Alchemy Board Meeting 2010.03.14 Present: Dawn, Troy, Rebecca, Lovelace, Clove, TunnaStart: 3:18 pmRebecca facilitating.Old businessAfterburn Report: Troy – never put the work into it. Will have it done Monday evening.Action: Troy afterburn report Shipping Container – Tunna: maintenance on a trailer $800/year$380 to move from Colab to Cherokee Farms and back.$2000 – container (8 x 40)$3000 – 48 foot trailerTunna will have estimate report to the boardBig Tents: Troy: people in Asheville have two tents for sale right now.Single peak: $4500Smaller: $2500, but material is not firecode rated Tunna will get the container info by end of week. Decision by Tuesday.Set deadline for Tent decision after getting info for container.Review BylawsInput in by end of the month.Update on official status – CloveYes, we’re official.Revival of the newsletter – RebeccaWe need to start including things like “LNT Guidelines” or educational stuff, etc.Troy: We should do a joint effort to create some text based content for release by end of week.Action: Rebecca to create collaborative Google Doc.Team LeadsKat – yes. She put her own structure together.Janine – yesTroy to put another call out for Team lead apps, requested deadline: next board meeting.In/Out Tokens, Pageant, etc.People to contact for making puzzles:SparRyan mathernFreesideCamp scienceCall for puzzle people?VOTE: Skeleton key as In/Out Tokens? yesAction: March 31 – have token designedArt Fundraiser: June 19thMeeting over: 4:13
Alchemy BOD Minutes: July 2010
7/12/2010Meeting started at 7:35All BOD in attendanceHeld at Colab~~~~~Container-- No charge from Smokey to host on land. Write intocontract. Deliver at anytime.Date to retrieve tent--Troy emailed guy, waiting to hear back.$100-$120 to learn to set-up by actual demo. Troy to try torenegotiate learning set-up fee.Public-ness of Burn Plan-- Troy working on written part of of this.Troy to finish composing and will send to board tomorrow.Puzzle Update---happenedArt fundraiser update-- Those who wanted paid via paypal, were paidtoday. Some refused money that were below their minimum. Otherrequested checks, Troy to mail out.Schwag-- Sparr willing to do model. Once we have the model, Troy canget the quoteFirst aid--Lovelace looked for staffing agencies who could cover firstaid. Quote for Fri-Sun. $20-$30 per hour.Chancelor interested in First aid and one other, Alchemy newbieFire Safety-- Lo and Eli sent info on this year's needs from Troy.Waiting for reply on agreement to this year's plan.Center Camp and Connexus still open for team leadsTeam lead meet and greet-- need to schedule, BBQ one evening at Colab or ZenDen.Need to schedule in town work times, Temple, Effigy pre-build etc.**Troy to send out email to gate people from last year.**Tunna to get Troy budget for APW/Effigy by week's end.Conclave-- advertise time for a fire conclave from 9-945 pm on Sat.Add this into language of write about publicity of Effigy burn.""Saturday night Pageant fire conclave""Monetary discussion about land payment happened. This will be includedin submitted budget by Troy (once he gets it typed up)Newsletter with new language regarding conclave, Effigy, open teamleads, puzzles, etcPay security for perimeter in discussion. Smokey has people that do italready for other events on 4-wheelers. Checking into thispossibility.Check with Smokey about firewood--already chopped or haul inMeeting over at 8:35 pm
Alchemy BOD Minutes: June 2010
Alchemy Board Meeting MinutesJune 11, 2010All members in attendanceRebecca facilitatingBeginning at 3:35 p.m.Old business from May 18 meetingMinutes from May meeting need to be redactedWeb updates and financial reports discussed in previous meeting arestill unfinished but expected by the end of the week (May 25th)New BusinessContainer:Votes are still out of the proposal of a container purchase. Currentestimated cost is ~4500. A board member needs to discuss both the costof having the container on Cherokee Hills land and exactly what accesswe will have to the container with Smokey. Troy has volunteered to dothis.Tent:The current expenses for the new tent are at ~4300. A similar tentwill be raised in Asheville and the sellers would like us to have thechance to watch and videotape the work involved. This will happenduring the time of the Alchemy Art Fundraiser Event at CoLab sosomeone else needs to be found to videotape this. Arlo may be apossibility. Troy will contact him and discuss the possibility ofsending up a video camera.Team Leads:The positions for team lead of Center Camp, Connexus, First Aid & FireSafety are still unfilledTangent has been voted in for CoLead of the GreetersRanger Rack will ask if Michelle is interested in a CoLead position.Leads for the openings in First Aid & Fire Safety will be shelveduntil the July meeting.Troy will contact potential web-lead about additional experienceneeded for position.Budget:The new budget is still being worked on but will be ready by the Julymeeting. The