Alchemy BOD Minutes: July 2013

Alchemy, LLC. - Board of DirectorsJuly 7th, 2013Location: Dusty G.'s HouseDuluth, GAMeeting begins: 2:17 PMAttendees: Trevor Register, Sarah Griffith, Dusty Graham, David Stabler. Ranger Nugget (Alexander Hodge) is joining us by Skype.BM Regional Contacts: Jim T. and Chw J.BM Org Rep: Clove TolbertCPA: Jennifer LuceCommunity Members: None in session.APPROVE AGENDA FOR JULY 7TH MEETING-MOTION: Motion made by the Chair to approve agenda as read. Motion passed by consensus.APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE MEETING-TABLED to online poll.EXECUTIVE SESSION-The Board met with the Georgia Burning Man Regional Contacts in Executive Session and discussed the regional status of Alchemy and Euphoria. The Board will update the community when more information is available.RECORD OF BUSINESS TAKEN IN SESSION BY BOARD SINCE LAST MEETING1.Create a BOD account with FreeConferenceCall.comProposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum2. Approve Participant Ejection FormProposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum3. Approve Incident Report FormProposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum4. Approve Volunteer Appreciation Funding Request guidelinesProposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum5. Approve reimbursement to Trevor for $143.42 for Joy's donation and for refreshments for the May 2013 Town Hall.Proposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum6. Approve check written out to Sarah for $3,535 to purchase 7 $500 Visa cash cards + $35 in fees for the 2013 Euphoria Event Lead Team.Proposed: SarahConsensus in Quorum7. Motion to authorize BOD Member Dusty Graham to interface with LLC Chase account owners at the Euphoria Event in order to collect signatures on checks drawn from the Alchemy, LLC Chase account to pay for invoices as presented by the EELT as included in their approved budget.Proposed: DustyMotion DiedVote: 1 Yay (David), 1 Nay (Trevor)8. Motion to Authorize Jacob Davis to sign 13 checks. Jessica Smernoff, of Euphoria Event Lead Team, will pick up these checks. She will keep the first 3 checks. The remaining 10 will be held safely by David Stabler, who will make fill them out at the request of any member of the Euphoria Event Lead team, as their needs require. The checks should be made out as follows: 1) Focus Factory, $3300 2) Smokey Caldwell, amount left blank 3) Smokey Caldwell, amount left blank 4-13) Signed only, everything else left blank.Proposed: SarahConsensus in QuorumVote: 2 Yay (Sarah, Trevor), 2 Yay with Rights (Dusty, David)9. Approve new Alchemy, LLC banking proposal.Proposed: TrevorConsensus in Quorum10. Motion to accept proposal to create Jacob Davis as retained counsel for Alchemy, LLC for one year, subject to renewal, for $3500 payable immediately.Proposed: DavidConsensus in Quorum11. Approve with conducting Special Election with two nominees.Proposed: SarahConsensus in Quorum12. Approve Alchemy Event Lead Team ticket sale proposal: 2351 tickets at $72.25 sold in three tiers and 50 scholarship tickets. Sale dates of July 3rd (783 tickets), July 16th (784 tickets), and July 31st (784 tickets).Proposed: DavidConsensus in Quorum13. Approve up to $420 as a BOD expense to rent a pavilion for the new 2013 Alchemy Art Fundraiser instead of pulling it from the Art Fundraiser fund matching pool.Proposed: TrevorVote: 3 Yay (Clove, Sarah, Trevor), 1 Nay with Rights (Dusty)MOTION: Chair motions to accept record of business taken in session by board since last meeting. Passed, with Nugget abstaining due to inactivity as a board member during this time frame.MOTION: Chair motions to revisit and approve June 2013 minutes as amended for personal privacy (Name sakes changed to titles per request of namesakes). Passed by consensus with Nugget abstaining due to absence from the June 2nd meeting.OLD BUSINESS

  • Status Update: 2012 AF 1099's

Resolved. Hard copies in possession of the LLC.

  • Status Update: Insurance - Clove & David

Alchemy:  Continue in procedure with our current Insurance brokers, they have sent a letter informing us of a name change of the company and increase of amenities: online communications, paying premiums online, printing own certificates and real time quotes.D&O:   Quotes are varied due to the components involved. Waiting on tax resolution and financial statement. More information this week, hopefully.

  • Status update: OA - Stuart

Resolved.  No need for an Operating Agreement, will be proceeding with movement to new organizational structure.

  • Status Update: Art Fundraiser – Trevor

Things are going fantastic. The addition of Clove and Dani is moving things along nicely. Online fundraiser up and running, page is beautiful and fund matching is increasing art!!!! 30 projects, total min 20K+, Total max 49K+ in requested funding! Venue chosen and reserved for the 28th. We will need to set a Porta-potty budget.a. Funds management in relation to taxes.Talk to AELT about how to handle, take out of fund matching or put as line item on budget. There was a disclaimer on the submission form about 1099s in terms of taxes owed by receiving patrons at the end of the tax year on personal filing, add in email to be sent.

  • Status Update: Euphoria - Sarah

Attended final meeting, which was great!  They seemed to be on track for both versions of the Afterburn event report. Working through financials with bookkeeper.

  • Status Update: Alchemy - David

There was a nice, big team lead meeting.  There was much brainstorming on topics like placement, vehicles, etc.  David let them know from the board’s perspective that the board will just be stepping back and watching. Merely handling financials and insurance was discussed.  There waz a meeting, waz good meeting.

  • State of the BOD

Sarah wants to write a general statement of business vs. transparency. Also a FB better assumption of intention in terms of how information is spread around and not to assume information was not released in direct resistance of transparency,. Why we haven't moderated heavily in the past. FB is not the business of the burn. If you want to see the sausage made (sausage being the Burn), come to the board meetings! Once the Communications director is fully up and running, the FB group admins will no longer be members of the board.

  • Status update:  Treasurer Position pending appointment of Treasurer- Dusty

Talked to bookkeeper about accepting position, will come back to with more information.

  • Status update:  Decompression

Board liaison, event lead call out status-update, date.- As we are not currently an official regional, we are not, as an Org, hosting a Decomp.  The RCs have expressed some interest in hosting one and we’ve offered to help in any way we can.  They will let us know what they might need from us on this.Tabled.

  • Status Update: Forums

Trevor sent Frogbird an email. Technical side done but a lot about the moderation policy. Draft of community guidelines, Initial team of three moderators call out. Communication Director to help facilitate this; Forum to be considered under Communications Team.

  • BoD Guidelines (possibly table while awaiting OA)-


  • Status Update: Important documents and infrastructure - Sarah

Tabled until Inventory.

  • BWB GA Donation:  Sarah

Tabled until documentation of Org Commitments is acquired.

  • BaseCamp Proposal: Trevor

Setting Nugget up and Carissa to hammer out Kinks and determine functionality?NEW BUSINESSDiscussion on board email thread:Polls are a call to question and results are public. Can list names of those voting, but should make an effort not to list names of community members without permission in poll publication. With regards to active team leads, we should endeavor to use whichever names they choose to go by. If they are no longer active, then must be asked again each time.

  • Alchemy Ticket Sales

Waiting on word from Patrick M. Site can't handle community's interest, so unless we slow the hit load, it won’t work. Get a drop date for switching ticket sales venue.

  • AF Funds Management/Taxes

New Paypal account? Let sit in paypal until new organizational structure.

  • Aircard/Hotspot for internet access at the events

Find a new one, if it’s needed.  David to check with AELT.

  • United Rental Outstanding Balance

ACTION: Nugget – paperwork on receipt and payment.

  • Status Update: on Year Round Budget - Dusty

Because of the way our financials were handled in previous years,  you can't actually tell what was spent between events, so Dusty is going to work with Stacia to compile our year-round expenses and project a budget for our yearly spending.

  • Appoint PW Liaison

MOTION: Trevor motions Sarah for liaison.Seconded.Passed by Consensus. 

  • Quartermaster Discussion

Best interest of Org to have PW and Quartermaster as Year round, rather than flowing through ELT's of events. Quartermaster head, with possible co-head.  We must get Inventory System put together to be able to quantify belongings for tax purposes. Inventory Manager position to help bridge contact gap, give a more stable contact to PW.MOTION: David motions to create Inventory Manager Position, and to appoint Carissa, our Secretary, into this position.Seconded.Passed by Consensus.

  • Classification of May 2013 Town Hall Venue Expense

Our Art Fundraiser was originally scheduled during May, but some re-shifting in the Org required it to be postponed.  As we already had the venue, it was decided to hold a Town Hall.MOTION from the Chair:  Reclassify the May 2013 AF to the May 2013 Town Hall and approve Org to fund expenses, instead of using AF budget.Passed by consensus.

  • Our New Non-Profit Org

MOTION: David motions to vote on contacting Stuart on creating a non-member, non-profit with initial incorporators to be provided by the current Alchemy, LLC Board and similarly structured to Alchemy, LLC with the following guidelines:

  • The initial board will be appointed by Alchemy, LLC.
  • That the fiscal year of the new org will be January 1st - December 31st.
  • The new Board of Directors members will be appointed by Alchemy, LLC's existing Board from a list of candidates pulled from the current and past attendees of events managed by Alchemy, LLC.  The Board will appoint according to the direction of the voting community.
  • Numbers and terms should be in conjunction with the existing system.

MOTION: Motion to amend current motion made by Trevor to read “Contacting Stuart on creating a non-member, non-profit with initial incorporators to be provided by the current VOTING Alchemy, LLC Board and similarly structured to Alchemy, LLC with the following guidelines: ….”Seconded by Sarah.Chair calls to vote for motion as amended.Seconded By Nugget.Passed in consensus.MOTION: David motions to open a new Bank of America account with a new EIN named for the new organization on completion of its build.Seconded.Passed by consensus. 

  • Central Document Storage

Inventory Manager to research fire safes and compile central physical document storage.Digital document storage to be stored on the Alchemy website.MOTION: David motions the board to approve the attaining of a document fire safe not to exceed $1000 dollars to be classified as an Org expense.Seconded.Passed in consensus.OTHER OUTSTANDING ITEMS / ITEMS FROM BOD / ITEMS FROM PUBLIC

  • Meet the Org Page

Ghini is working on it.  Trevor will keep us updated.

  • AAA POA for CPA

Dusty signed Power of Attorney for AAA, just to get things moving.CONFIRM UPCOMING MEETINGClove's, August 11th, 20132 or 2:30 pm.Poke with AELT's about a combined meeting.ADJOURNChair to adjourn the meeting, the meeting is adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: June 2013

Alchemy, LLC. - Board of DirectorsJune 2nd, 2013Location: Dusty G.'s HouseDuluth, GA Meeting begins: 2:12 PM Attendees: Trevor Register, Sarah Griffith, Dusty Graham, and David Stabler.Due to the resignation of Age Ginsburg, a quorum of 4 of 5 voting members are present for this session. BMorg rep: Clove Tolbert Community Members: None in session. REVIEW OF BUSINESS TAKEN IN SESSION BY BOARD SINCE LAST MEETING AS LISTED IN AGENDA- MOTION: Motion from Chair to accept record of business taken in session by board since last meeting. Passed by consensus in quorum.  1.Approve May 2013 minutes as written by Carissa?Proposed: TrevorApproved by consensus in quorum 2. Approve the purchasing of a Quickbooks Online license.Proposed: DustyApproved by consensus in quorum 3. Change the Alchemy, LLC Principal Address to 2596 Alpine Trail Marietta, Georgia 30062.Proposed: TrevorApproved by consensus in quorum 4. Accept EELT's proposal for Inventory Weekend totally $650 of coverage for food, non-alcoholic beverages and gas for up to 10 cars. Proposed: SarahApproved by consensus in quorum 5. Approve Lucas’ new Alchemy Art Fundraiser proposal.Proposed: TrevorApproved by consensus in quorum 6. Approve the transfer of $57, 599.77 from the Paypal account into the Alchemy, LLC Chase bank account.Proposed: TrevorApproved by consensus in quorum 7. Motion to purchase the insurance policy for Euphoria 2013 offered by Heffernan, via Alive Risk, a division of NAS Insurance Services, underwritten by Lloyds of London for $2,080Proposed: TrevorApproved by consensus in quorum OLD BUSINESS

  • Status Update: Taxes and CPA- Dusty-

Dusty has signed the power of attorney and submitted it to the CPA, she contacted the IRS and they returned a statement saying that no taxes have been filed under the tax ID number associated with the LLC. The IRS has never had anything filed or paid for under this EIN, LLC, or Tax ID number. The IRS is asking who the owners of the LLC were for each year (2007-2012). The same for the board members of all of these years including names and contact, once this information is provided they will determine what needs to be done for each year.ACTION: Dusty to Compile these lists of previous BOD, Owners, ect. to present to the CPA after the Board approves the next steps in the process (will not be taken straight to IRS without approval to protect previous board members.).

  • Status Update: 2012 AF 1099-

Stacia has all info and will begin working on it, expected to be finished by the end of the week.

  • Status Update: Insurance- Clove & David-

The insurance company has sent a quotation of general liability and the board has the opportunity to purchase it. Broker: Heffernan (existing relationship with Alchemy, LLC.) Underwriters being a large international. Nobody is covering Burns or fire, so the decision to go through this underwriter was based off the fact that they will cover fire, as it covers circus groups in Europe. The assumption is that the fire performers are professionals and have performing insurances of their own. At this time Heffernan does not carry a commercial circus policy and is looking to find one as we are not the first to ask. Individuals can obtain performing insurances, or fire collective insurances. Propane fire and propane fire installations will be independents. Key notice for every participant: If something goes bad, before anything else: 'how, when, where, and who' reporting to Rangers for the insurance policy. Also, aircrafts dropping into the event will not be covered. Do not drop your helicopter or fly your plane into a crowd. Sparrs balloon is covered as it is an exhibition that never lifts itself of its own power (but please do not purposefully drop that on participants either.) ACTION: David to complete and verify Euphoria insurance coverage.ACTION: David and Jacob to review insurance and update waivers to cover gaps.ACTION: David to begin and verify Alchemy insurance coverage quote.

  • Status Update: Operating Agreement, Stuart

Sarah emailed Stuart and received a quick reply, though some information may have to be provided before Stuart agrees to write the operating agreement required by most banks to open an account. There is a bank that may let the Org open an account without this OA before Euphoria to get all of the cards opened and usable for Euphoria purchases. More information upon bank inquiry.

  • Status Update: Art Fundraiser- Trevor (or ELT member if available)

A. New Plans, Current status-Trevor will be meeting with Lucas next week. Lucas has a park in mind and has been forwarded information on two participants who might be joining on as co-leads. Once the meeting is completed, can be updated further.B. Fund management in relation to taxes- To take cards at the art fundraiser the bank account must be opened and linked with the pay-pal and that takes at least a week. Same time as Alchemy ticket sales, so splitting sales and knowing what goes where is important in relation to taxes. Another issue is Paypal will take a cut in fees from the intended donation, last year these fees were covered by the Org. This year with $15k being put towards fund matching by the Alchemy AETL, unless they triple the funds raised, all $15k will most likely not be used so this could be a good source to pay the paypal fees from. After reviewing the Alchemy budget:MOTION: Trevor motions that the Org cover Paypal and card swiping fees for the 2013 Alchemy Art Fundraiser. David seconds. After discussion, the motion is withdrawn and the decision to speak with the AELT before deciding is decided.ACTION: David is to speak with the AELT on the source of the paypal and card swiping fees funds and ask what the Official Org Contribution is in their proposed budget.

  • Status Update: Euphoria- Sarah (or ELT member, if available)

Sarah attended a rangers meeting and met with two EELTs and is pleased with the new steps being taken with fire safty and ranger training as well as a quiet Thursday with sound cuts at 10pm to work with the community and keep the neighbors happier.A. Purchasing- (currently on hold for bank account)- New cards are coming for the EELTs, purchasing is going well and everything is in budget.There is a trailer in the works for purchasing as Org infrastructure as we use one for every event. Though the research wasn't done and the rental of a trailer can fit into teardowns budget. The First aid manual and whether it works with our insurance is being read over to determine the confidence in our volunteer training in relation with our insurance policy covering broken burner treatments. SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) seem fairly compatible with our insurance policies and it is important that the volunteers actually follow it. MOTION: Motion by Chair to recess for a break. None opposed. Recessed.

  • Status Update: Alchemy- David (or ELT member, if available)

A. Team lead call outs- Posting requirements of teams and the lead call outs, allowing for a person to truly understand what the job is will allow people to feel more confident stepping into place for the position. Past options, but allow total creative freedom on team leads.B. Time line on proposed budget and ticket sale dates- Still working on a final budget and add total Org contributions and AF and the Art contribution. The Board wants the AF (Art Fundraiser) to come out of the $15k set aside for Art, with approval from the AELT. And Lucas's proposal as of now is relatively inexpensive.Still organizing around Euphoria and looking at moving Euphoria to an earlier date to avoid burn ban and give six months between our burns.

  • State of the BoD statement- Sarah-

Pick up after Euphoria and find positive information about insurance and this next event. TABLED.

  • Special Election-

Sarahs Proposed Guidelines- Nominations to close 6/18, whether we have 3 or not. Election to begin Friday, 6/21.Voting to end midnight Friday, 6/28. Send out an Alchemist asking for more nominations, and then hold to proposed guidelines above to have a new member by next meeting.MOTION: Sarah motions to accept the nomination guidelines above. Trevor seconds. David- Yay with rights. Still wants a third member but is willing to accept. Passed by consensus in quorum.

  • Status Update- Treasurer Position pending appointment of Treasurer- Dusty

Dusty talked with Stacia, and this will wait until after Euphoria for final position writeup, but does the board want to define this treasurer position as the signatory and handler of the bank accounts as more than just a book keeper maintaining and recording? Giving her check writing privileges, and taking note of all receipts and keeping activities. Next discussion, do the receipts need to go directly to her or through the liaison of the board? The decision understanding is putting everything through the Board liaison.

  • Status Update- PR Proposal-Sarah-

Board has reviewed Proposal and everything listed seems fine and Clove will get the BM people on the phone to handle emergency PR at the event. Clove would need a radio for this position through the appropriate channels of the EELT. No further discussion needed.MOTION: Sarah motions to approve PR proposal as read and then to communicate the things involved to the EELT. Trevor seconds. Passed by consensus in quorum.

  • Decompression-

A. Board liaison- TABLE. Sarah offers to participate and train new board member via decompression liaison.B. Event Lead call out status update- Go out in tomorrows Alchemist.C. Date- Date will be decided by Decomp Event Lead. Proposed dates by board: First two weeks of November, possibly December.

  • BoD Guidelines (possibly table while awaiting OA)

TABLED due to lack of information needed to continue in terms of Operating Agreement and Uncertainty of bylaw provisions. NEW BUSINESS

  • ELT Incident Report Form -Trevor-

Trevor says all is in order, minus one piece of information for: property damage and the addresses of involved participants for the insurance. Will just take a little reworking.ACTION: Trevor to update Incident report form draft by Tuesday June,4th to have on-site for build weekend for Euphoria.MOTION: David motions to accept as written, with adjustments if needed for insurance. Sarah seconds. Passed by consensus in quorum.

