office of the corporation, pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation and by notice given to the community through all normal channels.The following Directors were present: Dusty, Anna, Rebecca, Tunna, Michelle (via Hangout)The following Officers were present: Dusty, president; Aislinn, secretaryThe following members of the community were present: AshThe president called the meeting to order at 2:09 pm.The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting was waived as they had been presented for review online. The minutes were approved by consensus after a motion from the chair.In notice to the community, the Board submits this record of business taken in session by the Board since the previous meeting:1. Approval of a loan to the Event Committee for $10,000 to be repaid immediately after ticket sales. Passed: 4 votes yea; one abstention (Dusty).2. Approval of an accidental medical insurance policy through September 20, 2016. Passed by consensus.3. Publication of a pro tem Privacy Statement to FAI websites.4. Transfer of ticket sales income from ticket sales vendor  to FAI organization account.5. Approved the use of Leadership Ticket revenue to be used to cover ordinary budget expenses, instead of reserving exclusively for Risk.The following old business was discussed:

  1.    Committee Updatesa.    PW Committeei.   Leadership transition - The board accepted Jamie’s resignation as committee chair. The board accepted the committee’s nomination of Robert Dukes as the new chair.ii. Equipment loans to other regional burns - The board drafted a new policy for loaning FAI infrastructure to other regional burn organizations.  A signed contract will be required.iii.      Budget - The board reviewed the committee budget. Some redundant items were removed. Dusty called for a motion to approve the amended budget: approved by consensus.iv.     Second container - Tunna will arrange the move of the second container from Cherokee Farms to Lavender Farm.
  2.      Event Committeei.   Leadership transitions. Ash resigned from the committee but will continue in his role through Alchemy. A succession candidate is being trained. Seth Williams will be stepping down after Alchemy. A succession candidate is being trained.ii. Event permits - Burn permit is in process.iii.   Gate and security - Several vendors have been approached, but have been slow to respond. Vendors will be given a deadline of Friday, March 18 to finalize contracts.iv.  Effigy team - Sourced reclaimed materials from several locations. The board is pleased with these efforts and encourages more crowdsourcing.v.    Volunteer system - The new volunteer system is working well and volunteer participation has increased by 2%.vi.      Alchemy - Planning has begun. Events Committee needs the board to finalize the budget. Lead call outs, etc, will go out by the end of March.
  3.       Communications Committee - Tabled.
  4.      Community Outreach Committee - Tabled.
  5.      Sexual Consent/Harassment Committee - The committee is very excited about this work. The policy is on track to be drafted for board review by the deadline of April 1.
  6.        Budget – Michelle submitted a fourth draft. The board is tasked with finalizing the budget no later than Friday, March 18.
  7.       Committee Charters - Tabled.
  8.      General Liability insurance - Euphoria event insurance is secured.
  9.         FAI Annual Report - Tabled.
  10.        2015 Event Reports - Tabled.
  11.       501(c)(3) Status -After careful consideration and consultation with tax and legal counsel, FAI will not pursue 501c3 status. At some point in the future, FAI can establish a 501c3 nonprofit foundation to donate from event profits.

Motion: FAI will not pursue 501c3 status. FAI will continue to operate as a Georgia nonprofit but will pay Federal taxes. FAI will consider partnering with a nonprofit 501c3 foundation in the future. Rebecca calls for the vote, Anna seconds. Approved by consensus.Next steps: Refile 2014 tax return; file 2015 estimated tax by March 15, 2016.

  1.         Roads - Two quotes received to install roads at Lavender Farm. The board requires more information from one vendor before making final decision. The board pledges to make the final decision by Friday, March 18.

The following new business was discussed:

  1. Sales Tax - The board agrees to pay the sales tax out of the event account instead of the organization account.
  2. Credit Card Fees - The board agrees to pay the ticketing credit card fees out of the event account instead of the organization account.
  3. Euphoria Medical Team Selection - FAI sought competing  bids for 2016 events. FAI will sign with Event Committee's selection.
  4. Contracted Improvements at Lavender Farm - Dusty and Rebecca will meet with the landowners.
  5. BOD Meeting Schedule - Alternate summer locations will be sought.
  6. By-Laws - Tabled.
  7. PO Box - Dusty will ask Lee to arrange a new shipping PO Box.
  8. BOD on-comm - Board members do not need to be on-comm at event. Board members will give their camp addresses to Events Committee. Rebecca will be board contact for outside officials at the Euphoria.Bank Statement:Org: $68,122.88Event: $30,054.78APW: $1,701.89Money Market: $50,015.85

Action items of note:Rebecca will draft a contract for other regional burns  borrowing infrastructure from FAI. Due by March 26.Tunna will talk to Smokey about portapotty fee and moving second container. Due by April 15.Tunna will arrange move of second container from Cherokee Farm to Lavender Farm. Due by April 15.Anna will send out a scheduling poll for a weekly board Google Hangout. Due by March 17.Rebecca and Dusty will meet with the land owners by April 1.Tunna will call vendor company to get a firm contract proposal with specified work to be performed. Due by March 16.The board will make a decision by March 18 on the road vendor.Michelle will contact Jennifer Luce about refiling 2014 taxes and paying 2015 taxes.Dusty will renew the org PO Box; he will advise Lee to get a shipping PO Box through 2016.Michelle will send updated budget.The board will have a final budget approved by March 18.Rebecca will follow up with Patrick about the status of the event permits.Meeting adjourned at 6:42 pm by consensus.