approximate cost of the Effigy is proposed to be $2000.Lamplighter Update:Subleads are filled. A kitchen area and chapel are planned for thisyear. The number of lamps leading up to the effigy will be doubled andnew lamps will be added to back pocket areas. Current budget is at~$2400 and 16 more robes have been ordered.APW Update:Projects for this year include the screening of more Porto-Johns andthe painting of supports for ease of identification. The blueprint ofthe effigy is ready. Keith described the temple design using visualaids and will have a blueprint shortly along with a more detailedbudget. Proposed date of June 24th.Puzzles for Alchemy 2010:DASH: a large scale scavenger huntSurvival Guide for 2010:Rebecca will head up this project with a projected send out date of late August.Insurance:Insurance for the event has been applied for from the same companypreviously used, Gold Coast. Events covered will be the ArtFundraiser, Alchemy itself and the Decompression.Work Weekend:No current dates for Work Weekends.Tickets:Tickets will be organized and prepared for mailing this Thursday 22nd,8:00 p.m. at CoLab.Police Interactions during the Art Fundraiser:As was last year, the Art Fundraiser will sell cups but provide freealcohol, which has been donated to the bar.CoLab improvements include a private windscreen and a decibel meter.Rebecca will write a contract between the Alchemy Board and CoLabRepresentatives for the Fundraiser. The Board has voted and will bailTroy out of jail in the event it becomes necessary due to the event.Fire Approval for the Fundraiser is expected to clear on Monday 19th.It has been decided that Alchemy will proceed with filing for 501c3 status.
Alchemy BOD Minutes: May 2010
Alchemy board meeting minutesMay 18, 2010All in attendanceStarting at 7:35pmLovelace facilitating. To-dos are in BOLD. Dependencies are in italics.Beginning new businessTroy: concern about lack of responsiveness of BODGet a newsletter out as a solicitation for puzzles and to advertisethe art fundraiser ASAPMove for Troy to deal with the puzzle stuff w/out further boardapproval. All approved.Brief discussion about using Paypal as the payment method. Some burnshave had issues with this – we haven’t so we will stick with it.Old business from last meetingIn/Out tokens: Troy bought a 3D model of a skeleton key to getstarted. He has been working on the model to make it look right – willhopefully have it done by Friday. Then he will call for Alpine Castingto work out price.Reports on recent purchases:New truck – license and insurance purchased.Agreement to park the truck at CoLab –Proposal: $10 per month to park it at CoLab, CoLab can park itwherever it wants. CoLab isn’t responsible for damages to the vehicleor theft or anything like that. CoLab can move it if it needs to.Troy, as rep of both Colab and Alchemy will keep possession of thekeys. Reps of Alchemy can gain access to truck as often as they want,with reasonable notice.Rebecca to type up and get official doc by Thursday.Tent discussionTotal price is supposed to be $4800. We will get a couple ofdiscounts. Waiting on final bill. Discount for prepaying and thengetting it in June, and also because it has been committed to use atBonnaroo. They are splitting the rental fee for the use there, andthere will be no damage. This = around $350 discount for the rentalfee and another consideration for prepayment. They have been reallyresponsive. It’s a good deal, and will have everything we need to putit up. Troy intends to see if someone in Asheville will go and videoit being installed. Will include LED lighting setup. Waiting on theinvoice so we can pay and we can close out for the year. Have to runup and get it. Troy will continue on this.Laptop and projector for ConnexusTroy is going to put this in the budget when he does his budget.Work play weekend: Troy will call Smokey to figure out.Options: July 3 – 4 (preference)July 31-Aug 1August 7-8August 14-15Container: need to scope out where to put it on Smokey’s land, andmake contract b/t us and Smokey. 53’ container. Tunna to provide thetotal net for the container.Team leads:Prompt Keith to submit a proposal for temple – Tunna or CloveApprove Troy for event lead? All yesApprove Tunna for Effigy and APW? All yesGreeter: Janelle - no response all no. Rebecca contacted Jenn Dorrfor this – awaiting response.Rebecca contacted Amber for Center Camp: she’s not availableLovelace contacted his lady for medic: she doesn’t want to be a teamlead for her first AlchemyKrystal Light? Maybe good for fire safety or possibly for medic.Ky for first aid? Let’s look for someone who may be medicallycertified. Lovelace will put out the call by Friday. Possibly talk toEric and Charlee.Ranger: Ranger Rack – Michele discouraged Troy from contacting herTo fillGreeter – possibly Jenn DorrFirst AidRangers – Pete – Troy will contactFire SafetyWebConnexus- Sparr? Pauly?Center CampTempleRebecca will continue work on the Web team until we have