  • Banking alternatives – Trevor and David-

Suggestion towards socks filled with cash under mattresses? Trevor recommends Bank of America because of their employee debit cards with limited access and daily spending limits that can be set by the account holder easily; also people with employee debit cards can not view balances on the accounts (no unrestricted access). There is a view-only login so the entire board has access to seeing what is being purchased without opening access to everyone. Regions has the same thing but there are only three limits to set ($1,500, $3k, $5k) as a daily spending limit and no way to change them. Bank of America is also everywhere. Structure Trevor suggests includes four accounts, a revenue/ BoD expenditure account, a Alchemy Expenditure account, a Euphoria expenditure account, and an Art Fundraiser/ Decompression expenditure account. Treasurer will be a signer on all accounts, one BoD member will be a signer on Revenue/ BoD Expenditure account. One member of each event lead team will be a signer on their expenditure account. Bank of America change over is simple as long as all the signers are available to do the switch and then the ELT signer has access to all of their funds at will. But there is an additional layer of security due to the treasurer being a signer as well. Other options include Wells Fargo, Regions, Northwest Georgia Bank of Lafayette. Merchant processing will not get hammered out this year, and will be continued with PayPal.Proposal: Banking alternatives

  • Paypal alternatives- Trevor-

Merchant processing is a big part of this, the only other Paypal like alternative does not do merchant services. Trevor suggests to stick with Paypal as we know the system. Ask advice from Patrick M., the computer guy!

  • Important documents and infrastructure- Sarah-

Sarah has 2012 Alchemy waivers, infrastructure at Brainweasel, etc... there are important and legal documents spread out in peoples homes and getting lost or damaged. After Euphoria it is suggested that the Board get with Public Works or create a move team to move it to the storage unit before more of it gets damaged. Also, suggested to purchase a filing cabinet and decide where all of this lives. Clove is released from session due to personal scheduling at 4:55pm. As a non-voting member, the Board still maintains a quorum of 4 of 5 of the voting members.

  • Gotomeeting and Other Similar services- Trevor-

Option have been laid out and there does not seem to be a need for any of the paid services so the decision seems to be to go with This service would get us a dedicated dial-in number. The one disadvantage is it is not a toll free number so any long-distance charges would be charged directly to our personal phone bills. Next best option would be AT&T connect as it is on a per participant, per minute charge. Right now, the free option seems best and Trevor will set this up for the Alchemy Burn.ACTION: Trevor set up account for the board. Forward this resource info to the AELT.Proposal: Gotomeeting and other similar services

  • Volunteer Appreciation Funding Request- Trevor (V.A.F.R.)

To start, it is clarified that 'VAFR' is not a real word... it is an acronym. It outlines guidelines of events and costs that the Board is likely to accept under the VAFR. ELT's, Volunteer's on extended workday's, etc. May request funding for travel costs and the like when volunteering for the Org's work. Requests must come in no less than 14 days before the event and at that time will be reviewed for prior disbursement. If it is received with less than 14 days to the event it may still be reviewed and if approved, the event may be reimbursed. Nothing is exhausting or limiting with-in these decisions. Some events may still come out of the event budget rather than the VAFR which is tied to the Org budget. Guidelines to be drawn up with clearer wording, mostly to educate that the Board is open to proposals like this. Proposal: Volunteer Appreciation Funding Request.MOTION: Trevor motions to accept VAFR proposal as written. Dusty seconds with the understanding that these guidelines can be amended as needed for appropriate-ness. Sarah seconds amended motion. Passed by consensus in quorum.

  • BWB GA Donation- Sarah-

Waiting for final numbers on Org commitments, but with much smaller events helping out Burners without Borders, there has been community push to donate as well. Discussion about fully funding Decompression and using tickets for a BWB GA donation. Board agrees in principle that we would like to make a donation.

  • Basecamp Proposal- Trevor-

There is interest, but there has been little use on it thus far. Also, how well it intergrates with android and other smartphones. TABLE. Ideal is to not have to go through all emails, and not have to go through agenda, through minutes or action items.

  • AF Reimbursement- Trevor-

Drinks for AF that turned into Townhall, $43.42 with receipt to be scanned in for records to Trevor. Also, $100 to Pain and Joy Cooking as a donation for food for the Town-hall, that was paid with a personal check of Trevors. Both already accepted in budget by board. Should if be paid by paypal or by check from the LLC. Both were approved prior to payment and reimbursement will be voted upon at time of reimbursement through check.

  • Additional Insurance expedition- David-

In old business the BoD approved $2080 for insurance, there is a $35 dollar charge for using the credit card.MOTION: Trevor motions to allow david to use the credit card to purchase insurance with the $35 dollar surcharge. Sarah seconds. Passed by consensus in quorum. V. CONFIRM UPCOMING MEETINGJuly 7th, 2013Dusty's house in Duluth, GA.2pm VI. ADJOURNMOTION: Motion to adjourn made by chair. Passed by consensus. Adjourned at ****???****

Alchemy BOD Minutes: April 2013

Alchemy, LLC. - Board of DirectorsApril 14th, 2013Location: Sarah's HouseMarietta, GeorgiaMeeting begins: 4:06 PMAttendees: Trevor Register, Sarah Griffith, David Stabler, Jacob Davis and Age Ginsburg.Rcs: Clove TolbertCommunity Members: Patrick Murphy, Dan Gilbert,Alchemy ELT: Rebecca ReaEuphoria ELTs:  Katie Work, Jill Mongato, Tareq Fayyad.

  • Review of business taken in session by Board since last meeting as listed in Agenda-

Motion: Sarah motions to accept record of review of business taken in session as reviewed asread. Passed by consensus. Record of Business Taken in session by Board since last meeting:

  • Amend the 1099 issued to Ky Lee for 2012 to be some portion of his art funding, and issue a

second 1099 for another artist on the project for the remainder, assuming a signed affidavit fromboth artists is received requesting this change and confirming that this split more accuratelyreflects the true distribution of the funds?Proposed: AgeVote: consensus

  • Approve the 2013 Alchemy Art Fundraiser Budget.

Proposed: TrevorVote: consensus

  • Approve March 2013 Minutes as presented by Carissa.

Proposed: TrevorVote: consensus

  • Loan the air siren to Justin Majors for use at F.L.A.M.E. Festival.

Proposed by: TrevorVote: consensus

  • Approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the BOD and the Alchemy 2013 Event

Lead, Rebecca.Proposed by: JacobVote: consensus

  • Approve to honor people whose Euphoria 2013 ticket sales that may not have gone through our

ticketing system but who’s payments we received pending appropriate proof of sale in ourPaypal history.Proposed by: AgeVote: consensus

  • Disscussion to decide to modify and approve ticket cap to match tickets sold and money collected due to error in payment system.

Exception to Normal Order: New Business Presented by the Event Lead Teams:

  • Alchemy Event Team Lead- Rebecca-

On Team Lead selections, Rebecca speaks with announcing her formal resignation as the head of the Alchemy Event Lead Team (AELT). After reading her letter addressed to Alchemy, LLC Board of Directors, Alchemy Community, friends and family aloud; the BoD begrudgingly accepts the resignation. Rebecca thanks the board and excuses herself from the meeting.Motion: Motion to accept the resignation of Rebecca Rea as AELT proposed by Trevor.Seconded by David. Passed by consensus after a moment of thought.The Board would like to Thank Rebecca for her many years of Service, and dedication to the community. After a short recess, the Board begins to brain storm possibilities on the direction of the event in light of the resignation of the Event Team lead. The first list of options include postponing event for the year, a smaller event to increase possibility of finding a qualified AELT who can handle logistics and safety as well as infrastructure, Board direct management, or a regional coordinator to bring in a mentor or surrogate lead. The board believes the entire event should be lead by a community member even with the help of a team or mentor from region with their primary qualifications in equipment procurement and logistics. The main issue is finding people with interest, qualifications, and time through communications push and solicitation. A list was made of possible contacts.Action: Trevor to contact Mike G. about communications push in finding new AELT.Action: Reach out to individuals and appoint interm point person.Action: Contact Rebecca and ask for a list of team leads.Motion: At this time Sarah Motions to open the floor for discussion as community members available would like a recap of information, clarifications on event status, and to put forth information from personal standpoints. Passed by Consensus.During discussion, a key point was discussed about the BoD stepping up to handle event. The general consensus indicated that this is not possible as most members are committing a huge amount time to the board and personal workload would be too massive. Also the board is moving towards the Board allowing for the creative and business aspects of the festival to remain separate allowing an efficient focus on the two parts to work in tandem. This allows the business to be run in a professional manner without interrupting the creative process.  The community members speak on concerns of vocalizing to the community on behalf of the Event lead position the business clarifications, associated risks, the freedom of creative control and control of size/ability to handle, and why a person would want to take this position.Action: Trevor Write up application information and questions for the potential applicants including bullet points sent to Trevor based upon conversation.Motion: Jacob moves to close discussion on this topic. Sarah seconds. Passed by consensus.Motion: Jacob motions: 1. Board to use official and unofficial communication channels to announce the resignation of Rebecca Rea as Alchemy Event Team Lead. 2. To also use the same method to new call out for an Alchemy Event Lead Team with submissions due April 28th, 2013 at noon. 3. That the aforesaid announcement also state: 'If no qualified applicants exist as of the cutoff deadline, The board does not anticipate that there will be an Alchemy Burn event in the established fashion for 2013.' 4. That the board via email over the next 24 hours, based on discussion that happened here today, will create list of application questions either to go out with the announcement or with in 24 hours there of. 5. The Board reserves the right to amend this determination at a later date, with or without notice. Trevor seconds. Passed by consensus.Motion Amendment: Sarah to move deadline from April 28th, 2013 at noon to April 28th, 2013 at midnight. Age seconds amendment. Passed in consensus.Motion:Age Motions to indefinitely postpone on site Alchemy Art fundraiser and intend a town-hall meeting at same time and location. Allow and launch online Art Fundraiser at time of confirmation of Alchemy and the Alchemy Event Lead Team. Jacob seconds. Passed by consensus.Action: Announce the town hall meeting and combined after event by April 27th, 2013. The secretary would like to add in personal summary and opinion of observing this discussion addressed to the community:The overall process has left the Board thinking the community has an obligation to step up, Alchemy was founded on a purely volunteer basis and while it is experiencing growing pains like most events will, at this time finding an event lead with a vision and direction is the top priority. Without this lead, the event simply does not have the backbone to happen this year. Scaling down the event could eliminate many of the complications, and allow for Alchemy to happen. Based on the chosen team lead, the specs of alchemy will be adjusted to fit the wishes of the AELT, whether it be a team, or a lead with support team. This festival is allowed change and growth, even if the growth is in new directions rather than increase in size. End secretarial opinion and summary. Motion: Jacob Motions to retroactively approve communication and deviation for new business pending resignation. Trevor seconds. Passed by consensus.

  • Euphoria Event Lead Team- Jill

Jill speaks on the budget update and purchasing. After multiple tries to contact Tunna for inventory day with little feedback the EELT may go forward on inventory without Tunna pending the acquisition of the pass code. There will be no infrastructure purchases in connection with Tranquility Base and quotes are available for golf carts, radios, etc. holding for a solid number and will start asap with total to be provided. The Board communicates purchasing is available, and Effigy and Temple teams are wanting to purchase and begin building now. Board wishes EELT to have management control and will consider top amount needed with trust that the EELT will use responsibly. Volunteer schedule is in motion, total operating quote including 10 percent risk proficiency and not including Paypal fees and sales tax is given.TL's budget is stable. $54,756- 15,000 org. contribution.= $39,756Motion: Age Motions to board to approve EELT budget of $39,756 that includes the 10 percent proficiency risk. Seconded by Sarah. Passed by consensus. Old Business:

  • Status update: Taxes and CPA – Age

Financial Status:Chase Account: $48,589Paypal: $51,141.21Total Cash: $99,730.21 Outstanding from prior years:Unknown Tax liability from 2011 - Estimated $1500 +/- penaltiesOutstanding Sales Tax from 2012 - Estimated $17,000Outstanding Income Tax for 2012 - Estimated $10,000 (incl state) Requests for Transcripts:Jacob and I have completed the forms requried (Form 4506-T) for the tax years 2008 - 11.Jacob will be faxing the completed document in the morning. Turn around time varies for thevarious reports requested from 10 days to 30 days, with no turn around times guaranteed by theIRS. No movement on Power of Attorney document for CPA. Also not needed at this point sincewe've moved forward on the 4506-T's without her. Extensions for 2012 taxes were filed by CPA last month. Motion: Jacob motions to deviate from Normal Order to allow himself to leave early. David seconds.Passed by consensus.

  • Status update- Stewart- Jacob-

Stewart has not given a final say, though putting a deadline on him could expedite this process,

  • Staus update insurance- Clove, Jacob and David-

On the way, David is beginning to take over the process as liaison. Jacob would like to continueadvising after resignation but thinks a write up for what could be considered probono work andwhat kind of advisement would require a paid advisement.Action Item: Jacob: A write up of services to be offered probono/paid if available.

  • New Business: Formalize Jacob’s resignation and effective date.

Motion: Jacob motions to tender his resignation at 11:59pm on April 29th, 2013. Sarah seconds.Jacob abstains, David abstains. Passed by remaining voting members.Jacob will release a statement on Facebook, and remain in direct connection as well as continueadvisement with a new role as Board Consultant. It is to be clear that there are no ulteriormotives, but just an unavailability to serve on the board due to unforeseen work obligations.

  • Fiscal year slide to December 31st, 2012- 

Motion: Age moves to change the Fiscal year of the LLC back to December 31st, 2012 as theend of the financial year for ease of accounting. Jacob seconds. Passed by consensus.Taxes to be filed 6 months from extension file date: March 15th, 2012.

  • Insurance coverage under D&O, assigning new Account Ownership-

ELT's being promoted to directors in not possible in the bylaws so the D&O insurance will notcover ELT. GCL can be additionally insured for individuals with limited insurance and hope toenhance insurance in the future. As far as a Member manager for bank, no members in the LLC.Manager manager not allowed according to bylaws. The board can appoint Registered Agent(RA). The RA can add owners to account. Jacob excuses himself from the rest of the meeting, does not abstain and is listed as a nonmemberof Board at this time. Motion: To excuse Jacob. Trevor seconds, passed. Still in quorumwith 4 of the 5 voting members still sitting.

  • Status update-2012 AF 1099 -

Pending sales and income for 2012. Age also mentions that $38,000 in uncatagorized chargeson the non-profit account need to be put through for a flow of charges. All accounts areaccounted for and correct.ACTION: Age to work filing uncategorized charges, as per duties to close out 2012.

  • Specific Insurances-

Looking at event specific insurance with a broader coverage than basic insurance. This eventcoverage would protect more than the average umbrella GCL in terms that it will not change theactual coverage of the event very much but will protect against, for example: Build weekendsprior to being on site. Cost is being investigated, if costs are negligible then it is recommendedstaying with the umbrella policy. Because of the uncertainty of the exact specifications ofAlchemy at this time, going forward with Euphoria Event specific insurance seems like the bestoption.As of now, AF is suspended and the space deposit will be a sunk cost if not utilized. Buildingholds space specific insurances, and using the space to host a Town-hall at 4pm and communitygathering afterwards (8-2?) to raise community goodwill. Also allow community members todonate to any art projects directly, and not through Alchemy, LLC. Also, give booked artists thechoice to play for the Community and/or choose to play at the AF for when/if it is rescheduled.Action: David and Clove-Investigation pending on Town-Hall additional insurances.Action: Trevor communicate AF decision and book a few entertainments/unbook/allow stagespace for community at event, coordinate with Mike G. to release statement on Town-halltonight, April 14th.Action: David Moved to investigate a free entry community event and authorize board to insureand speak with AFET and post Town-hall and community gathering. No official movement, noofficial vote.

  • Alchemy - Ticket prices, cap, and sale details-

Motion: Age motions to table. Sarah seconds. Passed under quorum. TABLED.

  • In-town storage - EELT and AFELT attempting to coordinate with Tunna-

Motion: Because of the EELTs trying to contact Tunna with little reply, Sarah motions toprovide the combinations and passwords to storage facilities to the lead teams. Trevor seconds.Passed under quorum.Action: All: Contact Tunna and relay the importance of communication in order to allowsmooth transitioning for event leads.Possible Public works to have access, to be discussed at a later time.

  • Status update: Art Fundraiser funds management as related to tax/CPA – Age-

Age says the account is currently tied to the non-profit account. To not use this account wecreate a new account on the LLCs account for Paypal and tether to a mobile device.Action: All: decide which mobile device to tether the Paypal account/LLC. account to.Age informs us that Paypal has their own solution for doing mobile card reading. We need todetermine whose mobile device will be used (must be iPhone or Android). The reader is free,though it's unclear if there is an additional charge per authorization (no indication their is, butno statement that there isn't). Once we know whose phone will be used, someone will need tosit down with them, have them download the software and set it up on their phone, which willtrigger the card reader order. The second Paypal accout (used for the AF last year) is linked tothe AAA, Inc TIN, and changing the business name and other pertinent info with Paypal isdifficult, so I recommend we close it and creat a new one linked to the LLC. I do notrecommend using the primary Paypal account, both because it is a security risk to link it tosomeone's mobile phone, and because it is better practice to not comingle funds.

  • Art Fundraiser – Trevor-

Motion: Trevor motions to table AF information, including the following topics. Age seconds.Passed under quorum. TABLED.

  • Alchemy ticket raffle
  • Fund matching amount
  • Purchasing
  • Insurance
  • Fund distribution
  • Paypal fees (do we cover?)


  • Status update: Communications – Trevor

Meet the BOD page - Info required from BOD by Mike Ghini is presented for bios.Action: Trevor to create Google Doc to facilitate for the BoD.Alchemist - uploading old versions, allow Mike Ghini to now publish without BOD approval.Board agrees uploading old versions is fine, and general consensus on allowing Mike G. topublish without approval. No formal motion made.Action:Trevor to email Mike G. and come up with a formalized process to allow for Mike G.(Communications Director) to publish Alchemist without BoD approval.

  • Status update: Website forums – Trevor

Motion: Trevor motions to table this discussion to online. Passed in quorum.

  • State of the BOD statement – Age-

Age tables due to timing. Sarah seconds. Passed by quorum. TABLED.

