Round 1 Application Deadline: Friday, June 7th 2024
Round 2 Application Deadline: Friday, July 5th 2024


We are continuing to work on revising the Alchemy art grant process, to give our artists more opportunities to submit and get their art funded. We will still be engaging the community for input on the projects, but not on such a broad scope. The application process will be broken into two rounds that are three weeks each, and a team will review the applications and begin the funding process after each round.

Round one opens on May 17th and runs through Midnight Friday June 7th.
Round two opens June 14th and runs through Midnight Friday July 5th.

Volunteers from the community and selected members of the Event Committee and Board will review the submissions between rounds and after applications close, to select the funded artists from the submissions. If you're interested in volunteering to be on the review team, please feel out the form available HERE

Thank you for your interest and participation - We look forward to seeing all the amazing projects you all submit!

Things to Consider Before You Begin

These funds exist for the sole purpose of ensuring that YOU can create art just because you want to create art. There are no limits to what you can create when the possibilities are (mostly) endless. We are ready to help, and have put together an amazing team of passionate, experienced artists & builders to help support your process and bring your ideas to life. We are strongly encouraging everyone to try something new this year! 

If for some reason you fail, all we want from you is an honest and authentic account of what you learned from the process, and how you intend to carry that with you into your next attempt at the project / back into the default world.

It is important to note that all projects submitted for funding must have a significant element of creation – for example buying a giant teddy bear and zip-tying it to a golf cart won’t be enough to get you funded. Once your project is submitted, we will reach out to work with you if additional elements of creation need to be added to your project.  

Additionally, we’re not here to censor art but certain topics will not be tolerated. Anything that appropriates or consists of an incitement to hatred primarily against a group of people defined in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, or sexual orientation will not be permitted.

What Art Grants Fund

Art grants can be used for materials, operational costs, and transportation for projects.

This includes, but is not limited to the following types of items:

Raw materials necessary to the construction or exhibition of the art, such as: wood, metal, fabric, glass, lighting, electronics, nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, adhesives, paint, wire, cable, tubing, stakes, decorative items, etc.

Consumable items that are used up during the construction or exhibition of the art, such as: sandpaper, saw blades, drill bits, glue, paint brushes, propane for fire art used at the event, fuel for generators used at the event

Disposable Consumables, for example, food and beverages (not including alcohol) intended for distribution to at least 5% of the total event population

Some items that may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and be partially funded include:

Travel expenses such as vehicle/trailer/equipment rental and fuel used to transport your project

Costumes either purchasing pre-constructed pieces or purchasing materials intended specifically for the construction of costumes for a performance. We may also partially fund projects to bring materials for the on-site construction of costumes for participatory, inclusive performances such as participant parades.

Fixed Assets (e.g. tools, structures, electronics) may be submitted but should be specialized, essential to the functionality of the project, and should be a relatively small portion of the expense. (i.e. a $50 Arduino in an $800 project is reasonable, $100 for a drill on a $200 project is not). Fixed assets which include generators, sound equipment, lighting equipment, and stages may be available for low-cost rent from a rental agency, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and may be partially funded.

What Art Grants DON’T Fund

  • Commercialized or heavily commodified projects

  • Ticket Costs (reserve tickets are available at full price for funded artists & their teams)

  • Anything deemed reasonably unsafe or hazardous

  • Labor Costs or appearance fees

  • Anything illegal

  • Alcohol

  • Fireworks

  • Drones

  • Paper/Sky Lanterns

Flame Effects & Burnable Art

Flame Effects & Burnable Art will require additional review with our Fire Safety Team. Please be prepared with a basic outline of your safety plan in your application. Once your project is submitted, we will contact you and can help with some of the fuzzy bits.

What is the Art Grant Review Team?

The Alchemy Art Grant Review Team is looking for community members to serve as review team members. The purpose of the Art Grant Review Team is to determine how to allocate this years art grant funds. The review team will meet to determine which projects will receive funding, and how much to allocate to all of the projects budgets. The review team will be comprised of Five members of Alchemy Leadership and ideally between three and six community members.
The deadline to apply for review team membership is _, and the community review team members and alternates will be chosen and notified by_.
Requirements for Community review team Members are as follows.
- Not a current member of the Flashpoint/Alchemy EC or Board of Directors
- The ability to review the grant application prior to each review team meeting.
- Having attended at least one Alchemy
- Being available the following dates: June 14th & July 12th tentatively

If this sounds like you, please fill out the application HERE!

Round one opens on May 17th and runs through Midnight Friday June 7th.
Round two opens June 14th and runs through Midnight Friday July 5th.


We want to fund as much art as possible, and we want to find a way to say yes to your project and give you as much money as we can.

Please email the art team at with your questions at