someone step up.Board members should send a call out for each of these. Dawn will doConnexus call out. Clove will do Center Camp. Lovelace will do FirstAid.Troy to get newsletter out by Friday.New stuffArt Fundraiser updateR and Troy met with Danielle on Sunday to discuss the Fundraiser. Troyis doing the task of the fire watch and the insurance for theFundraiser. The initial call for submissions has gone out. We haveencouraged her to take the lead – she came up with the raffle idea.Clove to send out on the ATL announce list.Volunteer Form: Rebecca will check it.Email addresses: update them for current team leads (Troy)Put links on the website for positions that haven’t been filled. (Troy will do)Board bios: put them up. Get new ones from Tunna and Lovelace, postDawn’s. (Rebecca will do)Rebecca to update bylaws and get to the Board by tomorrow evening.Overall event budget: Troy will try to get first budget in by end of May.End of meeting: 8:42pmFor next meeting, June 13 @CoLab, Facilitating: Tunna | Note taking: Dawn
Alchemy BOD Minutes: April 2010
Board Meeting, 4/11/2010All members in attendanceAfterburn report- text done. Troy to send text out today, finish YE financials ASAPBylaws- some review done, Rebecca to re-review bylaws alsoNewlsetter- awaiting Dawn's voteInvitation- agreed on Keith's submissionphotos within the next days2500 ticketsprint job out by end of the weekIn/Out Tokens- work w/ Tunna on Wednesday on designNew truck- still needs license plate and insuranceWork day/weekend- retrieve storage unit stuff, either during week or April 25th- need work weekend in July/AugustTruck- establish agreement to park truck @ CoLabTent- need to go to Asheville to receiveTeam Leads- LNT- Lamplighters- Greeters, Janel Caudel, email to get details on application, Dawn may have co-lead potential- Rangers, talk to Michele to get Ranger Rack's info- Medical -- recruit Krystal Light- Art - Michele?- Web team - ?- Connexus - make map electronic, etc.- Center Camp - Amber?- Temple -- Effigy -- Fire Safety - talk to Crystal about other names?Purchases- laptops for gate, connexus- need projector for connexusBudgets- want budgets put together by May 15thNext meeting, May 9th. Rebecca take notes, Lovelace facilitates
Alchemy BOD Minutes: February 2010
Feb. 21 board meetingPresent: Dawn, Rebecca, Clove, Lee, Troy, Lovelace and Tunnameeting called to order at 3:25 Welcomed New and returning board members- Review of Board Procedures- Discussion on how we use consensus to reach unanimous decisions on the board.- Review of Board list, online polls, other board procedures and our transparency plan- General Operations Of Alchemy LLC- The board manages the off site concerns, direction of the event and the selection of team leads- The event Lead is responsible for all things at the burnAfterburn Reports and Financial- The Event Afterburn is waiting on reports from Fire Safety and Web Team, Financial Reports need to be brought current- *AI* Troy is going to bring Financial reports up todate and post them to the Board list, and complete the Afterburn report- We didnt increase ticket prices over the past two years, and wouldn't increase them this year either. We believe that we are the least expensive event in the Southeast- The LLC has approximately 7-8 thousand dollars surplus after last years event, we would like to spend down what we can to prevent paying taxes on it- Ideals on what to spend that money on- A Freight Container or a semitrailer, for storage of infrastructure on site year round- *AI* Tunna will work with Lee and price out both options and transport costs, and present findings to board- A larger tent for Center Camp- *AI* Troy was going to price out options for the boardBylaw Review- Board Members should review Bylaws, and disscuss any changes they can think of on Board email list.- We will open Bylaw review to the Community- *AI* Rebecca will email alchemy talk list about the bylaw reviewTeam Leads- After a discussion about how the gate/greeters/connexsus worked at the event last year, and the option of splitting greeters from connexus, allowing connexus to focus more on ""playa info"" kind of role at the event. All voted aye.- after the last two years the temple has become a fixture, and since alchemy funds the temple it is only prudent that we have team lead to be responsible for the temple. all voted aye- *AI* Troy is going to write up descriptions for the new teams, and post to board list, so we can review by end of week- *AI* Rebecca to update website and the volunteer sign up database- We should get the call out by next sundayTicket Design- Again we will open a Ticket design to the community, entries to be received by March 30th- *AI* Lovelace to email Alchemy talk, and include theme write upOpening Ticket Sales- We will open ticket sales on April 1st, as we have in years past, and see no need for a sales cap, at this or any time- Following the growth trends of the past years we should expect around 1500 tickets sold this yearEffigy and In/out tokens - Discussions tabled till next meeting(East Coast/East of the Mississippi) Super regional- Is Alchemy willing to loan our infrastructure to a super regional?- Currently the Alchemy board supports the idea of a supper regional as it goes forward and will address any infrastructure loans as event planning progressesBeing Official- Clove informed the board that she completed the necessary web form with BMHQ for us to be an official BM sanctioned event.Meeting closed at 4:12