  • Lamplighter Fundraising – Age-

The question is, will Alchemy, LLC fund the fundraiser for Lamplighters? Technically the boardis not offering funds, but the opportunity to reach out to the broader community and raise funds.If this is done for lamplighters, and it be available for other teams as well, then what is the limitand capacity on funds for individual fundraisers? Will be discussed. As clarified, time isdonated, all new lamps created become property of the Alchemy, LLC. infrastructure and thefunds placed forth and collected cover the purchasing of equipment used to create tangibleproduct. Though because the product becomes Alchemy, LLC. Property, that could be thedefining line as to what teams are allowed Alchemy funded individual fundraising. Boardsuggests indiegogo for fund raising. Offer to fund for fundraiser for only for Euphoria's lamps atthis time, with Alchemy’s portion to be released as a second tier fundraiser. Maybe “buy alantern” and post donors names on a lantern some where in the festival grounds. If indiegog isused, raised funds would funnel into Alchemy’s Paypal account and be dispersed as afundraising event. Agree to facilitate the purchase so as not to create 1099s for income on teamleads and to allow for business wholesale on project materials.Motion: Age motions Alchemy, LLC. Handle all financial aspects of the Lamplightersindividual fundraiser and team purchases of goods from the funds should lamplighters choose toindividually fund raise. David seconds. Passed in quorum.Motion: For Sarah, Age motions this type of fundraising be available for all other team leads.Trevor seconds. Passed in quorum with the caveat that property created and raised from thosefundraisers become the property of Alchemy, LLC.   New Business:

  • Appoint new Board Liaison for Alchemy 2013-

Motion: Trevor motions to appoint David as Board Liaison for Alchemy 2013. Age seconds.David abstains. Passed by quorum.

  • Appoint Liaison for Internet Team-

Motion: Sarah motions to officially appoint Trevor as Liaison for the Communications andInternet team based on his unofficial point position with both. Age seconds. Passed by quorum.

  • Appoint a Member Manager -

As discussed earlier, this is not able to be done, as the LLC. Contains no members.

  • Discuss/appoint new Registered Agent-

Motion: David as registered agent, as proposed by Age. Clove seconds. Passed by quorum.

  • Moving forward on the bank account - Assign new owner

Has been handled prior in meeting.Action: Jacob and Age to Chase in the coming week to execute.

  • New org structure proposal – Age-

Age motions to table new organization structure due to timing. Seconded by Clove. Passed inquorum. TABLED. Discussion on possibilities, with no motion items needed.

  • 12 Lamp Lighter Robes loaned to Serendipity - Age-

Borrowed Robes, Age needs Approval. Age suggests Euphoria robes are lighter for hot weather.Action: Age to contact appropriate ELT for approval, and coordinate with Lamplighter Teamsto get robes to Serendipity and back.

  • Board approves in Discussion.

Confirm Upcoming Meetings:

  • Closed Executive Session on April 29th, 2013. To choose Alchemy Event Lead Team from applicants or decide further action in person.
  • Next Community Meeting

Sunday May 5th, 2013Clove T.'s Home at 2 pm.4041 Crossings wayStone Mountain, Ga 30083 Motion: Clove motions to amend Agenda item VII “VII. ADJOURN” to include the addition of agendaitem “ITEMS TABLED UNTIL THE MAY 5TH, 2013 MEETING:”. Trevor seconds. Passed byQuorum. Action: Trevor and Internet team to setup nomination situation. Questions to be discussed andcompiled. Motion: Clove motions to adjourn. Sarah seconds. Passed by consensus in quorum.Meeting adjourns at 8:40pm. Tabled Items:Items tabled until the May 5th, 2013 meeting:

  • Alchemy scholarship tickets program proposal (pending resolving insurance)- Jacob
  • PR Proposal - Sarah (to be presented online between meetings)
  • Paypal alternatives
  • Research Gotomeeting
  • Budgetary Form
  • ELT Guidelines
  • BoD Guidelines
  • Decomp ELT Search
  • Alchemy - Ticket prices, cap, and sale details
    • Status update: Art Fundraiser funds management as related to tax/CPA – Age
  • Art Fundraiser - Trevor
    • Alchemy ticket raffle
    • Fund matching amount
    • Purchasing
    • Insurance
    • Fund distribution
    • Paypal fees (do we cover?)
    • Paypal card swiper
  • Status update: Website forums – Trevor
  • State of the BOD statement – Age
  • New org structure proposal - Age

Alchemy BOD Minutes: March 2013

Alchemy, LLC.- Board of DirectorsMarch 10th , 2013Location: David's HouseMarrietta, GeorgiaMeeting begins: 4:22 PMAttendees: Trevor Register, Sarah Griffith, David Stabler, (Jacob Davis and Age Ginsburg to call in via phone)RCs: Clove TolbertCommunity Members: Patrick Murphy, Pleasant JamesException to normal order:• Jacob is not yet in attendance, In attendance 5 of 6 members including 4 of the 5 voting members. This constitutes a Quorum, under section G of BoD bylaws that allows the beginning business under section one.Jacob joins board via phone call, Now all Members in attendance.• Review of business taken in session by Board since last meeting as listed in Agenda-Motion: Clove motions to accept record of review of business taken in session as reviewed as read.Seconded by Trevor. Passed by consensus.Record of Business Taken in session by Board since last meeting:Approval of Description of position of Director of CommunicationsProposed - TrevorVote - ConsensusAgreement In Principle to set the date to determine the Alchemy ELTs to 3/1Carried BusinessVote - ConsensusApproval of the February 2013 MinutesProposed - DavidVote - ConsensusApproval to sign the Studioplexx 47 Rental Agreement as amended, and the Studioplex 47Liability clauseProposed - TrevorVote - Consensus.Approve changes to the EELT: Accept Eric Wilson's resignation, confirm Katie Work andJessica Smernoff as full EELT members at the request of the EELTProposed - Sarah (at EELT request)Vote - Majority with discussion (as a majority had approved, no second vote was called)Agreement in Principle to approve Rebecca Rea as the Alchemy ELT after completion of a Memorandum of Understanding concerning business practiceProposed - JacobVote - ConsensusAgreement in Principle to allow auditory recordings of Board Meetings by the Secretary on a temporary basis to facilitate creation of required records.Proposed - Sarah (at Carissa's request)Vote - ConsensusAgreement in Principle to establish the BoD Schedule for 2013May 5thJune 2ndJuly 7thAugust 11thSeptember 8thOctober 6thNovember 10thDecember 8thProposed - By BoardVote - ConsensusApproval of Description of position of Secretary to the Board of DirectorsProposed - David (with Trevor’s help)Vote - ConsensusApproval to change Board Liason (BL) for Alchemy to be JacobProposed - By BoardVote - ConsensusApproval of verbiage to provide initial transparency to the decisions on Euphoria ticket pricing, and to indicate future financial transparency reportsProposed - JacobVote - ConsensusOld Business:• Motion: David Motions to Table Old Business to discuss New Business in light of communitymembers with time constraints to be reviewed at completion of New Business. Trevor seconds-Passed by consensus.New Business:• Internet team:Ticketing Environment, test results, plan for deploymentPatrick Murphy speaks: New ticketing site is done, up, and running. Waiting on EETL to present design for tickets. Barcodes are created and waiting to be assigned to tickets, Also finding the way to process online payments. Site to be used and a merchant account. Upon testing of site, in case of overload, Thunder Tix account is alive. With 2 hour setup and payment cleared Thunder Tix would be available. In the long run, buying the capacity to build a ticketing system that meets our needs- Saves money and allows Alchemy, LLC. The ability to control capacity.Board discusses load testing through community involvement off Facebook to link people totesting. Trevor is to provide the statement to allow this testing and based on results of websiteusage, make final decision on the reliability of website as to use of Thunder Tix or ticketing site.Action Item: EETL to produce ticket design to internet team.Action Item: Age to provide information and create account details for merchant services.Create account as Alchemy, LLC. and talk with Chase bank on how to interface, merchant services, fees, etc. by Tuesday, March 12th. Otherwise Board to have ticketing systems set up with Thunder Tix by that Friday for Euphoria ticket release.Action Item: Trevor to write statement to do FB testing for ticketing system.• Internet team:Issues with alchemist distributionPeople have not been receiving the Alchemist Emails, question of lost email addresses:Patrick speaks: No emails lost, Google is deleting Alchemist as spam due to new IP addresswith no sending history that is now passing 5,000+ emails. Using an email holding an alchemistPDF even further reduces deliverability. There is a possibility of going through Patricks place ofwork to send Alchemist.Posting Alchemist on website to allow viewing for those who did not receive issues, alsoencourage community to click “This is not Spam” to correct the issue on spam diferal, and addThe Alchemist to contacts in email.Action: Mike G. to post on website to increase viewability. Volume 7, Issues 1-4 posted onwebsite.• Status Report on Art fundraiser:How to Handle accepting cards for the AFAction: Age to take list of options to CPA to find least tax problematic and efficient option.Jacob proposes efficiency as allowing funds to enter paypal and be removed from paypalwithout ever touching Alchemy's bank accounts due to the fact that the money will be turneddirectly over to the artists rather than being considered part of Alchemy's account. Paypal assetaccount would charge 5-6% of any donation by card. Last year fees were written into AFbudget, must figure out the action by which to handle this fee, proposed to be same as last year.Regarding the handling of cash received at fundraiser, cash to be put on a single money card tobe used to distribute to artists.Motion: Trevor proposes we use paypal to handle any card transactions for the AF, both at theevent and online. Cash to be handled by collecting and purchasing a single money card ratherthan distributing any cash the night of the event. Agreed upon by consensus.• Status report: Insurance and Organization, Legal Postion, Insurance on DNO is an ongoing process that must be continually supplemented and amended.CPA is forming the financial situation, tax transcripts, updated legal status on entity and thenmoving forward from reports. Tax transcripts show where the ownership lies, in Trevorspersonal taxes filed vs. entity filed.• GotoMeeting as an ongoing tool for Remote Meeting - Need more information to persue, agree to persue as a board, discuss via email.• Status Report: AlchemyAction: Email has been sent, Jacob to take a draft and create a more formal version.At 5:35 pm, Jacob leaves deliberation due to obligations. Quorum is met with remaining members.• Status Report: Financial position Age provides status, CPA has been walked through information, plan has been mapped and nothing has proved too surprising.Action: Age to write up a plan for approval.Action list for CPA: Power of CPA/ AttorneyPaperwork for all prior yearsTax transcriptsFile tax extension (6 Months) to file taxes properlyClose out accounting for non-profit and LLC. to move back to finalizeBack taxes on tickets from prior years (sales tax)-(possibility already paid due to transparency containing line item for GA state. May be state or sales tax but unknown)All of this to be an April or May Meeting discussion- 2011 and prior first.• Lamplighter ProposalPleasant James speaks on proposal: New lamp pole designs, 2 prototypes in the works and testing for durability and safety is underway. Board wishes to discuss how much of a teams assets belong to the team and how much belongsevent, LLC, or non-profit?Trevor proposes poles belong to entity/split by attendance based prorating on how funds areprovided to the team as Euphoria and Alchemy both use them. Clove agrees.The equipment listed in the proposal may not be needed all at once, Could incremental purchasebe an option? James states that uniformity would lead the need to be necessary though boardentertains idea of allowing certain pieces being built at a time. A possible 2 year budget isconstructed through all events starting with Effigy, then hill, lines A and B and finally all lampposts.Age questions whether a team with guaranteed funding should be allowed to compete withartists at Art Fundraiser. Discussion proves that another 3rd party fundraiser is fine butLamplighters is infrastructure and not art.James asks if the lamplighters are deserving of teams? It is artistic to the landscaping and theChapel is different every year as the Lamplighters could propose Chapel as Art and Poles asteam. Board replies as BM lamplighter are funded by the Organization. Everything isinfrastructure and still a working camp group. Lamplighters should be funded as an org event,and completed over multiple events. Age believes the payment is possibly available and oncethe Euphoria budget is covered, then a decision can be made. Lamplighters is encouraged to use Indiegogo for third party fund raising. By listing Lamplighters as a team, Alchemy avoids 1099 and tax Team Lead.Discussed that Third party fund raising would be considered responsibility of Team lead, items added into Alchemy inventory through these individual funds must be done through agreed donation from team lead, or remain the private property of team lead.Motion: Board Motioned that only non-funded teams in Art Fundraiser, independent and clear ofpublic works. Jacob seconds, Consensus by voting quorum that lamplighters are not allowed oreligible for participation in Art Fundraiser at this time.James decides to receive true budget once decided, and continue from there with a revised plan.• Status Report for Euphoria:Has been released, no new updates.• Motion: Jacob Motioned to be taken as read. Sarah seconds. Passed in agreement by quorum.Old Business:Resume as tabled.• Discussion of by-laws amendment processPower of Attorney must legalized and it is not possible at this time. All information must be setin place and legal attorney advises there is no right to be able to amend entity bylaws for BoD.Motion: Jacob proposed disscussion TABLED until legal. Board agrees in quorum.• Determination of Org Contributions by eventEuphoria 15,000Alchemy 70,000Decompression- Unknown and to be determined upon ETL selection.Age speaks on Alchemy ticket prices as proposed by Rebecca:Ticket prices proposed at $56, Cap at 3,500= $196,000- $13,000 sales tax = 183,000 net.95,000 operating cost, 90,000 to organization. Purpose would be to cover org contribution forEuphoria this year.Trevor sees this as short term and hope Euphoria sees the need to begin the payment of $15,000 org con. No tax burden and tickets will stay same or drop and the community will be happy.Euphoria has not yet contributed due to not being asked and it is time for everyone to startpaying their own and any extra money will go to good causes. Maybe fund matching, etc.Overhead costs are set and in comparison, with more people that pay, Alchemy could eventuallycost less than Euphoria.• ELT Guideline updates:Additional Requests to burn events ELTs, request and review plan for Teardown and back up-[Note: Euphoria has done this via TL required for teardown and requiring TL to designateanother member from each team to remain for teardown.]Discussion results in preservation of 10% of team budget given reflected in team budget usageas a safety net for unforeseen expenses.In case of preserve being used, and more expenses arise, TL can make personal decisions of up to a second 10% amount of the operating budget. If the amount needed exceeds second 10%, a voting of the board up to quorum must meet and make final decision.This is an advisory, TABLED to later business.Discussion of Board meeting before event, and immediate discussion, or an immediate meeting prior to decide static amount by event.Motion: Motion to TABLE to discuss by email, passed by consensus.Expectation for Final Budget-75 Days prior for Preliminary Budget to Board. Final budget to be 60 days prior for ELTs.Budget expectation so purchasing for ETLs can begin 60 days prior to event.At 6:51pm we lost Age and quorum. All Business following TABLED to online discussion.• Draft of 2-year plan for Alchemy, LLC.Jacob is working on two year plan.Action: Jacob to produce two year plan to board when ready.• Set Deadline for application and selection for Decompression ELTSMotion: Clove motions to TABLE question until next meeting because of informationfollowing, Agreed.Clove has been approached about Burners without Boarders Georgia taking overDecompression under the head of the Rcs. TABLED for discussion until next meeting.As an organization, leaving Decompression to another group would mean one less event toorganize, which is considered a good thing by the BoD.• Meet the BoD page on the Alchemy Website and updating the history pageTabled to Online discussion.Action: Mike G.s ideas on all information to be included for uniformity.• Cordinate with Frogbird regarding forumsContact via email, TABLED to email.• Final disposition of outstanding 1099sOpen disscusion online. TABLED to email.• Status of Regional Status ApplicationClove to open email discussion. TABLED to Old Business.Confirm upcoming meeting:• Sarah Motions to change upcoming meeting to her house listed as:April 14th, 2013Sarah's House3210 Ethan Dr.Marietta, Ga 30062Motion: Motion to adjourn by Jacob, Sarah seconds. Not in quorum and Chairhead fiats to ceasediscussion.Meeting Adjourns at 7:01 pm.

Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: February 2013

ALCHEMY, LLC BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING MINUTESFEBRUARY 17, 2013Meeting Location: Jacob’s House669 Michael CircleMonroe, Georgia 30655Meeting Time: 3:30 p.m. (Delayed to allow David to arrive, original start time 3:00)I.                   Attendance: Age, Clove, Sarah, Jacob, Trevor, DavidGuests: Stacia Farabee (Bookkeeper), Carissa Ehrenfried (Secretary), Chw Joiner (GA RC), Jennifer Edge, Katie Work (EELT Staff) A.    Attendance is confirmed as a quorumB.     The Agenda was modified to include two notations of previous workC.     Introduction of Clove Tolbert as BM appointee to Board of DirectorsII.                NOTATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN AND APPROVED BY BOARD SINCE LAST MEETING BY ACTION IN LIEU OF MEETINGA.    Approved hiring Attorney Stuart J. Oberman to review corporate structure issues by unanimous vote of voting Board members, Jacob Davis abstaining from vote due to potential conflict of interest. Has been hired.B.     Approved Board Liaison position description by consensus of voting Board members.C.     Approved use of Heffernan agency as insurance broker; authorized Jacob Davis to proceed with application for General Liability Insurnace and D&O insurance for this year; application in progress, by consensus; D&O application submitted 2-16-13D.    Approved January 2013 meeting minutes by consensus.E.     Decision to extend the AELT deadline to 2-24-13 [added]F.      Decision to extend the point of deciding on the new AELT to 3-10-13 [added]III.             EXCEPTION TO NORMAL ORDER - NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY EUPHORIA EVENT LEAD TEAM AT THEIR REQUESTA.    Presentation to BoD by EELT by request of EELT – skipped as representative not presentIV.             RESUMPTION OF NORMAL ORDER - OLD BUSINESSA.    Submission and approval of past due meeting minutes and event report amendment1.      November, 2012 meeting minutesa.       Reviewed to basics, discussed the parliamentary process and limits of conflict. Motion by Jacob: After due review of the available documents and records and after a reasonable investigation, there exist no records or accurate recollection from which accurate minutes for that meeting can be reasonably ascertained, and that all that can be ascertained with certainty as to that meeting is: (1)    That the Board chose to rescind the previous vote from October, 2012 to transfer or otherwise liquidate assets to transition towards Alchemical Arts Alliance, Inc.;(2)    That the Board unanimously accepted the resignation of Rebecca Rea from the Board;(3)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to pay $75.00 to explore getting a lawyer from Georgia lawyers for the Arts;(4)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to the special election for Ms. Rea’s seat that was held, and in the manner the election was ultimately held; and(5)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to have Age write a $300.00 check to Smokey; and(6)    That all of these decisions were made with a quorum present and while the meeting was in session.And that said items shall be deemed to be the minutes for the November 12, 2012 meeting.Seconded: Trevor, Passed by consensusMinutes to be pushed to the Internet Team 2.      2009 Event Report/Financials amendment, motion to approve by Sarah, approved by consensus B.     Tabled Items from January, 2013 meeting. 1.      Mike Alberghini’s proposal regarding Communication Director positiona.       Position definition and scopeb.      Integration into existing structure and internet Motion to appoint a point person to work with Mike Alberghini for the next week or two to validate his work to determine the plan for what the Communications Director position would beSeconded: Trevor: Passed by consensus Motion to appoint Trevor to to this point position: JacobSeconded: Sarah: Passed by consensus 2.      Frogbird’s proposal regarding forums on the Alchemy Website Motion to appoint Trevor to work with Frogbird to establish a startup forum space  to determine viability, including privacy policies, linkages, and connections to the Communications function: AgeSeconded: Trevor: Passed by consensus 3.      Meet the BoD Page on Website -- tabledC.     Bookkeeping services - Stacia Farabee has offered to volunteer1.      Works with Quickbooks, our software of record2.      $600 to file a corporate return3.      Significant different between event and org bookkeeping4. Motion: The Board approve Age to work with Jennifer LuceJacob: Amended to approve CPA hired with set-aside of $2000: Second AgeMotion as Amended: Second Jacob: Passed by consensus D.    CPA - Stacia has been in contact with a CPA she does work for - need to determine if hiring and scope of work needed to be done by CPA (2011/2012 taxes) E.     Regional Coordinator Advisory Committee Proposal1.      Status report by RC – deferred to ChwClove will be taking over board seat, Chw and Jim will be backup.  No committee proposed.F.      Bank Account for LLC - can not finalize removal of Rebecca as owner until LLC issues straightened out1.      Can now change registered agent on GA SoS site.G.    Annual Registration - delayed until Secretary of State Website upgrades complete, and until we hear report from lawyer regarding corporate structure status. Motion: To approve Stuart (Atty) to file annual registration as discussed in Executive Session: JacobSeconded: Sarah: Passed by consensus H.    Secretary1.      Candidate reviewa.       Carissa – in attendance and doing a test of minutes Motion: to retain Carissa as secretary for Alchemy LLCAmend to allow attendance at Executive Session Second by Age,  Passed by ConsensusPassed by Consensus I.       Preliminary Discussion of Regional Status Requirements:Clove: the big deal is the timely submission of reports, getting the financials straightened out, RC fills out a formWhere it is, 10 principles are being done, who manages itWill you, the RCs, uphold the criteria for status?  Y/NEx: Feb, file for Euphoria, Alchemy, Decomp at the same time (AF part of Alc)Approved by Ra$pa and PornStar (and their committee)Appears on the websiteWaits on the Event Reports When is Regional Status at risk?The Org requests a more active role by the RC to advise on positive and negative positions on the Regional Status Motion: The Org pursue Regional Status for 2013 Events: SarahSeconded: Trevor: Passed by Consensus What is the 30 day Report?   (may include more in later email)# Tickets Sold# in AttendanceMoney MadeMoney SpentOverlying Profit What is in the Master Event Report?All Team ReportsAll Incident ReportsComplete Financial Statements What else is needed?            Insurance            What will the lawyer come back with? (Entity)            Financial History                        A known balance (2012)                        Doesn’t expect to fix 2008/2009/2010                        Year-over-year Financial activity J.       Insurance D&O Applied, GCL Applied For, pending K.    Ticketing System for 2013/Merchant Services Motion: Approve Internet Team to do preliminary testing of ticketing system, provide costingAmended: To be load tested prior to Euphoria ticket sales, deadline 3-10-13, SarahSeconded Jacob: Passed by consensusSeconding: Trevor: Passed by consensus L.     Off-site Storage 10x20 size fine, 5x10 airconditioned for certain equipmentMonth-to-month leasing Motion: Approve Age and Sarah discretion to rent 5x10 climate controlled unit and non-climate controlled 10x20 unit, and if insurance is non-month-to-month, sufficient insurance to cover, plus administrative feesSeconded Trevor: Passed by consensusM.   Status of issuing 1099s for 2012 Missing 3 artists, gate, and security staff (5 total), 1 to be provided today Suggestion: Something to go out in 2-25-13 USPS to all impacted people Certified and First Class, “for tax reasons we must have SSN or TIN by seven days or manual 1099 forms which may incur penalties for us and you on 2012 tax returns” Motion by Jacob: Second by Age: Passed by consensus                         We do not have addresses for the gate and security staff; refer to CPA Motion to refer: Jacob, Second, Sarah: Passed by consensus N.    Lamplighter Fundraiser Proposal No proposal received; Disposed as business V.                NEW BUSINESSA.    Discussion of Alchemy Event Lead Team Applications Three applicants (Scott, Jack, and Rebecca)Should we reach out and solicit applications?  Tap the Regional Network for Event Leads? Significant issues from some applications might impact Regional Status; referring applications to RCs for review. B.     Year-to-Date Financial Snapshot LLC                                                                              $51,819.14Paypal:                                                                            $4,429.61 Outstanding Payable to United Rentals                         $4,005.95 Approx Taxes+Penalities                                              $15,000.00If Double-taxation --                                                     $25,000.00 C.     Organization-level Budget Motion: Agree in principle to art fund matching after tax liability and insurance liability, after 3-10-13 meeting: JacobSeconded: Age:  Passed by consensus Motion: No BM Summit Travel Reimbursements: AgeSeconded: Jacob: Passed by consensusTrevor: Bro! Contributions per event – $15,000 for Euphoria based on 900 tickets, $45 ea. – others to be determined at subsequent meetings (Tabled as old business) Motion: Tell Euphoria ELT Org Expenses will be $15,000: SarahSeconded: Jacob: Passed by consensus Motion: Age determine a budget for Reserves: JacobSeconded: Sarah: Passed by consensus D.    AFELT report from Trevor - outstanding issues Suggested Dates – May 4th; April 6th; April 27th; May 18th, in that order.   Deadline for venue and date by 3-1-13. No raffle; No alcohol without City approval; cut-off deadline suggested to be a month -- Motion: to set deadline to have a venue and date for the Art Fundraiser by end of business (5pm) of 3-1-13 or the Art Fundraiser will be moved past Euphoria: Jacob.No Second, motion is rejected. Suggested contract amended to minimum occupancy of 250, pref higher. May use Paypal as 3rd party processor to alleviate need for 1099s as an escrow account system. E.     EELT report from Sarah/Euphoria discussion Wants to set date for ticket sales to 3-1-13 or 3-8-13.  Board would prefer 3-20-13.  Ticket cap of 850 or 900.  Board would prefer squares.  Ticket prices in the $50 range.  Will advise for afterburn executive summary report 1 week after burn ends, and afterburn full report 60 days after burn ends. F.      Additional requests for burn events to Event Lead Teams Motion to table plan for teardown and backup: TrevorSeconded: EVERYONE: Passed by consensus Age to ask Patrick for summary on fire safety plan G.    Key deadlines set for ELTs for each event1.      Venue submission: 90 days prior at board meeting, prior to ticket sales2.      Preliminary Budget: 90 days prior at board meeting, prior to ticket sales3.      Final Budget [ tabled ]4.      Incident Reports (if any) following an event: 48 hours of event, 72 hours of incident, whichever is earlier (will need incident templates to all teams, to be provided by Jacob)5.      Selection of Team Leads: 90 days prior at board meeting, prior to ticket sales6.      Requests for reimbursements beyond budget [tabled]7.      Event Reports [discussed] H.    Move to 2 year Calendar – discussion Will open draft for next meeting – Jacob I.       Obtaining written agreements with Smokey for 2013 to finalize lock-in Age will get contracts at next visit with Smokey, probably not before 3-10-13. J.       Set Deadlines and begin process for selection of Decompression ELT. Motion to table: TrevorSeconded: Everyone: Passed by consensus K.    Follow-up to Issues from November Meeting not Raised at November Meeting (Age) Suggested that all documents concerning the November event be removed, especially those presented in board capacity.  Trevor taking lead. Suggested that a State of the Organization letter be drafted for consideration to help heal the organization and work to limit liability for the board. L.     Year-round inventory proposal (Tunna) Motion to accept Tunna’s proposal to become Year Round Quartermaster, subject to a statement that BoD retains authority to manage inventorySeconded: Sarah:  Passed by consensus M.   Bylaw Amendment Discussion – preliminary Moved to old business VI.             Confirm upcoming meeting dates and times 3-10-13 at David Stabler’s House VII.              Adjourn’d by Chair, Passed by consensus

Alchemy BOD Minutes: January 2013

Alchemy, LLC - Board of DirectorsJanuary 13, 2013 Board Meeting MinutesMeeting Start:  3:14PMAttendees:Board Members:  Sarah Griffith, Trevor Register, David Stabler, Age Ginsburg, Jacob DavisBM RCs: Jim T, Chw JCommunity Members:  Jenny, Clove T, Tareq F, Jessica S, Patrick M, Jill M, Sage H, James FPrior to the start of the meeting, Jonathan LaLiberty (Burning Man RC) sends his official resignation to the Alchemy Board of Directors, stepping down from the Board to make way for a new Burning Man appointed representative.Old BusinessAlchemy 2012 Event reportBoard reviews the most recent draft by Age containing all suggested edits from the BM Regional Contacts.Decisions: Board approves newest version and sends to RCs for final review.Action Items: RCs to do final review and approval, and Board to publish once approval received. (COMPLETED)Decompression 2012 Event ReportBoard reviews most recent edits by Trevor and Age.  A few additional edits made in real time by Sarah.  Board requests Age to reformat financials to match GAAP Income Statement.  Board approves the report pending those changes.Decisions:  Board approves the Decomp 2012 Event Report pending final edits.Action Items:  Age to reformat financials into proper GAAP format, add an ending photo and wording, and publish to RCs for review.  (COMPLETED)Burning Man RC Advisory BoardBurning Man RCs Chw and Jim, along with community member Clove proposed at the December meeting to form a GA Regional Contact Advisory Committee to aid the new Board in transition and with regaining Official Regional Status.  The Board reviewed the proposal and requested additional information, which they are in the process of compiling.Decisions:  While Chw, Jim, and Clove gather additional information to satisfy the Board's questions, Chw will be the Burning Man appointed RC on the Alchemy Board.Action Items:  Trevor to add Chw to the Board discussion e-mail list (completed).Action Items:  Chw, Jim, and Clove to document answers to additional Board questions.Tabled Items:  Final decision on their proposal is tabled until all questions are resolved.Euphoria DatesThe proposed dates for Euphoria (June 13-16) are still open and available, along with the weekend before for work weekend.  Age proposes to take the Euphoria ELT  (once selected) to Cherokee Farms to introduce them to the land owner and staff, etc, and secure the dates.Action Items:  Age to lock in dates with Cherokee Farms and schedule a trip to the farm with the Euphoria ELT.Alchemy DatesOnly one of the two dates the Board was targeting is available.  The end of September date is not available.  The Board agrees to lock in the third weekend in October (17-20) as Alchemy 2013, as well as the weekend prior for work weekend.  Jacob would like us to start thinking about dates for 2014 as well, so we can get farther ahead and perhaps help events that may need/want to plan around us.  The Board agrees, and there is some discussion surrounding what events would plan around us and which we have to plan around, but no decisions are made regarding 2014 dates at this meeting.Decisions:  Alchemy 2013 will be October 17-20.Action Items:  Age to lock in dates with Cherokee Farms.Tabled Items:  Discussions on ticket cap, price, sale dates, etc, are all tabled.  Decisions on 2014 dates are also tabled.Bank Accounts and Financial handlingEarlier in January, Jacob and Age (along with Rebecca) met with Chase Bank to have Jacob added to the LLC account and Rebecca removed.  Chase was able to add Jacob to the LLC account (Age was already a signatory), but unable to remove Rebecca as she is the only "member manager" listed with the Secretary of State.  Before the bank account ownership can be fully transferred, that item must be changed.  Discussion surrounding who to put as the registered agent.  Jacob volunteers to be the registered agent, and use his law firm address in Decatur for the RA address.  Board agrees to make Jacob the registered agent.  Jacob to renew the annual registration.  Principal address to stay as is, Age's residence.Additional discussion regarding the tax situation for the LLC.  Once the new RA is assigned, we'll need to request prior years' tax transcripts to determine what was or was not filed by the prior member manager (Troy).  A CPA who specializes in LLC tax and accounting will be engaged to guide the organization forward with resolving all back tax and accounting issues.  The CPA will also be needed to help straighten out the additional potential risks created by the decision to not complete the move to the new non-profit by 12/31/12.Another topic of discussion is the possibility of having to issue 1099's to any artist which received more than $599 in funding from Alchemy LLC.  The Board wants to get the CPA's opinion on this as well, but may not be able to wait for the CPA to be hired as there is a requirement to issue a 1099 by 1/31/13 if one is issued to be required.  Age to do research on requirements and advise the Board on this matter in case the CPA is not hired by end of month.Some additional discussions about eventually becoming a 501c3 occur, but no decisions or action items result.  In general all Board members feel we are far off from even considering pursuing 501c3 designation.Additional discussions about whether to restate the Income Statements for each event as needed if any discrepancies arise while closing the books on the fiscal year.  Original reason for discussion is a late reimbursement related to Euphoria 2012, and whether it should show as a Euphoria expense on restated financials or appear as an LLC expense since it was a Board decision to process the reimbursement.Decisions:  Jacob to be the new Registered Agent, with his firm being the RA Address.  Age's residence to continue to be the Principal address for the LLC.Decisions:  Board agrees that we should restate financials for each event as needed during the year-end close period.Action Items:  All Board members to reach out to professional and/or personal contacts for CPA recommendations.  Interviews with CPAs will occur between meetings, with hiring to occur as soon as possible.Action Items:  Age to research the 1099 issue and provide guidance to the Board.In-Town StorageTrevor presented a few options to the Board for larger storage/multi-use spaces.  Board decides focus right now is only on in-town storage options, both because that is the pressing need and because the financial status of our reserves is uncertain until tax and accounting liabilities are straightened out.  Board would like to have options for both climate controlled and non-climate controlled options.  General thoughts are ~400 sf for non-climate controlled, and 100 sf for climate controlled, for the assets that would be better to store locally. Larger options for non-climate controlled would be welcome, but only if financially effective.Action Items:  Trevor to do further inquiries for smaller storage spaces meeting just the in-town storage requirements.PasswordsWith Dawn and now Jonathan leaving the Board, all passwords for various systems need to be changed.Action Items:  Age to change all passwords and provide updated passwords to the Board.Bookkeeping ServicesShort discussion about having a bookkeeping service for 2013.  Discussion tabled in favor of continuing the CPA discussion as its the more pressing need.Tabled Items:  Discussion and decision on whether bookkeeping services for the events are required.Community Projects & Financial DonationsJim T (BM RC) provides the Board with some updates regarding the process for funding a Beltline art project, including the complexities of forming the selection committee and working with city and Beltline officials.  Jim also presents some other options both new and previously discussed, including funding scholarships to art schools, funding traveling art stops in Atlanta, and a new proposal to create a Burner Art Park.  All of the ideas are fantastic and intriguing.  However, the decision to not complete the move to the non-profit by 12/31/12 has created additional potential financial risk and uncertainty for the organization, so the Board feels we must resolve those issues before we can commit to any donations or community project funding.Tabled Items:  All community projects and/or donations are tabled pending resolution of organizational tax and accounting issues.Status of LLC OwnershipTrevor is still awaiting a response from the attorney assigned by GA Lawyers for the Arts.  He fears that she may no longer be assisting us, as multiple calls have gone unreturned, e-mails are bouncing, and her website is no longer available.  Board agrees to look at other options, including paying an attorney (prior was pro-bono) if needed to assist us in this critical time.  Jacob offers to compile a list of attorneys who specialize in our needs.  Age reports that through research and inquiry he now has the documents from the formation of Alchemy, LLC, as well as the EIN number.Action Items:  Jacob to compile a list of attorneys for Board review.Action Items:  Age to compile all documents he has found and send to Jacob for review.Outstanding MinutesFurther discussion on the November 2012 minutes, which the Board is unable to agree upon.  At this point the only way to move past this is likely to issue minutes with individual commentary on the contested portions.  Additionally, the current website seems to have broken links to many of the published minutes.  Multiple attempts to fix the issue have been made, and the current challenge is unknown.  Trevor to work with Internet team to drive completion of getting the broken links fixed.Additional discussion about the 2009 Afterburn Report.  The financials in the published version are incorrect, as they are a cut and paste from 2008 (reason unknown).  Sarah has located the correct financials for 2009, and will work with the Internet team to get those published.Action Items:  Current Board members to review latest draft of November minutes and work on a version that can be published.  If needed, David or Jacob will arbitrate.Action Items:  Trevor to work with Internet team to resolve broken link problems on the website.Action Items:  Sarah to work with Internet team to get 2009 financials corrected.Event Lead Team (ELT) Structure DiscussionsTrevor would like to have a Board member assigned to each ELT as an advisor.  This Board Liaison would attend meetings and be on the e-mail discussion list for the ELT, so that they can keep the rest of the Board up to speed on ELT activities.  Trevor would also like to have a monthly meeting schedule presented to the Board by each ELT.  The Board votes to assign a Board Liaison to each ELT, and to request that each ELT build a monthly meeting schedule in advance.Model discussion - Significant discussion on how to structure the ELTs for the larger burns.  Age reviews the recommendations from the Alchemy 2012 ELT with the Board, and solicits Tareq's input as a member of the Euphoria 2012 ELT.  Sarah feels that the ELT for the larger events should always be an odd number, so there is a tie-breaker in case of disagreements.  After all discussion, the Board agrees on 2 ELT for Art Fundraiser, and 3 ELT for Euphoria.  Each ELT is then empowered to set up and choose any number of volunteers to work on the Event Lead Team in support roles.Decisions:  Board approves the Board Liaison role and assigns Board members to each ELT as follows:  Trevor to Art Fundraiser ELT, Sarah to Euphoria ELT, Age to Alchemy ELT (with Jacob as backup due to its size and complexity), David to Decomp ELT.Decisions:  Board agrees to 2 ELT Leads for Art Fundraiser, and 3 ELT Leads for Euphoria 2013.New BusinessELT selection for 2013 Art Fundraiser and EuphoriaThe Board talks to each of the candidates it can reach either in person or remotely regarding their reasons for wanting to lead the event they applied for, as well as a number of standard questions regarding time commitment, availability, involvement if not chosen, and others.  After speaking with all candidates on various topics, the Board chooses the ELT Leads for each event.Decisions:  Art Fundraiser 2013 ELT Leads are Sage Hylton and Lucas SimsDecisions:  Euphoria 2013 ELT Leads are Eric Wilson, Jill Mongato, and Tareq FayyadInternet Team discussionsPatrick ran the Board through some of the available options for ticket vendors, including building our own ticketing interface and system using drupal packages, etc.  Patrick's recommendation is that we build our own system and move away from Paypal to another transaction processor.  Chase has their own payment processor, so it is possible that we can build our own ticketing system and utilize their processor to achieve a savings in processing costs.  Patrick to take lead on researching options for building our own system for ticketing.  The primary concern of the Board would be whether we could build, test, and feel comfortable switching to a new vendor before Euphoria tickets need to go on sale.Sarah would like an archive of all of the prior year volunteer schedules and signups.  Patrick believes that data still exists, and commits to mining that data for the Board.Action Items:  Patrick to gather more information on building our own ticketing system and report back to the Board.Action Items:  Patrick to data mine the prior year volunteer info and provide to the Board.Lamplighters FundraiserPleasant James brings a question to the Board regarding a fundraiser specifically for Lamplighters.  His initial question is whether Alchemy, LLC would be willing to act as the stewards for the funds if the Lamplighters community were to organize a fundraising event.  Several questions arise from this proposal, including what the fundraiser would be for, whether it is needed (or would the LLC fund the project), how it would be organized, etc.  In addition, questions regarding whether the LLC being the stewards of the funds would trigger any insurance, fiscal, or tax responsibilities for the organization.  The Board requests that James and his folks document their plan, and bring to the Board for review.Action Items: Pleasant James to document the plan for a Lamplighter fundraiser, and present to the Board.Corporate SecretaryShort discussion on a secretary.  The Board had some concerns that we may need to amend the current bylwas to accommodate, but Jacob doesn't think we need to edit bylaws to have one.  Board agrees we'd like to have one.  David to handle writing up roles and responsibilities document.  Call out to go in next Alchemist.Action Items:  David to write up roles/responsibilities for Board review.Meeting ScheduleNext three meeting locations and dates are discussed.Decisions:  Feb 17, 3PM, at Jacob's house.  March 10, 3PM, at David's house.  April 14, 3PM, at Trevor's house.  See website for any changes and location details.Due to the late hour, all additional agenda items have been tabled for on-line discussion.Tabled Items:  Ghini’s communications proposal, Alan and Joy’s Disability Services Team proposal, Frogbird’s Alchemy Forums proposal, 2013 “Meet the Board” page on the Alchemy websiteDecisions made online between meetings:  Approved and published the December 2012 meeting minutesMeeting adjourn:  8:08 PM