Alchemy BOD Minutes: September 2009
Alchemy Board MinutesSeptember 13, 2009Overall to do items:Troy: a) to follow up re: pyro license; b) send wording for filmdocumentary people to Board and then to filmers; c) create lamenants;Rebecca: a) re-work waiver for lamenants and for gate and submit toBoard; b) waiver for Smokey's people; c) talk to Scarlett about movingConnexus stuff to Co-Lab next weekendLee: a) contact Scott and deal with Survival Guide; b) talk to Robertre: temple wood orderTunna: a) check on container prices; b) check on rental truck prices;Clove: a) add stuff to Atl announce; b) contact fundraiser artists tofollow up with them on progress; c) follow up with Aislinn re:distribution of moneyJoshua: take pictures of fundraiser artist art at event.In attendance: AllBegin time: 11:13 amUp to judge to determine if this requires a pyro license of $1,000 (wewould only have to pay for a local shooter who has their own license).Our people are not licensed in GA – they are licensed in TN. We haveto apply with probate judge – they have to decide if we need a localshooter. Application costs $10. We may have to have a standby firewatch. Could go as high as $5,000, which was our budget.Contractors are not participants and do not need invites. They areallowed on site for a period of time before and after their contractedjob. Subjective. Can be ejected by 3 team leads. In/out policy doesn'tapply to contractors.Lamenants – for gate people and for pyro people, potty people andSmokey's guests. Waivers for contractors. (Rebecca: review waiver toput on back of lamenant and get a thing for Smokey to sign)Waiver changes:not necessarily the best waiver – Rebecca will re-work and submit this week.Invitations sales:At last glance, 622. That puts us at 992 estimated. Not at the pointwhere all our budget items will be paid for, but we are close.Survival Guide:Lee will connect with Scott to get updates done. Board to get updatesby midnight tonight. Lee to submit recommendations by tomorrow. Maygive us time to get the map together.Storage Unit/Container:We will have more stuff this year than will fit in our storage unit.We either have to get a second storage unit, which doubles our cost($90 prepaid, so it would be $200/month), or we can get a storagecontainer and leave it on Smokey's land. If we put a storage containeron his land, we need a lease with him. Saves us money for moving thecontainer back and forth ($~400 + either way). We may not have moneyright now – we will have to see. We go month to month automatically atthe storage unit.If we can time it so we have a storage unit on site at the end of theevent, we won't need a moving truck, etc. Tunna to check on numbersagain for container.Pre-work weekend.Next weekend, 18-20. Talk to Scarlett about moving Connexus stuff toCo-Lab. We have a lot of tasks left – try to centralize all the stuff,even personal projects. Troy to talk to Scarlett about moving Connexusstuff. Clove to include in Atl Announce (along with gate open timesfor Alchemy).Effigy and Temple build.Temple-Saw designs for Temple. Need wood order. Lee will talk to Robert aboutlack of wood order. No plan to pre-build until Build weekend.Effigy-Green needs to order wood for facing. Troy to follow up with Green forwood order. We can rent a 10” saw, here in town. Encourage Green towork at Co-Lab.Truck rental.We will probably have to rent truck anyway. U-Haul is good because wecould drop off at storage unit. Tunna to get updated quote for truckrental.Art Team.Clove to follow up with artists from fundraiser to see what theirstatus is. Rebecca to send email list to Clove. Artists invited tofinish projects at Co-Lab next weekend. Clove to email Aislinn onemore time to distribute her $135. Joshua will take pictures of fundedart and document it. Rebecca to put on web.In/Out schwag.We paid the money to Rick Barry to cover CAD costs. Total cost is$1850 for 1500 of items. Status: model is back, this week they'rebuilding mold. Next week they are doing casting. We have to decide onfinish. Antiquing, matte, and super shiny. Samples have beenrequested. Hopefully we will get them on build weekend.Request for documentary filmmaker.Tell people BOD retains rights to info – final product must bereviewed by BOD. Don't film people who are naked or intoxicated w/outpermission – get releases from people you film, and we get finalreview. Troy to send wording to Board first, then to filmers.Adjourned – 12:19.
Alchemy BOD Minutes: August 2009
Action ItemsTroy:1. Send email to APW outlining your ideas about the work weekend2. Send email to Fire Safety regarding the issue with the sled.Rebecca1. Send email to TL's no later than 8/10 regarding the Survival Guide2. Research screen printing on the in/out tokens3. Look up legalese for the wording of the rental policyTunna1. Etching of the bullets completed by drop dead date of a week from todayMeeting Minutes:Locale: The Reef, Puzzle's house, Woodstock, Ga.Members in attendance: Clove/Buttercup, Joshua/Try Me!, Lee/Puzzle,Rebecca, Troy/Runaway, Tunna KeroseneWork WeekendWork completed: Spars for the effigy cut and assembled, stored inseveral pieces. Boards for the effigy bar cut. Potty shades partlyassembled. Identified areas where we can improve, will be sharing thatwith the APW team leads.Site ChangesRoad in front of the stage will be closed. Road rerouted to the roadat the bottom of the hill. Will use barricades to block off the oldroad.Justin has asked to keep the circus tent where it, in the field to theright of the stage.Connexus will move to the new fork in the road.Fire Team RequestThe Fire Safety made the request to us a 'sled' owned by Vespa to usefor fire control at the effigy and at the other fires at the event.Vespa has requested compensation for his gas expenses to bring thesled to the event. In keeping with our historical policy to notcompensate volunteers for travel expenses and after conversation aboutour rental policy, Troy will ask the Fire Team to define the issuethey are trying to solve and come up with ways we can solve the issuethat is more in keeping with the philosophies of the LLC.Rental PolicyFire Team's request brought up a discussion of whether or not we wouldbe willing to compensate a participant as a rental vendor. Afterdiscussion, it was decided that we would stick with our current policy of not compensating volunteers for travel expenses and we would word our rental policy to ensure that we rent only from vendors who can provide full support for the product being rented.Invitation/Budget ReportCurrent sold: 459On target to hit a total attendance of 1100 if last year's numbers hold.$12K in the bank, looking at what from our budgets can be purchased.Budget reports now available with the other financial reports.In/Out tokensHAHa you cant know 'cause its a surprise!!!PageantHaHa you also can't know 'cause its another surpriseSurvival GuideRebecca will post topics to the team leads no later than 8/10Submission deadlines by 8/20Ready to publish by 9/1Gate TeamTroy will be meeting with the hired gate RV couple at the end of next weekStorage UnitCurrent contract with the storage place up in October, can go month by month.Idea of buying a storage container (approx $2000) seems to be where wewant to go. Have to price them out and figure out where to store it.Information we need to gather:Store it at Cherokee Farms, land leaseStore it at Colab, dependant on Colab being a reality and givingprices on how much the storage fees would bePrice to ship it from Atlanta?How much more work will get done if we house in Atl and ship to LaFayette?Spring EventDiscussion of Spring Event. Will discuss on Alchemy Talk to see whatthe reaction is.Next Mtg- Rebecca, note taker. Joshua, facilitate.
Alchemy BOD Minutes: July 2009
Meeting starts 4:10 PM. Present are Rebecca, Troy, Joshua, Tunna, Lee, Clove.1. Information Flow and Approval: “The board decided X because” is a trigger phrase… wording similar to this must be approved by board. Decided to continue discussion of this topic with all members present at next board meeting.Basically dismissed the topic, leaving it as concluded last month. Troy: People are going to say what they're going to say, and it's probably not actually creating enough of an issue outside the board to devote this much energy to it.2. Update re: Fundraiser. Rebecca submitted 1st draft of wrap-up report to art team. Waiting on responses from team members to complete. Further discussion? Art team to determine how to distribute Aislinn's money. Also, Troy needs receipts for reimbursements if they're out there. Need to get newsletter out soon with work weekend etc... would like to have art team report in there. Rebecca will try to get wrapped up by Friday at the latest.3. Gate Manual Review notes, if any.Gate staffing. Troy has gotten plenty of responses from RV workers who can staff the gate. All in price range. All are 2 people for the whole weekend. Question as to whether 2 people will be enough for the busiest times. Will supplement RV workers with volunteers at busy times. RV workers to be ultimately responsible for following procedures r.e. waivers, ID checking etc... Volunteers to be managed by RV workers. Suggest that volunteers handle less critical tasks and RV workers focus on critical stuff like waivers, ID checking etc...To discuss by Friday...ish. Online. Lee has edits to add, but hadn't added them yet.4. Troy Action item from last meeting: Weekly log of changes to web site sent to board. Incomplete, needs to be done. Carry over action item to next meeting.5. Bylaws. Submitted to the community for comment, comments have been incorporated. Troy sent copy to Raspa and Andi Grace for review/comment, got no response. Vote to approve: All vote yea. Bylaws in effect immediately.6. Troy: Parkchase wants to do census as his personal project. Should we send census info to ticket-holders' list? Only want to use ticket-holders' list for information directly related to ticketing, event, not for art projects or other ancillary stuff. For one thing, the ticket-holders' list isn't easy to opt out of, so we don't want to send stuff they might not want. Don't want to open the floodgates to other projects basically spamming that list.Adjourn at 4:58 PM.