Alchemy BOD Minutes: December 2012

Meeting Open: 1:17pmRoll Call:BoD members present: Sarah, Dawn, Age and Trevor. Jonathan, who will arrive 1 hour late.Participants: Mak, Hugs, Rebecca, Jacob, Chw, Jenn, Sage, Dani, Clove, Jim, Hogleg, Karrin, Carly, Adam & Baby Swag + a couple of Freeside personnel.Old BusinessOctober minutes - Ready for approval?Age, Trevor, Sarah, Jonathan & Dawn consent. Jonathan arrives later and lets us know he hasn’t yet read the updates and would like time to review.Note: He approves via email after the meeting.November minutes - Ready for discussion?Timeline - Discuss minutes throughout the week. Goal to have minutes ready for a poll on Friday. Poll to end Sunday. Hopefully we can submit finished minutes to the new BoD by Monday, 12/17.Note: We still do not have a version of the November minutes that are approvable by all 2012 BoD members. This continues to be a work in progress.Alchemy Event Report - Age to provide status and overviewMight not be able to finalize this before elections close on 12/17. Focus on doing it as quickly as possible, online and possible via conference call.Note: The Event Report is currently being reviewed by the 2013 BoD. We expect to make our deadline of 12/31/12.Alchemy FinancialsThe Alchemy 2012 Event Report currently under review contains an Income Statement. More detailed financials will be shown to the BoD for approval and uploaded to the website. We’ll go over financials at the same rate as the Event Report.Status of Reimbursements - AgeAll Team Lead Reimbursements requested have been paid. All Team leads have been notified. No more reimbursements accepted.Some Decomp reimbursements still out, but because Cory hasn’t submitted.Update on Bank Account issuesJonathan lets us know that he and Chw have the passwords for the AAA bank accounts and are monitoring it. They will transfer these passwords once the new BoD sits. Chw clarifies that he doesn’t have control over the money, but monitoring only. Trevor asks them to clarify is they have the ability to move money, not that they would, or view only. They have full privileges, but are only monitoring and printing out accounts. Age is still a signer and Rebecca is still the owner.Trevor states that while he’s happy with the current state of the money, he’s unhappy with how it all happened, without Board notification or consent. This is especially important since we confirmed the RCs don’t just have view only capabilities, but full privileges and could theoretically transfer money. Chw responds that he agrees with Trevor and he doesn’t like how it was handled at all. He didn’t receive notification of the change until 2 weeks in.Age explains that the majority of the money sits in the AAA bank account, rather than the LLC bank account. This was mostly done to avoid some of the risk, as no current BoD members own the LLC.2013 Event Dates - AgeProposed Euphoria date, June 13-16, is open. All targeted September/October dates are currently full. For reference, those dates were:September 26-30 (probably during CounterPoint, if they keep their weekend)We ruled out October 3-7 entirely, because we don’t want to conflict with Flux. Not conflicting did wonderful things for our art this year and we’d like to continue that trend.Also, Cherokee Farms might not be available for our use this year, pending resolution of org issues. General discussion on different potential properties and our storage container which currently lives on Cherokee Farms. The greater concern is Euphoria: where to host, if not Cherokee Farms & who will lead. Trevor states he knows 2 or 3 people who are currently working on applications for ELT.New Business:Jim T, Clove, and ChwThey’re offering to help smooth the transition, to help moderate, to locate resources as they are needed. Resources = talking to other burns, best practices, bylaws, that sort of thing. Not here to direct, but to help when needed. We’ll be receiving an email from them with more details, soon, likely after the election ends.Community Service Opportunities - Jim T and Age

  1. Do something within gov’t structure and/or parks - long term for some sort of art placement. Finalizing year end would help financial tax obligation. Bureaucracy makes this complicated for this option. A good long term option, but not by 12/31. Sitting with Fulton Art Council at the first of the year.
  2. Scholarships for Savannah College of Art and Design - Suggests 2 2,000 scholarships, years.
  3. Atlanta Beltline - Beltline contact is from SCAD, so has those contacts. They’d love to work with Alchemy. A couple of burner artists are already doing work for the Beltline. They would accept the money, prior to 12/31, if approved. Along with that money would come a letter of agreement, containing certain stipulations: they choose a specific focus, materials that can be used. Right now they’re focusing on railroad tiles and steel.

Alchemy would facilitate a call out for artists. They understand the burner community and how it would be involved in what that art would be. Timeline: End of the first quarter. Perhaps we could wrap in voting for the funded Beltline artists to the Art Fundraiser to let the community decide.Alchemy BoD would have to be responsible for all signed off on changes financially. If the artist goes overbudget due to changes we approve, then we’re responsible to cover the overage.Age points out the the LLC end of fiscal year is 3/31. Some discussion about the repercussions of the money in the AAA bank account and what that means legally. We’ll be consulting with professionals soon who can help us clarify this.This is also good in that it leaves plenty of time for community feedback. Keep in mind that this is a great project, but it’s one of many possible projects. Several options in LaFayette, for example. We need to look into these options and present them to the community to see which has the most support.Mak talks about his park in LaFayette idea. He’d like to see us build something to show that we’re artists and craftsman. Hugs comments that regardless of whether or not we continue to hold events there, it would be a nice legacy and possibly an olive branch. Mak talks about how we could build something for the community each year. He’d like to attempt to work with the community members to build, too, so we get to know the community that hosts us.New BoD Agenda Item: Follow up on Beltine project.Age, Sarah, Dawn, Jonathan & Trevor are all interested in this project and would like to move forward with getting more info, via Jim.Age suggests initiating community polling, now, to get ideas for what they’d like to see as far as community projects.Action Item: Sarah and/or Trevor to work on the community poll this week.Note: This didn’t happen due to lack of time and information on a few topics. It will be taken up by the 2013 BoD.Status of talks with GA LawyerDawn, Age, Sarah, Jonathan & Trevor can do Friday afternoon at 3:30pm. Jacob suggests talking to the lawyer and discerning who she’d like to have available for this conference call. We’d also like to schedule another conference call directly after the new BoD sits.Note: The meeting did happen, but as the lawyer was running late, only Sarah and Trevor were still available. We asked many questions and provided information. Her first order of business is to investigate the status of the LLC and recommend several options moving forward. We should hear back from her after the holidays.Motion to hire a bookeeper?Several community recommendations. Age missed that email. I’ll re-bump it for him. We’d like to get a list ready for the new BoD to review.Long Term Storage options discussion - TrevorThe unit down from Charlie’s is available for 20,000K/year for 5800 sq feet. Trevor thinks it might be too big or too expensive. Age says it’s not a great price, but might not be too big at all. It has a bathroom & sprinklers. No central heat or air, but the last renter had computers in there with no problem.

  • Pros of Met: Secure. Artists community
  • Cons: Expensive. Is it big enough to build an effigy.

Table Met decision for new BoD. Perhaps they’d like to see and assess themselves. Also looking into other properties referred from Charlie Smith and Alan Fay.Action Item: Trevor to follow up on leads and report back.Other comments from those observingFire Safety and Burn Bans - Patrick F.If we lose Cherokee Farms, we could begin to have significant burn ban problems. It hasn’t been an issue while we worked with Smokey, the owner of Cherokee Farms, because he’s well connected. The EPA Ordinance is in effect: May 1st - September 30th in a county with less than 65,000. Anything smaller might have burn ordinance issues and the fire department would likely not approve an event like ours. From a fire standpoint, Northeast, Northwest North & North Central Georgia are our best bets. Here’s a website with more info.Jacob asks about the legality of fire performance and fire art and whether or not marshalls be required? Would it mean more regulations and organization throughout the burn?Patrick F. says the more rural areas are going to be the easiest to work around this sort of thing. He said that when he went in to talk to the local FD this year, he learned no one from Alchemy had talked to them in 3 years. He had to build that relationship from scratch. Obviously the fire incidents complicated things in future.Jim T. reminds us that our regional status was contingent on getting all financials resolved by 12/31. Age said that shouldn’t be a problem.Board meeting ends at 2:30pm.Setting up Tech for the Town Hall begins.Decision made online between the November and December 2012 Meeting:

  • Approved the "Incidents at Alchemy" statement including Karrin's one sentence edit.
  • Approved Shawman as moderator of the November 2012 Town Hall.
  • Approved Shawman as the moderator for the "Meet the Candidates" community-submitted questions for the 2012 BOD candidates.
  • Approved Georgia RC's Jim Taflinger and Chw Joiner as moderators of the December 2012 Town Hall.
  • Approved a procedure for allowing participants that hadn't created accounts on the Alchemy website prior to Alchemy 2012 to create an account in order to vote in the 2012 BOD election.
  • Approved the sending of 2 issues of The Alchemist.
  • All of these decisions were consensus based, though Age abstained from decisions related to the Elections, as he was running.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: November 2012

After due review of the available documents and records and after a reasonable investigation, there exist no records or accurate recollection from which accurate minutes for that meeting can be reasonably ascertained, and that all that can be ascertained with certainty as to that meeting is:(1)    That the Board chose to rescind the previous vote from October, 2012 to transfer or otherwise liquidate assets to transition towards Alchemical Arts Alliance, Inc.;(2)    That the Board unanimously accepted the resignation of Rebecca Rea from the Board;(3)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to pay $75.00 to explore getting a lawyer from Georgia lawyers for the Arts;(4)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to the special election for Ms. Rea’s seat that was held, and in the manner the election was ultimately held; and(5)    That the Board agreed by consensus, following Ms. Rea’s resignation, to have Age write a $300.00 check to Smokey; and(6)    That all of these decisions were made with a quorum present and while the meeting was in session.And that said items shall be deemed to be the minutes for the November 12, 2012 meeting.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: October 2012

October 13, 2012Meeting start: 3:18pmAttendees: Sarah, Trevor, Age, Rebecca, Jonathan, Dawn, Joy, AllenDiscussion on use of recorded media at AAA Events:The BOD has received two requests for permission to utilize photographs from AAA events and AAA projects at other events (CORE effigy at BM 2011). In one instance (CORE) the photo is being used for a book, in the other photos from Alchemy will be used on a blog which does generate some ad revenue.Decisions: BOD has approved both requests, and will evaluate further requests on a case by case basis. BOD also retains dual ownership of recorded media as per the waivers signed by all participants at AAA events.Alchemy 2012 Updates: Age & Rebecca (Alchemy ELT members)Burn Injuries: Total of 8 burn related injuries, 5 of which were transported off-site. 1 still in hospital at time of meeting (since been released). The ELT has prepared a PR statement regarding the issue. PR statement to be issued to team leads, event leads, and BOD. Will also be published to the website.ELT Model Discussion: Feeling of ELT members present (Rebecca and Age) is that the current structure for the ELT did not work well, which mimics the feedback from the Euphoria ELT member present (Rebecca): In short, with no defined hierarchy within the ELT it was difficult to reach critical decisions in short order as some ELT members were hard to reach at various points. In addition some ELT members did the bulk of the work, while others did very little before or during the event.Other Board members expressed the desire to talk to the rest of the Alchemy and Euphoria ELT members and Team Leads before making any decisions on next year's model.Event Report for Alchemy 2012: In progress. Financials are in progress, and the event appears to have stayed on budget. Team reports are incoming, and ELT will prompt for the remaining outstanding reports. In addition, only two ELT members (Age and Rebecca) have completed ELT reports.Decisions: BOD approved PR statement prepared by EMS and ELT.Action Items: Completion of the Event Report.Tabled Items: Discussion on ELT StructureCommunity Center / Warehouse:One of the primary goals of the Alchemy Event was to raise funds for the establishment of a burner community center in Atlanta. We cannot commit until financials are complete and Decomp has occurred, but all signs point to AAA having the money to pursue it. Discussion on current options.Action Item: Age to follow-up with listing agent for the primary property the BOD is considering, as well as doing another round of research on additional available properties.Georgia Decompression 2012:As the Decomp ELT was finalizing plans for the Decomp event on November 17, the North Carolina BM RC announced an Asheville Decomp event on the same date. Discussion on whether to try and move the event at the last minute, or whether we are too far into plans to change. After internal discussion and discussion with the NC BM RC, the BOD decided to keep the November 17th date. Both Decomp events will do cross promotion of the events, and cooperate to make both events as successful as possible.Decisions: Decomp date is November 17. Ticket cap is 400, ticket price $15.Potential 2013 Event Dates:Euphoria 2013 - Brief discussion by BOD on dates.Decisions: BOD selects June 13 - 16 as the first choice date for Euphoria 2013Action Items: Rebecca to confirm dates with land owner.Alchemy 2013 - Brief discussion by BOD on dates. Desire to be a couple more weeks removed from Burning Man, not compete directly with the established dates for Flux, and if possible not be the same weekend as Counterpoint (if it returns). Additional discussion as to whether the Alchemy Event can continue to be held on the same property. Problems with law enforcement have reached a point where staying on the same property is difficult.Decisions: BOD selects October 11 - 14 as the first choice date for Alchemy 2013Action Items: Rebecca to confirm dates with land owner.Alchemy, LLC to Alchemical Arts Alliance, INC changeover:Decisions: BOD votes unanimously to transfer all assets and liabilities from the LLC to AAA on Dec 31.Org structure discussion: Lengthy discussion as to potential changes to the structure of the organization as we move to the new non-profit corporation. Discussion focuses on issues related to being a non-member corporation, which means the new BOD is appointed not elected.In order to maintain the community elected leaders, which all agree is important, a proposal is made to minimize the role of the new BOD to only legal/financial roles, and have an elected Committee and Sub-Committees which manages the various events and projects. Additional discussion on requirements to be a member of an ELT.Sarah, Trevor, and Dawn express concerns that the full details and ramifications of the incorporation of Alchemical Arts Alliance, Inc. were not adequately explained and communicated to the entire BOD before the vote to dissolve Alchemy, LLC and transfer assets to AAA was made.Decisions: To be considered for an ELT position going forward the applicant must have been a Team Lead at a prior event.Action Items: BOD members Rebecca and Age to document the discussed approach to org structure for review by the rest of the BOD.Tabled Items: New org structure decisions have been tabled. Additionally, elections may need to be postponed.Content for next two issues of The Alchemist:Upcoming Alchemist: Details for Decompression Event.Following Alchemist: Call out for Art Fundraiser Event Lead Team, link to the press release, postponement of election if necessary, moop map from Alchemy if ready.Meeting end: 8:30PM

Alchemy BOD Minutes: September 2012

September 16. 2012Meeting Begins at 5:00pmPresent: All Board Members + Tunna, Karrin, Tareq & Jessica SealesAlchemy 2012Financial StuffRebecca has saved every receipt and has financial documentation for every expense. She’s happy to share them with anyone interested. She will have it all reconciled before we go onsite and then the onsite purchases will be added immediately after by Age. That will be publicly available with the Afterburn Report, which should be ready within 30 days after the event. The financials might be available earlier.Numbers are approximate: Currently $33,000 in the black. Once everything is factored in, we should be a good $10,000 in the black, not counting the remaining $7,000 (which was left over after all budgeted expenses) and $20,000 set aside for special project. We’ve only had 1 rush charge so far, which was a vendor error.TABLED - Bookkeeping/Accounting discussion - October BoD MeetingLaFayette RelationsStopped at Walmart and the Gas Station and talked to them about our event, recommended products to stock and generally did some community outreach. Patrick also has good relationships with Fire Department in LaFayette and they seem to feel positively about the event. Patrick also consulted with the Chief Medical Examiner for the State and made sure we had everything in place for First Aid and EMT. Rebecca believes we’re much more prepared and she’s no longer concerned about EMS. The procedures are all in place, much more so than they ever have been before.ELT OverallBecky quit. She decided she didn't have enough experience or understanding of Alchemy stuff, and that she should have started as a team lead. She didn't leave upset, she just never participated much and wanted to get out of the way.Rebecca is getting her debit card at the event. We’ll be asking Becky for a write-up of her experience.VolunteersDefinitely some critical areas of need, but we’re much better off than we were last year. Everyone is the most concerned about Parking, but the lanes should help significantly.DecompJustin has primarily been doing the location spotting, as Cory’s been busy with the Effigy. Current top choice is next to the B Complex. No grassy area outside, but plenty of camping area both outside and inside. Might be too expensive. Owner keeps quoting different prices, but Cory thinks he’d be happy with a check in his hand. Rebecca doesn’t want to spend more than $1,000. Age says he could spend $1,200 for the venue if it’s all weekend.Age says assume $20 ticket price and 300 people, which gives us $6,000. If we cap it at $3,000, then we have $3,000 left over for the Art Fundraiser.Cory says 3 big expenditures are venue, light/sound and fire (last 2, less than 1,000). AAA will cover insurance. Rebecca says they should budget money for potties. We talked about approving the total budget top number and let them make the decision on how to spend it.VOTE: $3,000 budget for Decomp? All - YES.Finalized top budget number as $3,000. We’ve chosen the first weekend of November, provided the venue is available then. We won’t set cap until we secure the venue. Whatever the venue’s cap is should be our cap.Cory will talk to Justin and see if they can sort it out before Alchemy. Rebecca is willing to give them a check if the venue is secured before the event.Decomp 2011 Afterburn Report - for reference.Town HallSame weekend as Decomp - in same announcement. Not necessarily beginning of elections.TABLED: Elections conversation for October MeetingACTION ITEM: Trevor to source people to broadcast Town Hall Meeting.Art Fundraiser Event LeadsSage has applied. App seems solid, but we don’t know much about him, as he’s new. Trevor will share his application with us.TABLED: Discuss Art Fundraiser further in October Meeting.TABLED: Call out for Alchemy & Euphoria Event Leads in October Meeting. Team Lead experience is now a requirement.ACTION ITEM: Trevor to write a blog entry about his Art Fundraiser experience and call out for more lead apps via blog, using FB group to point.Warehouse - Potential Special ProjectWarehouse: After looking through many ads online, 4 places were chosen. We cruised around and looked at them. There was only one that was viable, and it's in East Point. It's 10,000 square feet, has a small part that is HVACed. It's in an industrial area, no residential neighbors.$30,000 overage set aside for community project. The preferred warehouse is exactly at $30,000. Plan to pay the rent for the whole year, but try to bargain to get the rent less as it’s paid yearly. Based on current projected budget, we should have enough to pay rent for the year and pay the utilities for the whole year? What about repairs and improvements needed, like sprinklers?This removes need for intown storage, which saves us money. It should be up and running for the Art Fundraiser, which saves us as much as $2,000. Could also use the space to host community events and take small amount of rent to cover costs.Age corrects numbers: Commitment to AAA was 20% of $150,457 (Alchemy Gross Ticket sales) $120,365.60 total budget + 10% overage. $33,000 (20%) was commitment. Top number $45, 000 to get a warehouse, lease it for a year, and pay for the utilities. Based on current expenditures, we should have that whole $45,000, maybe plus a couple of thousand. That’s speculation, but we definitely have enough to pay rent. We should assume, for due diligence, that we don’t have that extra $15,000 until after Alchemy’s final numbers are ready for review.If we rent the warehouse and move in before year’s end, we’ll end the tax year with anywhere between $4,000 - $15,000 in the bank.Everyone seems interested in moving forward on warehouse, given that we have enough money left post-Alchemy. We all need to visit that, and possibly other warehouses, before finalizing. We’ll also need to get quotes for sprinklers and any other needed improvements, talk to the local government and to speak with the neighbors about parking.General FinancialsRebecca is okay with an accountant and believes that we’ve already signed up for that by deciding to shoot for 501c3. She feels that paying $45/hr for an bookkeeper isn’t a good idea, because they’ll mostly just be double-checking the purchasing ELT Member’s work.ACTION ITEM: Source the community for a bookkeeper who is willing to donate their time - post-Alchemy, that won’t begin work until 2013.Rebecca feels like this is a need that varies depending on the ELT and how comfortable they are with handling financials. Alchemy financials are pretty much done. Cory feels confident handling the financials for Decomp. Financials end at the end of the year. In January, we need to hire an accountant.Rebecca is showing us the books today and will bring every other bank statement to every BoD meeting for everyone to see.TABLE: Financials conversation until post-Decomp.ACTION ITEM: Trevor to contact Barbara and let them know that we’re not interested in their services.UpdatesChange of name on website - Patrick says he can do it post-burn, so the site won’t be down. The domains have already been purchased and are waiting for the change over.Euphoria Event report was added to the website.Regional Status has been temporarily reinstated, based on the transparency of 2012’s financials so far. It’s very important that Alchemy 2012’s Event Report and Financials are done within a month for BM and community review, if we want to keep this status.Ra$pa has spoken with Troy and Troy has committed to provide them with the financials.Meeting adjourned at 6:46pm, as Rebecca shows us the books.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: August 2012