Alchemy BOD Minutes: June 2009
6/14/2009 Board Meeting, started 4:10pm, ended 5:54pmLee, Tunna, Clove, Troy, Rebecca in attendanceInformation Flow and Approval“The board decided X because” is a trigger phrase… wording similar to this must be approved by board. All Agreed.Decided to continue discussion of this topic with all members present at next board meeting.Have website change log sent weekly to board list. All Agreed.- Troy action item: make that happenBoad to continue reviewing The Alchemist. All Agreed.BylawsAll agreed to suggested changes: Change The Georgia burn to The Georgia Burn (all initial case)All agreed to suggested changes: Remove references to Yahoo! and instead use online email group- Rebecca to repost the edited Bylaws for continued community feedbackEarly Setup DetailsThe board agreed that everyone is invited to help at the pre-event work weekend. We will emphasize that the weekend is for WORK, but that they're also allowed to setup their camps, too. However, only specifically verified folks may stay through the week (after Sunday). Team leads will give out the in/out token schwag early as indication that the person is verified to stay.Everyone will be invited to setup early starting Wednesday at 9am. Early setup means that in/outs are okay until the gates officially open for all participants on Thursday. However, anyone who comes early must keep their ticket on them for each in/out.This also means that we'll move the gate team to being work on Wednesday morning.Art Fundraiser Update15 volunteers, a little short of volunteers for takedown11 artist proposals were submitted on timeGiven the total funds requested (4 times the total last year), not all artists will get fully funded. Therefore, it is important to establish a minimum funding level by which the artist still commits to bringing the art to Alchemy.Rebecca will ask each artist what is their minimum? If the artist does not receive their minimum, then then money will not be distributed to them.Gate Staff SOP ManualBoard please review before next board meeting.July 31 – Aug 2 Work WeekendAPW to send Troy a lumber request for purchase before the work weekend. Drop dead date is July 17th for lumber needsStorage Unit Space85% fullOne solution may be a 20’-45' shipping container, $1500 + $300 deliveryConsidering leaving on Cherokee Farms (with land lease)Next meeting, July 12, Domus in Flagrante DelictoNext Facilitator: Rebecca CobbNext notetaker: Puzzle
Alchemy BOD Minutes: May 2009
May 2009 Alchemy BoD MtgAll in attendance. Mtg start at 4:20pmArt Fundraiser update and budget discussionBudget might be too high at a 25% increase from over last year. We will review again as the event draws closer.Issues with the insurance and the fire watch: Troy to check into an additional policy on our event insurance. Fire Marshall needs it to do Fire Watch. Depending on cost we will have additional discussion of the cost/benefit analysis of allowing fire at the event.Without doubling the people on the shifts, we need 33 volunteers for the full event.Currently, three artists have applied for entrance, but the applications are incomplete. Cut off of June 14th for artists' submission.Cancellation policy on the venue- Clove will get in touch with the venue to see.On the cut off date, if the artists submitted are requesting at or less than the budget set for the event general consensus is that we would forgo the event for giving that money to the artists. We decided last year that the reason we were doing this was for the immediacy, but also so that more artists could be funded then what we would have funds for.BylawsRebecca has incorporated the decision of the Board about the ownership model. Rebecca will repost the link to the bylaws. By Wednesday 5.20.09 we will have all discussion about the bylaws complete and will be ready to send the bylaws to the community.Website redesignUpdating to the new site design will require a site outage for a couple of hours. Board all approve outage. New site up soon.Logo release textJoshua to post to the BOD list about the copyright/release.Work WeekendTroy will email Smokey about which weekends in July would be available. Our preference would be for the last weekend in July tentatively.BudgetsTroy has posted to the link to the budget.Took every teams budget as submitted.In the process of making the attendance step-ups from last year.Whole budget figured at a breakeven point of approx. 725 participantsAt 750 people our land cost goes up by $5 per person.Tentative approval by Wednesday 5.20.09 by BoDOutstanding Team Lead openingsGate: most concerned about this one. Looking to possibly having to hire someone to run it. Troy will confirm the cost and add it to the budget. Board decides unanimously that this is the way we would prefer to do it as it ensures consistency of all legal documents and ticket handling.ACTION ITEM: Gate wiki- look at the SOP manual and edit as needed.Talk about it in a week onlineAdding greeting to the Connexus Team as they were doing it last year and it would help make Connexus the central information hub.LNT: still missing, unless we find someone motivated to do this, we will allow the participants to police themselves. APW will make sure that sweeps are done daily and at the close of the event.LAYOUT: officially removing this team entirely in lieu of allowing camps to place themselves, with signage to indicate which areas are not available for sound camps due to the noise issue and the curfew in Walker Co. All areas will be first come, first serve.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca will take down layout information on the website, put up new information.Anyone can come up the weekend prior to install their camps. On Thursday morning prior to the event we will clear the land of all people, head ot the gate and ‘cross the line' turning in tickets and signing waivers.10 lanyards will be created and given to Smokey to use at his discretion. This will make all land owner visitors easily identifiable.Art Usage release agreementRebecca will post the derivative works agreement by Friday 5.22.09. To be agreed my Bod by the following Monday.In/Out tokensHahaha this is a surprise. But boy oh boy are they cool!NewsletterAround the first of June for publication date.139 invitations sold. This is about on track to where we were last year.Adjourned 6:13pm
Alchemy BOD Minutes: April 2009
4/12/2009, began meeting @ 4:15In attendance: Rebecca, Joshua, Lee, Tunna, Clove, Troy via iphone and KeithTroy to do details for team lead meeting/work time in May at their house.By-laws, Rebecca & Troy's idea... suggest if Alchemy dissolves---liquidate everything and donate. Write into by-laws to donate for local usage?Co-op model-- Lee suggests no need for co-op model if approach to by-laws are as above.Rebecca to do write up on all over policy to recognize membership of Alchemy.questioning participation by Joshua and Tunna. Lee suggests coming up with policy to include with by-laws. Show up to vote? Is presence necessary?Put the sign-up on the waiver at the festival. List of people who attended the event or list of those who paid, previous two years. Possible form on website to opt in?Continue with waiver for 2009...then proceed with waiver only for following years.Work on by-laws online. Rebecca to go through by-laws and revise to include the above, along with Tunna's document.Regional status email--- Troy to send out asapTroy has financials done, will send when access to internetArt fundraiser-- need to firm date. make note in next Alchemist and website to push for artist submissions. Submissions to be in by 7th if 20th, and 14th by 27th.Newsletter-- mostly ready except, waiting on date for fundraiser. template needs to be re-worked?? maybe make it more like Jack Rabbit, more info--less fluff.Clove to email Lee the how it works on the fundraiser and also send to Rebecca for websiteLee to send to BOD for approval/format then get out.Team leads-- Troy to meet with Green and get verbal synopsis on his idea, versus continuing to wait for proposal on paper.Gate, LNT, Internet still needs leads.Logo, creative commons-- One commercial attribution, work on wording for artistic use, but non-commercial use. Non-commercial use allowed (not for profit)Burning Man policy--- use of logo for anything coming on site or gifts only, outside of that, all things are licensed.FAQ on creative commons website states commercial vs. non-commercial fine not defineLimited license-- meet specific criteria.Make clear gifts, items to come to Alchemy etc do not need license. Write up those things that would need by exampleArt limited usage-- need to include note of derivative works. everyone needs to readEnd of meeting, Keith brings up use of logo in his art. Requests license. need to figure out a way to apply license to Keith as we would any one else who would request one for the same instance.Come up with standard to apply towards anyone.From now on caveat for Keith? Anything previously created non issue? Not breaking guidelines as no guidelines have been created yet.Decision to not protect logo at all. Trademark ""Alchemy, The Georgia Burn""This puts creative commons discussion right out.Joshua to write up announcement of this.Rebecca to make copy of letter of understanding to Keith.meeting concluded 5: 35pm
Alchemy BOD Minutes: March 2009