Alchemical Arts Alliance, Inc. Board of Directors August 12th, 2012Meeting start: 12:46pmIn attendance: Rebecca Rea, Jonathan LaLiberty, Dawn Flury, Age Ginsburg, Sarah Griffith, Trevor Register, Jessica Seales, Becky Katz, Tareq Fayyad BookkeeperTrevor: Talked with Barb at MomTalent about hiring a part time bookkeeper, had a few people in  mind that might work for us, wanted to set up an interview. Age agreed to conduct the interview  with Trevor. Age to look up pricing for upgrading our Quickbooks license to allow for online.  Trevor emailed two other bookkeeper/accounting firms, no response yet. Trevor - Action Item BudgetSarah: Corrected small mistakes on Greeter’s budget. Rebecca: Can safely assume sellout => ~$150k to work with. Subtracted paypal fees (~$4k),  took off 20% to put towards AAA (~$30k), took off another 10% for overage/wiggle room  (~$13k). Initially put in each team’s ‘blue sky’ amount, then went in to consolidate things like teams  requesting duplicate items and any inventory we already have. Age: after trimming/consolidating team budgets = ~$28k Rebecca: We’ll have an extra ~$3k that hasn’t been allocated towards anything. Recommends  that it not be allocated unless in an emergency. Age: If we stick to just the operations and team budgets, we can fund the event from current  ticket sales. Rebecca: We wanted to give the teams lots more room in the budget to let them be more  creative. Rebecca: Wants to move the rest of the Alchemy, LLC money to the Alchemical Arts Alliance  accounts, $629.96 BoD consents. Rebecca moved the money.Age: Effigy budget may seem to be much higher than last year’s, but if you take into account  last year’s higher pyro budget, we’re only spending about $1k more than last year. Sarah: JamCare isn’t in the budget. Would it be added later if you decide to go with them? Rebecca: Yes. JamCare is a medical provider. All certified medical professionals. Would hire  them to work 8pm - 8am. They have independent insurance up to $3 million, doctors on staff,  provide own tent and other infrastructure. ELT is not sure that they will do this yet.Other notes on JamCare: Want to talk with more than just one vendor, but not a lot of time to  shop around. They have worked with another regional burn, and they are highly recommended.  Does not want them advertising their services at the burn. Wants to designate a First Aid team lead to be a liaison with JamCare. Wants to sit down with JamCare and write up a contract with specific details on how they  interact with participants. Don’t have a pricing quote yet. Would still hire an EMT. Will keep the BOD in the loop with details as they develop. Age: Different levels of liability and negligence. For volunteers within our organization, we are  liable for our volunteer’s actions. If we hire a separate organization with their own insurance, we  are not liable for their actions; they are liable for their own. This means that providing volunteers for JamCare would pierce that liability veil and make us  liable. Wants Board to approve the Operational + Team budgets now ($105k). Would need to go to the  Board to spend any more than that. Whatever money from ticket sales is left over goes to AAA. The ELT presented a preliminary budget of $103,619.64 for the operations budget for  Alchemy 2012. The Board approved a maximum of $105,000. Art FundraiserRebecca: Gave checks to Trevor for Art Fundraiser projects.. Trevor: Checks were mailed out to the artists on Thursday, August 9th. Regional statusJonathan: BMORG wants last year’s financials to be put together in a way that’s more clear and  concise. Also wants tax records from last year. Rebecca: We can’t provide any more details unless Troy releases them to us. The only records  we have are what’s already published. Troy has not filed taxes for Alchemy, LLC. Sarah: Should we be concerned about our regional status for this year if we can just turn in a  report and get our regional status back for next year? Age: Should take total Alchemy operating budget + team breakdowns + CORE expenses and  add that to the Alchemy event report. Trevor: I have lots of free time. I can do this. Trevor - Action item - ASAP.Rebecca: Send new email to BMORG + Georgia RC’s to include updated 2011 Alchemy event  report, 2012 Euphoria report, and the 2012 Alchemy budget. Show that we’ve been diligently  working on fixing the problem. We should show them that there’s a clear difference in how  we’ve operated in 2011 and in 2012. Requests that we have 60 days for the report instead of  30. Sarah: Encourage team leads to write as much of their team reports as they can before the  event. Alchemy website name changeChange to  Board consents to have Internet team purchase and other derivatives and  have forward to Trevor emailed the internet team about  this. Trevor emailed the internet team about having the Euphoria 2012 Event Report added to the  Euphoria website. Meeting ended at 3:02pm.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: July 2012

Meeting Start:  1:10 PMAttendees:  Rebecca, Age, Sarah, Dawn, Trevor, Jonathan, plus Jim (GA RC) Old Business:Euphoria Afterburn report update:● Not completed yet, should be completed tonight.  Still missing a few team lead reports.Long term storage from Public Works:  There was some confusion with who was supposed to take the next action. PW thought that the BoD was still considering the options presented, and the BoD thought that PW was to research new options. BoD will ask PW team to resend the options they’ve researched.● Discussion about getting a new warehouse as an alternative to storage.  This could provide artist space to work on burn related projects, such as the effigy and temple.● By next month's meeting APW needs to submit a new proposal, either for public storage options or the potential to get a new warehouse.● BoD stressed that this item needs traction.  After significant effort to centralize Alchemy property and remove from high risk environments, inventory is again starting to get stored in multiple locations, including BOD members living rooms.Monies owed to Alchemy:● Rebecca and Amsterdam each owe $39.60, the overage from airfare to the BM Regional Summit● Troy Cobb  used $500 without BoD approval for a personal purchase and has not returned the money.  All detailed financial records and the corporate accounting files from 2011 have been taken by Troy Cobb, who has resigned from the BoD and become unresponsive for continued requests for these records.New Business:Updates and discussion with Jim (GA RC):● Jim wants to have a regular meeting schedule, maybe quarterly, like a meet and greet outside of BOD meetings● One of the things the RCs have just secured from BMORG is the ability to use the BWB logos and videos, etc.  Jim to provide additional information as he has it.● Nick from Camp Dirago works for CrisKids, and thinks it would be a good place to start in terms of community engagement/civic projects.● Wants to get some of the AIDSwalks / Hunger walks groups organized.  We know there are a few teams of burners, wants to combine, also add BWB type signage, and have a bigger representation.● Wants to do a clothes drive at Decomp.  Justin chimed in that we could also offer an incentive of a buck or two off admission to Decomp if you bring socks/clothes/underwear, etc.  BoD is interested in this, and will discuss and address as Decomp gets closer.● Wants to set up a BWB area at Alchemy, to get the word out and get some interest in them.● Infusion Festivals Update:  Chw reached out because they were advertising as being affiliated  with BM, and had pictures of BM, etc…  They have no affiliation to Burning Man or any regional burn.  It's a sticky situation, and the RCs are working with BMORG regarding these folks.  They  have since added language on some pages saying they are not directly affiliated with BM, but  they still have more language implying they are a "burn" than clarifying that they are not.  Jim  clarified that this discussion was just to keep the Alchemy BoD updated, he understands that the  BoD has no direct involvement or responsibility in regards to the Infusion Festival● Newbie Burner/BRC meet and greet is coming up.  Will be held in a meeting room behind Radial,  and will include some discounts from Radial.  August 4th.Decomp discussion with Justin:● Decomp Event Lead Team (DELT) is looking at two primary venues:  2 High Studios, and Blue Mark.● DELT has contacted 2 High, and is working with them so far.● DELT would also like to look at the space next to B-Complex, working on contacts● DELT wants to potentially do a full immersion style event, with a Decomp party in the middle of  it.  If the venue allows.  BoD is interested in this possibility, and will wait to hear options from  the DELT.  It would represent a significant budget increase for Decomp, but could also get more  of the community engaged in the event.● DELT is targeting 2, 3, and 5 weeks after Alchemy.  Want to stay away from Halloween weekend.● Jim pointed out that 2nd weekend of Oct is Pride, which might allow for more people in town  for Pride to attendUpdate on the Online Fundraiser:● Camp Dirigo has been fully funded, Offroad wheelchair project met minimum, and then did a  fundraiser to meet their recomputed maximum● All other projects are still working on funding as of the meeting date.● Fees from paypal related to the fundraiser are turning out to be higher than expected.   Speculation that using a separate account lowered any discounts normally applied due to scale.   BoD still discussing how to handle PP fees.Update on Art Fundraiser Event Report:● Still pending.  Team reports and a few other pieces are still outstanding.  Trevor has a lot of the  budget side, the SOPs and advice for future years.  Trevor will push to get everyone's reports in  soon.  Chelsea is working on a whole new process for artist submissions, funding requests, etc● Rebecca would like us to get to a serious SOP discussion once the report is final.  We all agree  the old model doesn't work with the new online fundraiser, fund matching, etc.● Trevor has started collecting artist contracts.  Has 4 or 5 out of 17 total needed.Status update on Alchemy 2012:● Team leads have been chosen and announced.  Still missing LL Lead, but expect to get an  application in soon from two potential co-leads.● First TL meeting is Saturday the 28th at Famous Pub.● TL e-mail groups have been set up for each team (except LL and a new creative team yet to be named).● Goal is to have budgets done for next BOD meeting.  We'll be sending out preliminary numbers  to each team as a starting point shortly.Next meeting will be August 12, at Dawn's house, at noon.  601 Wesley Plantation Dr, Duluth, GA  30096Meeting adjourned:  2:12 PM

Alchemy BOD Minutes: June 2012

Alchemy Board of Directors Meeting Sunday, June 24, 20126:30 p.m.Attending members:Trevor RegisterSarah GriffinAge GinsburgRebecca ReaDawn FluryAttending Burning Man Regional Contacts:Tunna KeroseneJim TaflingerOld Business:Who has account access and who should have access to the Alchemy accounts?       Rebecca Rea is currently on all three accounts as is Age Ginsburg.  This is currently non-negotiable, as Rebecca was responsible for the creation of the three accounts and all the accounts are linked in the banks system.       Rebecca has stated that she believes the current situation is fine and wants to avoid adding other people and potential confusion to the accounts bookkeeping.       Trevor has raised the issue that having only two people on the accounts, who in this case, live in the same house and frequently attend the same events such as this past weekend’s Serendipity Festival may potentially cause issues in the future in the event that neither person can be contacted in case of banking emergency.       Rebecca states that the Event Leads having proper card set up for each event in the future will prevent this situation from occurring. As an example: Sarah had to purchase several items for the Art Fundraiser out-of-pocket because of a problem with an incorrect PIN number on her card. In this case, there was nothing that either Rebecca or Age could have done about the situation even if called.       Sarah states that she would prefer to go to a bookkeeper system that places another individual in control of the accounts in case of emergency.       Our current system leaves Rebecca on all three accounts, as she was the one to open them.  Age, as our CFO and board member, also remains on the accounts; in the event the CFO changes after this year’s elections that person will be placed of the accounts.       Rebecca also states that the person named as cardholder on any card can call the bank, using the 800 number on the back of the card, if there are any problems with the card ( demagnetized strip, PIN questions, etc.).       At Age’s suggestion, we have agreed that a finance section should be added to future board meeting so that the entire board can track purchasing, payments and the general state of the Alchemy accounts.       All current Alchemy ELT’s have proper cards at the moment.  As a board, we are considering the merits of acquiring an additional card for miscellaneous expenses.  Rebecca will check to see if doing so will result in any additional fees.Status of finding an official bookkeeper for the Alchemy finances.              Sarah has received recommendations from Karrin about a possible bookkeeper but has not received anything from Jessica yet. Sarah had also committed to procuring more recommendations and presenting them to the board as she gets them.Insurance Coverage              Rebecca states that the Fundraiser has insurance and that she will deal with the insurance issues for the rest of the year and report back any relevant information.       Our insurance fee structure has changed since last year and increased.  Our current insurance broker is looking for a better deal.       The board also notes that potential work weekends will not be coveed by insurance until this matter is resolved.Money Owed:Get us checks Hippies!       Troy - $500 for trailer       Jonathon - $39.60 (airfare overage)       Trevor - $39.60 (airfare overage)       Rebecca -$39.60 (airfare overage)Euphoria Report:       This year event was largely drama free!  No major ranger issues reported.  We are currently awaiting Lee’s final report.       Team Lead reports are not yet in but we expect them to be complete by the next meeting of the board.       Sarah would like to send out a survey to the Team Leads, in the interest of getting as much feedback as possible.  Sarah has offered to create the survey and forward it to the board before sending it out to the Team Leads.       The board is also creating a listing of the current and past volunteers, what they have volunteered for and any problems with their performance.Art Fundraiser Report from Trevor              Trevor states that the event was a success.  The artist had their funding money by 2 a.m. and we had cleared the building by 2:38 a.m.21 projects were submitted for the event.The sum total for the minimums of the projects was $14,500The sum total for the maximums was $27,500Six projects were at least minimally funded with fund matching:       The Lighthouse       The Yurt       Circus Combustus       The Fire Garden       The Power Bright 5,000       Watch Our City GrowTwo projects were maximally funded with fund matching:The Power Bright 5,000Watch Our City GrowThe combined income from the bar, ballets and auction was $3770 The board spent $1700 on the FundraiserChelsea Darling, was present and raised these suggestions for the board. In the future she would like to see the Fundraiser be held earlier in the year so as to not conflict with other weekend events.  This would also give artists more time to build larger projects. She also believes that perhaps artists seeking funding should be given the option to lower the minimum amount they are willing to accept to bring their work to the event, in the event they do not get their original minimum amount.Age proposes that next year we attempt to hold the Fundraiser on the Vernal Equinox, March 6th, if possible, as an overnight event.Trevor will have his event report on the Fundraiser at the end of July and will also write a detailed SOP for the event to be used by future Event Leads.It has been decided that there will also be an online fundraiser for those who are interested and who were not fully funded by the event. Online fundraiser artists will return the dollars given to them if they do not make their minimum online.  This is a serious point of contention for the board members.In hearing that moneys were distributed to artist who did not meet their minimum, Age points out that giving funds to those who did not make their minimum is not in keeping with our previous procedures and is not allowing the community to choice the art that they feel deserves to be funded.Sarah states that the online auction is also an arm of the Burner community and that our previously agreed upon fund matching will cover a certain amount of the funding.Trevor states that he feels there is no current standard model for the fundraiser.Sarah states that we have previously committed to an online fundraiser model.Rebecca points out that there is no guarantee that an online fundraiser will be successful and that we cannot promise these artists that it will raise their minimum needed to fund their projects.  We as a board cannot commit to raising money for these artists. Rebecca also points out that this decision to hand money over to these artists was made on the fly, without the approval or input of three of the five board members.Age and Rebecca both agree that the fact funds were distributed to artist who did not meet there minimum is a violation of previous policy, and believe that the money should have been held until the entire board could discuss the matter and agree on a plan of action.       Age states, we now need to create a procedure for the collection of the funds that have been distributed that might not be bringing art to Alchemy.  We do not need the community and artists asking were the money went if this proposed art does not come to the event.       Trevor states that he believes we should extend the amount of matching funds to cover the online fundraiser as well.  This  is approved by all board members.       Trevor states that the online fundraising will be headed up by Patrick.  This is also approved by all board members.       Discussion now begins on where the money from the online fundraiser will go. Rebecca favors a Kick-Starter like set up (not Kick-Starter, only similar).  This would have us moving away from Paypal and getting our own “swipe” though our bank.  Note:  This cannot be done until after Alchemy because we are currently in mid-ticket sales.  Trevor will talk to Patrick about the full online fundraiser set, with the money taken in going to the Alchemy account.  This should be the easiest way to track the money and which project it is intended for.       Trevor believes that a month to a month and a half will be enough time for the online fundraiser.       Rebecca also wanted all involved artists to know that they will need to raise as much money for themselves as possible in this amount of time.Action ItemsSarah – put minutes up on websiteSarah – bookkeeper recommendationsSarah – Create a survey to acquire feedback from the Euphoria Team LeadsRebecca – money owedRebecca – additional charges for additional cards?Troy – money owedTrevor – money owedJonathon – money owed? – Creation of an SOP for the proper distribution of fund from Art FundraiserItems Currently on the Agenda for July MeetingJuly Meeting currently scheduled for July 15th, at Rebecca & Age’s house.Rebecca will facilitate.Decomp report from Cory & Justin (they will be attending the meeting to get a rough budget)RCs – What can we do for you?Items Currently on the Agenda for August MeetingArt Fundraiser Team - ProposalCreate a Decomp SOP to be used for future events

Alchemy BOD Minutes: May 2012

Attendees:Trevor, Sarah, Age, Dawn from BOD + Jessica Seales (Alchemy ELT) Old Business: Bank Account / Financials discussion:Recommendation from Age to break roles into three positions:1. Treasurer - someone from the BOD who will handle monetary transfers, and certain decision makinga. No decision made on whether to make this an official title.1. Bookkeeper - prefer to be a hired party, who will handle entering receipts and reconciliations to Quickbooks, etca. Sarah to get recommendations from Karrinb. Jessica to check with her employer (a non-profit) for recommendationsc. Age to continue bookkeeping until a separate one is found1. Accountant - Year end audit and tax preparationa. Need and choice to be determined toward end of year. Sarah voiced concerns regarding there only being two persons on the BOD with ability to transfer money  and access online banking, and both of those living in the same household.  Would prefer the backup be  from a different household, primarily because the house tends to travel together.  No decisions made,  tabled until full BOD can participate in the discussion.  Alchemy 2011 Afterburn report and financials:BoD votes to give up on getting any financial details for 2011 from Troy Cobb, including bank  statements, accounting files, or the detailed financials to publish to the community.  A multitude of  efforts to get any financial detail or perform confirmatory audits of the books continue to be blocked by  Troy Cobb and has become completely unresponsive to further requests from the BoD for these details. BoD votes to publish the limited financials that we have.  Internet team to publish 2011 financial summary. BoD votes to give up on getting  a final Event Report for Alchemy 2011.  A multitude of attempts over  the prior 6 months to get the Event Report from Troy Cobb have been entirely unsuccessful, and  after resigning from the BoD in March under pressure to complete the event report, Troy has become  completely unresponsive.  Trevor has volunteer to contact each team lead from Alchemy 2011 to get individual reports resent, and  compile into report. Sarah will get this year's limited financials to Patrick to post. Age to do reconciliation of monies owed to Alchemy by individuals. Troy Cobb  used $500 without BoD approval for a personal purchase and has not returned the money.Euphoria budget has been submitted and reviewed.  A few items of note were brought up, and Age will work with Lee to resolve those items offline so budget can be approved.Euphoria ELT: No updates, no ELT members present. Alchemy ELT: Updates - review of current team lead applicants, ticket sales.  Some team leads have not  been applied for, only a few have more than one.  Theme is selected as "Choose Your Own Adventure",  and will be announced in next newsletter.  Art Fundraiser:Deposit check has been mailed to the venue.  Contract is pending receipt. Fundraiser team is working on budget.  Trying to find lower prices on items like portapotties, etc. Discussion on whether to serve alcohol.  Due to licensing issues, decision is to not serve alcohol.  A new newsletter is written, waiting to be published.  Trevor to send to Patrick. Meeting adjourn 6:22 PM

Alchemy BOD Minutes: April 2012

Alchemy, LLC Board of Directors MeetingApril 15th, 2012Meeting Begins at about 3:00pmPresent:  Rebecca Rea, Age Ginsburg, Sarah Griffith, Trevor Register, Dawn Flurry, Jonathan LaLiberty, Jessica Seales, Tareq Fayyad, Lee Watts, Tunna Kerosene, Chw Joiner, & Mel RobertsOld BusinessEuphoria Afterburn Report FinancialsCompleted and closedAlchemy Afterburn Report and FinancialsACTION ITEM -Nothing new from Troy received, still awaiting detailed financials and completed event report, contact Troy - Sarah or Rebecca to contact for updateBookkeeper Update/DiscussionRebecca hasn’t had the time to further pursue this after initial research and contact with Whalen, Age volunteered to take this up. Age also volunteered to do the bookkeeping until we hire one. - ACTION ITEMInsurance Update/DiscussionRebecca - two different types of insurance, Event (volunteers, event leads, event volunteers) and “D and O” (“Directors and Officers”, covers board members, other official corporation positions). Moving from an LLC to a non-profit requires a change how we insure the organization.Bank Account Update/DiscussionRebecca - Chase has a system such that we can use their credit card processing instead of Paypal’s. Using this system will cut down on interchange fees. We’d pay them a certain amount of money per month based on number-of-transactions. Chase will not hold funds because we have an account with the bank, unlike Paypal. We would also get the funds immediately as opposed to waiting 3-5 business days. Having this with the bank allows for much greater flexibility.Sarah - less fees is appealing.Who has access to which of the three accounts?Point of information: With the new account setup, there are three bank accounts. A revenue account, to which all ticket sales will initially go, and two expense accounts, one for Alchemy and one for Euphoria. Funds will be moved from the revenue account into the expense accounts.Rebecca - difference between signatories and cardholders. Signatories - control over checking accounts, move money between accounts, open/close account, shouldn’t have more than 2 people on the account. We can issue as many as 8 cards per account, and we can set limits on each card. For example, if Public Works needed money for a work weekend, we can go to Chase and have them issue a card in one of their names as well as set a spending limit. The card would be listed to a specific person, that person cannot spend more than the limit, and the board can view the account use. For future projects, we could set the limit again. This allows for project-by-project budgets. Rebecca thinks it’s “fucking fantastic”, and the room nods their collective head in approval.Age - for account security concerns, recommends no more than two signatories per account (standard practice). One main card for revenue account, project-specific cards as-needed. Suggests 1 board member, 2 ELT members for each expense account.Sarah - PROPOSAL: cardholders for Euphoria account: Board member: Rebecca, ELT: Lee and Tareq.Sarah - need to create and document processes for all of this for future boards/ELTsRebecca - would like to get 1 or 2 more cards issued with low limits for convenience such as daily PW runs, other on-the-spot, unexpected expensesRebecca - since we can set the limits for the cards on our phones, we can set up safe, limits on-the-flyRebecca - haven’t closed Alchemy, LLC account, leaving it open for now due to inventory weekend expenditures (waiting for check to clear)Sarah - for closing accounts, do all signatories have to agree on account closure? Rebecca - Yes, but doesn’t prevent one signatory from moving money around.Revenue account - Age - all incoming ticket sales. Should only ever pay AAA expenses (no event-specific expenses) or transfer into the even specific expenditure accounts, shouldn’t have more than 1 debit card,Rebecca - doesn’t want to make final decisions now, need to determine the difference between AAA expenses and event-specific expenses. Need to start thinking of assets that cover the corporation instead of assets for each event. How do we decide how to paid for assets shared among events.Examples of things that wouldn’t be shared: golf carts for events, porta-pottiesShared assets: insurance, shade structuresAge - need to start viewing each event as a fundraiser for the non-profit. Goal of any fiscal year is to do all events such that we can raise enough money for other things like civic projects, public art projects, CORE, etc, which would be funded by AAA.Rebecca - needs to be a process in place to determine for long-term assets (identified by ELT) and the board can decide to allow AAA to cover those assets as opposed to the specific event.Expenditure accounts - Euphoria/Decomp, Alchemy/Art FundraiserDeciding how to distribute ELT cardsRebecca/Tunna - let ELT decide since board/signatories can control money flowTrevor - ELT proposes, board approves, board is accountableLee - being trusted to run the events should be enough, chance of someone running off with a ton of money is an important situation to consider, but not very likelyAge - money moved from revenue  to expense accounts based on monthly reports and budget requests. Does NOT recommend all revenue moves to expenditure account after ticket sales close. This then reduces further the chance of someone “running off with all the money” Rebecca, Trevor, Sarah, OK with this model assuming more money can be transferred to the board quickly, i.e., within 24 hours. Believes proper reporting and monitoring will ensure account integrityRebecca - would like more time to think, table general discussion of distributing ELT cards. Room agrees. TABLEDACTION ITEM - EELT will discuss amongst themselves and get back to the board within one weekPaypal/ThundertixRebecca - contacted Troy to get paypal login, awaiting his reply. Will transfer all money collected thus far into the revenue account, will change to new password and allow all board members access will write up report for all purchases/expenditures she’s done thus far - ACTION ITEMNew BusinessYear End Corporate FinancialsWaiting on TroyTaxesTroy will be handlingBoD/ELT Duties & ResponsibilitiesThe BoD and several members of both Euphoria and Alchemy ELT’s discussed at length about the causes of friction between the BoD and ELT’s and ways to alleviate that friction. There was a consensus that much of this is caused by there not being some kind of SOP (standard operating procedures) for each team including delineated responsibilities. The RACI model was also discussed (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed).TABLEDTruckLee - will do cost analysis of renting vs buying/maintaining a new truck vs short term leases (e.g. 2 months)Euphoria UpdateBudget - working with one other team to finalize their budget so they can finalize the Euphoria budget, still expect to meet 4/18 deadline, will let board know then if they need more time. - ACTION ITEMArt Fundraiser UpdatePossible fund matchingRebecca - decide how much total we want to allocate, use only to help artists reach minimumTunna - total budget for Art Fundraiser including fund matching, limits on how much spent on actual event, taxes would need to be taken into consideration for fund-matching money.Note: taxes do not need to be considered on money from gate sales or auction proceeds since it never enters AAA’s bank accountRebecca - Propose to spend up to $10K for fund matchingAge - this would be an AAA expenseSarah - wait until first set of tickets go on sale to announce full limit of funding, for now, announce that we’re fund matching up to a certain amount and announce that certain an amount after 1st tierDawn - announce now to spark interest, announce specific dollar amount laterAPPROVED - Allocate up to $10,000 for fund matching at the Art Fundraiser.Include this announcement in the next Alchemist - ACTION ITEM - TrevorStatus of Art Fundraiser PlanningTrevor - still looking for a venue, Blue Mark Studios quoted me at $1000 for 8 hours including setup/breakdown. Waiting for responses from 3 other venues. Goat Farm, Blue Tower, and Little Tree have already been contacted and are unavailable. Teams/Volunteer positions identified, awaiting venue confirmation before moving further on anything else. Trying to keep venue cost at less-than $1000, total event budget less-than $1300.Chw - meeting with owner of B-complex this week. Owner is familiar with burners and Chw has a good feeling about this venue.Other possible venues: Wrecking Bar, Village Theater, 103 West, Andrews Arts District, **Land Trust**Process for expenditures for the FundraiserAge - give card to ELT with dollar limit, go to board if checks are requiredHiring SecurityRebecca - put into budget as potential issue, try to find venues where external security isn’t required, contact her if we need to hireAlchemy UpdateStatus of Alchemy website - readiness for ticket sales?Tunna - P’trix PLURphy sent rough design to ELT, working with webhost to ensure no capacity issuesTrevor - ACTION ITEM - determine scholarship ticket winners, report to AELTJess - social mediaProposal - migrate to facebook ‘page’ for official announcements, official answers to questions, all information comes from ‘one’ person as opposed to different board members/ELTs.Jessica will present a formal proposal to the board. - ACTION ITEM - May 13thAccessibility thing - AgeAge - what are putting ourselves liable for if we talk about being an Accessible Place (i.e., being ADA compliant) or having an official Accessibility Team. What language should we use?Mel - need a lawyerDawn - probably impossible to be completely compliant with ADABurning Man - Accessibility team is a theme camp, not an official teamTrevor - If Accessibility Team is a theme camp as opposed to an official team, do we still have liability? Room: NoEELT is working on how to handle this issue.Give us monies!Jonathan - $39.60 (airfare overage)Sarah - $39.60 (airfare overage) - PAIDTrevor - $39.60 (airfare overage)Rebecca - $39.60 (airfare overage)Chw - PAIDHas Troy paid the $500 for the trailer yet? NoFuture Agenda Items:How can the RC’s most help us?  (Jim’s suggestion, so include him in that meeting.)Invite Justin and Corey to a meeting to discuss decomp.Meeting ended at approximately 7:45pm

Alchemy BOD Minutes: March 2012

Alchemy LLC Board of Directors MeetingMarch 18, 2012 Meeting Begins at about 3:20pmPresent:  Troy Cobb, Rebecca Rea, Age Ginsburg, Sarah Griffith, Trevor Register, Jonathan LaLiberty, Jessica Seales, Tareq Fayyad, Jim Taflinger, Scott Whitfield & Mel Roberts Alchemy Event Report and FinancialsTroy sent breakdown via email yesterday.  He’s categorized Alchemy by team or project.  Working on a PDF, but didn’t happen in time.  He has handout for us today.  We’re near break even for the year, mostly due to CORE costs.  Must be wrapped up in the next 2 weeks, by the end of the fiscal year.  Preliminary Financials can be found here.Current Bank Account:  $5000 check for Euphoria account that still hasn’t been cashed.  $7400 in the bank, including current outlays for Summit.  Tunna’s hasn’t been purchased yet.  Chw’s is still pending, but should clear tonight.Troy believes we must have a bookkeeper by April 1st.  Rebecca and Troy both commit to spending lots of effort to get this resolved.  Rebecca has a contact she plans to feel out for recommendations.Troy wants to clear up any concerns about whether or not official funds were used for Schizofrenzy.  The cube and all other expenses were on Troy’s account.  He brought some paperwork relating to some of those items.  He did pull $500 out of the Alchemy account to replace the broken trailer, planned to pay that back and forgot about it.  He apologized profusely and will now pay back the full amount.Bookkeeper/monitoring cash flow, QuickbooksTroy thinks we need one by 4/1 and he and Rebecca are prepared to devote some time to finding one.Troy resigns from the BoD and Alchemy ELTHe announces his decision and reads his prepared statement. He plans to still be involved and be a resource whenever needed and hand things off.  He thinks this is a good time to do a reset.  Here’s Troy’s statement.At this point, Troy excuses himself from the meeting.  Sarah makes a phone call to Dawn Flurry, who is the alternate, based on votes in the 2011 elections. According to our ByLaws, the seat goes to Dawn.  She accepts the seat and will attend next month’s meeting, catching up on the list in the meantime.Interviews for Event Lead Team MembersApplicants:  Jessica Seales, Trevor Register, Scott Whitfield, Cory Glenn, Justin Majors, Miranda Covington, Kaylie-Jade “Bug” & Tracy Finnemore.Jessica Seales “Bama”She’s been Alchemy LLC’s Volunteer Lead for 2011.  She currently works in marketing & special events at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, where she serves as a Project Manager.  She also executed events during her time at Planned Parenthood.  Most recently, she was responsible for organizing all route entertainment at the Hunger Walk/Run, an event with over 15,000 people in attendance.  She originally applied for the Art Fundraiser, but is most interested in serving on Alchemy’s ELT.  Rebecca has every confidence in Jessica on Alchemy’s ELT.Trevor Register “BullTits”In 2011, Trevor led Euphormance at Euphoria and Fire Conclave for Euphoria and Alchemy.  He also led a significant portion of the onsite Effigy construction and was essentially the construction Co-Lead for the Temple, both for Alchemy.  He was also elected to the BoD.He’s learned quite a bit about his strengths and weaknesses.  Trevor says he’s charismatic, motivated and excels at delegation.  We feel confident that he’d do a great job running either Art or Decomp.   He feels he won’t be able to do Alchemy, as he’ll be starting a demanding program in July.  We’ll use him where he’s most needed and he’s fine with that.Scott WhitfieldScott is currently a virgin, looking forward to attending his first burn in 2012.  He doesn’t have a ticket for Euphoria, at this point.  He plans to attend Alchemy.  He’s been to camping festivals and loves what he hears about burns and wants to volunteer, in a big way, right from the start.His professional background is in live event production and he owns a company in Atlanta called Imagination & Technology.  He’s been in this industry since 1981. Much of what he does is production design for large events like arena shows and festivals.  His role typically includes project management and production supervision.  These could be for anything from a single performance stage to a multi-tier experience event.  His company just wrapped up the Bassmaster Classic in Shreveport - The Super Bowl of bass fishing.  He runs the company with a partner who’s more the big-idea guy.  It’s Scott’s job to figure out the real-world logistics of actually creating the big ideas.  He calls himself the reality police.We talk about how burns are different than many other events and how we’d prefer him to have attended one before he leads.  We do love his experience running events.   Rebecca suggests he lead a team first, possibly Connexus.  Age thinks he’d be a good fit on the Effigy team, both with the build (if that’s in his skill set) and with the Pageant, which is very much in line with his experience.  He will get back to Rebecca if he manages to score a Euphoria ticket.Cory GlennCory leads one of the bigger theme camps, Conglomerate.  He’s also responsible for the awesome Square Grouper.  He’s got some land called Fatality Farm up in Athens and a good amount of experience throwing events within the community.  He was unable to make the meeting because he was running an event but is very interested in leading Decomp.  Everyone seems to feel positively about Cory and that idea and agree we know him well and don’t need to interview him further.Justin MajorsJustin is a Director of the FLAME Festival.  He also runs his own events through iOpener and helps organize many other music events.  He led Decomp several years ago.  In addition, he has a management position professionally.Justin is very interested in leading Decomp.  He’d be happy to help with the Art Fundraiser, but isn’t as available to lead in June.  He was unable to make the meeting, but we already know him quite well and feel very comfortable with him in a lead position.Miranda CovingtonNo show.Kaylie-Jade “Bug”No show.Tracy FinnemoreNo show.ELT DiscussionShould RCs be on an ELT?  Is there a conflict?  Age thinks time is a concern.  Regionals are becoming more important – will their jobs get bigger?  RCs by design represent BM, not our region.  You’re BM’s rep to us, not the other way around.   What if an issue comes up and the ELT’s consensus isn’t how BM feels it should be done?  While we agree that this may become cause for concern, we don’t like the idea of removing anyone after they’re already chosen.  We’ll see how it goes this year and might make a change in future years.Vote:Do we want Rebecca on Alchemy’s ELT?Yes.Do we want Jessica on Alchemy’s ELT?Yes.Do we want Age on Alchemy’s ELT?Yes.Do we want Trevor on the Art Fundraiser’s ELT?Yes.Do we want Justin on Decomp’s ELT?Yes.Do we want Cory on Decomp’s ELT?Yes.We’d like Trevor to seek out a Co-Lead for the Art Fundraiser.  Do we agree to Trevor choosing his own Co-Lead?Yes.Trevor later notifies us that he’s chosen Shannon Joiner aka Chw.  Chw has been involved in the Atlanta burn community for years.  He’s organized many events and fundraisers for art.  Trevor is very excited to have him on board!Event Lead TeamsThe Art FundraiserTrevor Register “BullTits”Shannon Joiner “Chw”AlchemyTunna KeroseneBecky KatzRebecca ReaAge GinsburgJessica SealesDecompressionJustin MajorsCory GlennELT expenditure processEuphoria plans to have a google doc where every purchase will be listed, so they have very close to live financials available.  Any participant should be able to check and see where we are financially.They’ll also meet 3 to 4 days before each BoD meeting and be ready to update the BoD monthly.  They’ll present what they expect to spend + 10%.   They should have a budget by the first week of April for Euphoria, once TLs turn in their budgets.Process for moving money from income account to separate Euphoria/Alchemy expenditure accountsRebecca hasn’t started CU accounts and still has $5K check.  She’s not pleased with how her CU has handled things.  They’re not designed for small business accounts.She’s talking to Steve with Chase.  It would possibly ease things to have a personal contact, especially when changing signatories.  She’d like one more week to hammer things out with Chase and see if it can work.Either way, the plans are to have a revenue account and an account for each event.  That will make it much easier to be aware of how much each event is spending.  Euphoria plans to have a google doc where every purchase will be listed, so they have nearly live financials available.Rebecca will sit down and think about what she plans to do in what order and hopefully send an email this week.  The whole process should be complete by 4/1.Euphoria 2011 FinancialsEuphoria was closer to break even than expected for two reasons:1) Scanners were only used for Euphoria, so were put on Euphoria’s financials.  The original plan was to use them for both events and have Alchemy cover that expense.  That didn’t happen.2) The Euphoria financials also didn’t account for taxes, so those had to be added.PR/Communications teamThings have been working well.  This year’s Board has been communicating well.  Also, Jessica Seales is no longer available to lead and she’s the one who submitted the proposal.  Sarah offers to draft a quick public statement for the FB pages, post to list for approval this week.-TABLE with expectations.Year-round team proposalsWe’d like to have a sit down with them soon to discuss the year-round team.  Euphoria met and came up with a solution for the PW team.  The leads are going to manage certain very specific contracts with each burn.  Then there’s the year-round team, which handles broader things and could have a different lead.  The Leads are going to manage certain very specific contracts with each burn.  We also need a schedule of specific dates with regards to when things are going "

Alchemy BOD Minutes: February 2012

February 2nd, 2012 - Meeting Agenda and MinutesMeeting Open: 3:25 PMBOD present: Troy Cobb, Trevor Register, Rebecca Rea, Jonathan Laliberty, Sarah Griffith, Age GinsburgAlso present: Gorey Glenn, Lee Watts, Karrin Duncan, Jessica Seales, Alex AldermanArrived later: Meghan Rutigliano from BMHQOld Business1. Euphoria 2011 Final ReportRebecca reports that everything is complete except Lowe's/Home Depot purchase information from the work weekend before Euphoria. Troy will send Alchemy debit card reporting from that period, after which Rebecca will update the report based on this information.2. Alchemy 2011 EventTroy reports that the Alchemy 2011 event report is nearing completion and currently sits at greater than 50 pages. Financials are also mostly done, with a new commitment to try to finished them by Friday.3. Decomp Event ReportThe Board consents to publish the Decomp Event Report as is, even thought it does not contain detailed information about the service fee cost for invitations sold.4. BOD Schedule of Tasks/EventsRebecca was to produce. The board consents that we will de-emphasize the need for this until org transition to a non-profit. Immediate requirements are being handled by separate ELTs as needed. We expect to produce this calendar retrospectively before the board transition for 2013. Item to be tabled until last meeting of the year.5. 2012 Scholarship TicketsThe Board consented to provide scholarship invitations to just Euphoria and Alchemy this year. Scholarship invitations will be awarded by a random drawing among those submitting to participate. We will suggest that winners record/photograph their experiences.We will award 7 scholarship invitations to Euphoria and 13 to Alchemy.Trevor will contact Internet team for infrastructure to handle submissions, and reporting on how to handle randomness.Deadlines: For Euphoria scholarships, callout to go out on 15th, open submissions 15th, close on Feb 28th, announce on Feb 29th.Alchemy deadlines will mimic Euhporia's once invitation sale dates are established.6. 2012 BM Regional SummitAge and Rebecca were already considering going on their own dime. The Board feels strongly that the Regional summit would be of benefit to all organizers of the event. This year in particular, because we're converting to 501c3, implementing a cap for the first time. As such, the Board consented to cover up to $500 in expenses for each elected Board member and for up to three Georgia RC's. The max outlay for the organization is $4000. The expenses to be covered include airfare, entry fees, and hotel, up to the stated amount per person.Troy to organize airfare purchase and to send reminder details.All those attending from Alchemy will be required to produce a team presentation of our learnings for delivery to the broader community.7. 501(c)(3).Rebecca reports that there is a 45 day timeframe from State registration submission to submit forms to IRS. Rebecca plans to clear up any outstanding questions within the week. The Board also discussed financial logistics, with the current plan to leave our merchant processing for Alchemy LLC with Paypal until the new organization non-profit designation is confirmed by the IRS. Then obtain a new account under the new entity and switch ticket processing over to that. Age will reach out to Storm (Burnt Oranges) for details about their initial submittal to IRS and other guidance they may have.8. PR/Communications team discussionAfter extensive discussion, the Board agreed to table this consideration for a few weeks to discuss composition of team and specific roles, etc. Rebecca will work up a rough draft of communications team guidelines for consideration. Others may do so as well and discuss on list. All discussion points should be posted to the list NLT Feb 26th.9. FLAME request to rent structuresBoard consents to deny this request at this time due to a lack of process or understanding of the true risks. We will agree to rethink this decision after the new non-profit entity is formed.10. APW long-term storage proposalsThere are a number of options under consideration, with no firm suggestion at the time. The team is looking for climate controlled space with work area, but is finding little at ground level. A hybrid solution may be proposed.In addition, we discussed the panel truck, which is currently still broken down at Cherokee Farms. Lee will find a mechanic to review the condition of the truck and quote repairs. She will also find a towing company to get this to the mechanic. Target for all of this is to coincide with the APW March inventory plans.11. The Board confirmed the following items voted online in the past month:a. Approve Internal Board Use Only minutes from January 15, 2012 meeting?i. ALL: Yes.b. Euphoria ELT decides on ticket cap for Euphoria 2012?i.Troy and Trevor: Noii.Rebecca, Age, Sarah and Jonathan: Yesc. If approved, forward all other applications for Web Team to Russ, allowing him to select his own team.i. ALL: Yesd. Approve the creation of a year round Public Relations Team? (note: this does not include choosing anyone specific as the lead)i. Age and Troy: Yesii. Rebecca and Jonathan: No but not blockingiii. Trevor and Sarah: No, blocking for further discussione. Final meeting schedule for 2012: Do you approve the (hopefully final) proposed meeting schedule for 2012? February 12, March 11, April 1, May 20, June 24, July 8, August 12, September 16, October 14, November 11, December 9.i. All: Yesf. June 23 for Art Fundraiser?i. Trevor, Sarah, Jonathan, Age, Rebecca: Yesii. Troy: Abstaing. If created, approve Jessica Seales as Lead for PR Team?i. Rebecca: No - not blockingii. Trevor, Troy, Sarah: No - blocking - more discussioniii. Age, Jonathan: Yesh. Black out the Alchemy and Euphoria websites on January 18th for 12 hours in protest of SOPA?i. All: Yes (hooray!)i. Additional meeting: Sunday, January 29th? Location and time can be decided after this poll.i. Rebecca, Sarah, Trevor, Age: Yesii. Jonathan, Troy: No New Business1. Euphoria 2012The Board discussed ticket pricing, ticket tiers, and attendance caps in detail. The Event Lead team proposed an attendance cap of 750 attendees for aesthetic reasons (to preserve the smaller burn feel). We identified no infrastructural reasons for the cap. After extensive discussion, the ELT and Board agreed on the following structure:

  • 751 Attendee cap
  • $35 Invitation price, no pricing tiers
  • 7 Scholarship Tickets
  • Remaining Invitations to be released in two batches for sale
  • March 1, 2012: 372
  • March 17, 2012: 372

Invitations will remain on sale until they sell out, or until midnight before the event begins.2. Year round teamsThe Board discussed establishing some teams as year-round, rather than event oriented. The following teams were proposed and discussed:

  • Communications/PR
  • Web/Internet
  • Inventory & acquisitions / Quarteremaster
  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Volunteering

Age agreed to write up proposals for year-round teams, especially as involved with APW/Quartermaster, so that we might discuss this division of labor with the current APW volunteers and team leads.3. Web Update/StatusRebecca reports that the Euphoria website is in progress, with a volunteer database in place.There is no tight integration with our ticketing provider, Thundertix, as yet.Troy offered to reach out to the Web team to help coordinate potential integration points with Thundertix as he has had this discussion with our vendor already.4. Finances and Handling of money by ELTsDay-to-day finances will become much more tricky this year with multiple individuals potentially purchasing items. The Board believes that adding professional bookkeeping will help. We will also explore making the Quickbooks cash-flow reporting options more available to all board members, potentially by using the online service. At the very least, ELTs will need to rework event budgets to include timing requirements, so those purchases can be made appropriately against cashflow.Troy will research our online Quickbook options, before next meeting.Age offered to review purchase requests and match against cash-flow.Euphoria ELT to rework budget to include timed-basis, by March 1st.5. The ""Facebook thing"" and social mediaThe Board consented to no longer actively moderate the Facebook group, and only take action if our very small set of rules are violated (blatantly illegal activity discussed, for instance). We will also move toward an announce-only type setup on Facebook, stemming from our official pages.Troy will research using a Facebook page versus our own custom websites (with the Facebook Graph integration) to see if using our current custom website will still allow us the flexibility we'd have with a Facebook page.6. Alchemy-related invitation and attendance cap detailsThe Board consented to table this until the Alchemy ELT presents a proposal, which will come no later than next meeting.7. Additional NotesMeghan Rutigliano noted that all of the Board members would be invited to attend the Regional summit. She also requested that we consider several presentation possibiities at the event, including presenting on our Art Fundraiser innovations. She asked that we write up a one-page description of our Art Fundraiser with a concentration on how it is unique and it's successes.No deadline was set and no one volunteered to do this.The Board meeting ended at approximately 8:20pm.The next Board meeting will be held at Colab. Troy will chair, Sarah will take notes.

Alchemy BOD Minutes: January 2012

January 14 2012 - Meeting Agenda and MinutesMeeting Open: 3:15 PMBOD Present: Troy Cobb, Trevor Register, Rebecca Rea, Jonathan Laliberty, Sarah Griffith, Age GinsburgEvent Lead Team Applicants present - Russ Baughcum, Alex Alderman, Tunna Kerosene, Becky Katz, Tareq Fayyad, Michael HarrisonI. Event Lead Team (ELT) ApplicantsEach ELT applicant was provided an opportunity to talk about their qualifications, their vision for what they would change or how they would shape the events they wish to lead, and any other items they would like to bring forward. The BOD and others present also interviewed Lee Watts and Robert Dukes via phone as they could not attend in person.Final Event Lead Teams for Euphoria and Alchemy:Euphoria: Rebecca Rea, Alex Alderman, Tareq Fayyad, Lee WattsAlchemy: Troy Cobb, Becky Katz, Tunna KeroseneII. Euphoria 2011 - Event report/financialsRebecca Rea (Euphoria 2011 Event Lead) has submitted the event report for Euphoria 2011 to the BOD for review. Upon review a few minor corrections were noted, as well as one still pending item to be gathered. Rebecca will make the corrections and submit a new version prior to the next BOD meeting.III. Alchemy 2011 - Event reports/financialsThe Alchemy 2011 event report and end of year report for the LLC are not complete and were not submitted to the BOD prior to the meeting. Troy Cobb (Alchemy 2011 Event Lead) is targeting the next BOD meeting (Feb 12) to have both reports submitted.IV. Georgia Decompression 2011Tareq Fayyad (Decomp 2011 Event Lead) has submitted the event report for Decomp 2011. Upon review a few minor corrections were identified. Troy and Tareq will work together to make the corrections and provide an updated report to the BOD prior to the next meeting.V. General BoDa. Board Meeting Schedule for 2012Full year schedule pending resolution of conflicts with certain dates. Next meeting of Feb 12 approved.b. Board Calendar of Important DatesRebecca is drafting a calendar for annual BOD milestones, to help the BOD identify what items should be discussed, decided, or resolved at each meeting to stay on track for the year. Rebecca hopes to have a draft for BOD review within 2 weeks.c. Publishing of MinutesMinutes of each BOD meeting will be published to the community within 2 weeks of the meeting.d. 2012 Scholarship programThe BOD has voted to change the scholarship program for 2012. Instead of buying one ticket each to a small number of other burns, the LLC will institute a scholarship program for tickets to Euphoria and Alchemy. Details of how the program will function are pending further discussion.V. Change of LLC to a 501(c)(3)The BOD approved the specifics to begin the process of creating a new 501(c)(3) organization, which will replace the LLC. Rebecca Rea will lead the effort.VIII. Euphoria 2012The BOD voted to extend the Euphoria event to 4 days, and approved the dates of June 7 - 10, 2012. Euphoria ELT will put together a proposal of their desires for other specifics.IX. Web TeamRuss Baughcum chosen as one of the Web Team Leads. Russ provided other applicants to choose team and possible co-lead(s).Meeting Close: 9:15 PM

Alchemy BOD Minutes: December 2011

Start time: 3:14pmPresent: All past board members except Clove, all current board members and guestsPresiding: AgeMinutes: RebeccaIntroduction from Age to guests about etiquette at BOD meetingsI. 2011 EventsA. Euphoria  i. Lacking event report    1. Get by next official board meeting (Rebecca)  ii. Financials    1. Pending a couple of charges from (Troy)  iii. Any last things for next year?    1. Euphoria was a new team lead selection model – keep that in mind for the next year, as it went pretty well.      a) Challenges – nepotism      b) Give event lead room to participate in choosing their teamsB. Alchemy  i. One team report missing: gate (Rebecca) – get by next meeting  ii. (Troy) is ¾ of the way done with event report and financials for Alchemy – by next meeting as long as he gets reports from Rebecca  iii. Money from art project that wasn’t done was returned to Alchemy and put in to our account    1. What happens to this money? Put it back in to the art fundraiser the next year? (vote: unanimous yes)  iv. Sarah asked about the chaos right before Alchemy – what were event lead responsibilities and what were the Board’s responsibility.    1. Troy says this was the first year he was second guessed.    2. There are now interests in milestones for Alchemy, to see when certain things have been done.    3. The Board had no idea what was going on, and that’s a problem.    4. Over all to-do lists, from event leads and from team leads so people can know what’s going on and what they can be doing.      a) Taking over a team is nearly impossible if you don’t know anyone.      b) This should be discussed as a part of the Afterburn event.      c) Standard team lead guide?      d) Last year’s team lead train next year’s?      e) This has been an oral tradition mostly. The organization needs to mature and have documents, but there are drawbacks – the more you write down, the more people will stick to exactly what is written down and will lose some of its fluidity.      f) Google doc so it is a living document? At least a tool of some kind that prompts people to share this information.      g) Key dates, other teams that they need to work with, etc. are bare minimum      h) mentorship  C. Final financials for 2011 – (Troy)  D. Decomp    i. Need final event report and financials (Tareq)  E. Art Fundraiser    i. Need to set the date and keep it set next year.    ii. Earlier in the year?    iii. Find other ways to send out messages other than Facebook  F. Table everything else until we get final reportsII. Other team lead info  A. Team lead meetings  B. What about out of towners? Web casting?III. Event leadingTraditionally, each event has been lead by one person. Do we want to change this?General discussion among board members:- We need to have more people involved in event leading.- Troy feels that there has needed to be someone to be the overall visionary person at the top.- There has to be someone who looks down on all of that to make sure it all goes.- The grand three year plan was to get back to the early Burning Man and get participants involved in building the burn. This is done now.- Maybe Euphoria can be the crazy experimental burn.- Can we do this with multiple event leads? Do we keep the one person as the top visionary person or project manager?- We need to put a call out to the wider community and let people know how to get involved.- In order for people to lead, there has to be room for them to lead.- Small group of people who can event lead?- committee of people to run the event- maybe a committee for each event  o keep them separate so the events remain different- But there needs to be some consistency among the events. For example, APW considered it separate events even though there was some cross over stuff.  o Maybe have a year round APW team  o We need inventory and ways for team leads to reserve things- If two committees for each event, then they should still talk to each other.General proposal:Shared responsibility for event leadingtwo separate teams – one for Euphoria and one for Alchemy, maybe some overlapHow do we get to what number of people event leading? Set an upper number or a lower one?Shouldn’t be more than 5, open call out, separate teams for Euphoria and Alchemy, and then however many leads for Decomp and Art Fund that are outside Euphoria and Alchemy lead teams.How do we recruit for this? Open it up to the world?Prerequisites? Qualifications?IV. Discussion regarding what things the BOD should decide:For any event that falls under AAA (except work weekends) - Ticket caps - Ticket open and close dates - Price - Length of event - Dates - LocationVote: AAA will now decide all of these for each event. Unanimous.V. Euphoria 2012Discussed possible ticket capTicket end dateLength of Event - (Rebecca): Call Smokey and reserve that weekend before Euphoria for build weekend. Length of the event is dependent on this.Table all this stuff for further discussion.VI. Alchemy 2012We need more time to think about this.VII. Communications LiaisonJessica’s proposal, which was sent to the BOD via email.Should it be a team? Should the volunteer be under this?Board agrees that this should be two separate teams. Communication Liaison and Volunteer.Tabled with expectations.VIII. Web team discussionSend out request for team leads (Jessica?) – Do we need to get together a list of requirements?Next Meeting: January 15, 2011 3pmSarah’s house3210 Ethan DriveMarietta, GA 30062"

Alchemy BOD Minutes: October 2011

BOD Meeting October 16th - Following Team Lead MeetingIn attendance: Troy, Tunna, Clove, Lovelace, Dawn, Age, and AmsterdamClove announced that she will be stepping down from the board, and Amsterdam will be taking her seat as Alchemy’s Burning Man liason.ElectionsWe didn’t collect email addresses at the gate this year, which is how we normally register people to vote. Troy proposed allowing people to register online, similar to the first time that we held online elections. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.Timeline10/19: Email announcing elections to go out

  1. Timeline
  2. How to sign up to vote
  3. How to self nominate
  4. responsibilities and expectations of board members
  5. Nominations open on this date

11/5: Nominations close11/6: Town Hall Meeting

  1. Election kickoff
  2. Candidates present themselves, make statements, answer questions by those in attendance
  3. Election website goes live
  4. Voting begins
  5. Responsibilities
  1. Troy: tech
  2. Tunna: logistics
  3. Age: moderator

11/19: Decompression

  1. 12 pm: elections close
  2. 2 pm: announcements sent out to all media
  3. during decom: formal announcement of new BOD

11/20: Decompression

  1. Meet the new board

12/11: Incoming/Outgoing BOD MeetingAt the end of the meeting, Jessica proposed that she take the position of Communications Liason. She knows how to get the word out, and will be happy to start by keeping people informed about the election process through Facebook, Alchemy Talk, announcement lists, etc.