Meeting minutes for Alchemy LLC Board of directorsMarch 8th, 2009Meeting called to disorder at 4:12In Attendance:Board Members:Lee, Troy, Rebecca, Clove, Joshua, TunnaCommunity Members:Keith, RobertCurrent Financial Standing*Troy will have a up to date statement done later todayCurrently 3,754.81 in Coffers, less than 50$ in petty cashA majority of this needs to be spent by the end of fiscal yearTix printing 250$Generators 2500$*Troy knew of a store that should have the model wanted on sale, if so he will purchase*Tunna will see if the radios found earlier are still on-sale/ in stockTicketingLast years tix. process had issues with transfers and lost ticketsTroy plan for this year is to have physical tickets and codes both correlated with the purchaser, and a computer at the gate to maintain the database of ticket info.ID's will be checked at the gate this year, the indemnification should be on every web page dealing with ticket codes*Troy will work at the coding to have in place by April 1 for tix salesTicket Time line- the printer can be paid in advance and once the proofs are up loaded the turn around should be less than a weekHelp will be needed to help stuff ticketsTicket design Contest- thank you to those that submitted their designsKeith's was voted as the winner and will be used on this years ticket* Rebecca will draw up a artist release and limited use agreement for all artists , proof to board by Tuesday* Joshua will take a high-quality photo of the paintingFuture uses for ticket images; visual elements to be used in a redo of alchemy website, unveiling of painting at art fundraiser, submissions not used for tickets will be blown up an used at the gateTeam LeadsThe applications received and approved:Bubba John/ First AidTroy/ Event ProducerKat and Age/ Lamp LightersPauly/ ConnexusClove/ Art TeamTunna,Lee,Robert/ APWJoshua/ RangersKeith/ EffigyClove and Tunna gave a short presentation about the Regional Summit last weekend in SFAlchemy image usagepursue the avenue of Creative Commons license to protect the image from abuse*Joshua to see if Creative Commons would work as image use agreement*Clove to ask BM how they handle protection of their logoThe Alchemist* Lee will get a new version out on April 1st to correspond with start of ticket sales, sent to board for approval priorTabled itemsbylawsco-op modelart fundraiserwork weekends
Alchemy BOD Minutes: February 2009
February 8, 2009Tunna, Troy, Rebecca, Joshua, Lee, Clove in attendance, meeting begins 16:07Old business:* Event Report• Need to finalize event report. Troy will edit chandler and financial section, save as PDF• Rebecca will post to website• Troy will send link to interested parties, Raspa, BROF• Clove will send link to Regional listsNew business:* Team Lead DescriptionsBoard spent the remainder of the meeting editing team descriptionsAction Items:* Lee: massage team descriptions and send edits for approval to board list by Wednesday, February 11. Board to review and agree by Friday* Troy: Invitation to apply for team leads should be sent out as soon as possible, to be reviewed by board. Invitations to be sent out NLT Feb 16Meeting adjourned 18:30
Alchemy BOD Minutes: January 2009
January 11, 2009Location: Clove and Tunna's houseAll in attendance, in person.Meeting start time: 4:19 pmRebecca started the meeting with a motion for the BOD to take a month off. This was discussed throughout the meeting, as open agenda items were discussed and prioritized. No formal vote was taken.Old Business:Item: Team lead Afterburn reports and suggestions.Joshua expressed concern that this needed to culled and indexed further than what was available in Troy's report. Action Item: Joshua to cull and index Afterburn reports and suggestions.Item: Financial Statement.Lee recommended getting this out ASAP. A summary has been created, and the report just needs to be finalized. No action item was assigned for this.Item: Event report.This still has not been reviewed and approved by the Board. Action Item: Board needs to review and approve.Item: Bylaws.Continued discussion of bylaws was tabled until the March meeting. Previous decision to try to finalize the bylaws by close of fiscal year was revisited, and it was decided that other things have priority.Action Item: Rebecca will continue to work on edits to the bylaws.Item: Clarifying roles for the festival.Some suggested roles that need clarification include a business manager role, the team leads (descriptions need to be done) and the event lead. Action Items:-By February 15, Team Lead descriptions will be done.-Feb. 15, after the BOD meeting, a call for submission of team lead applications will be sent out by Troy.-March 1, BOD begins evaluations of submissionsItem: Bank account.The goal is to have this by open of ticket sales for the 2009 season, but this can be put off for another month. It was decided that the business manager person should have some input in this process, and that role won't be fully defined until February 15.Action Item: Troy will work toward getting the account.Item: Tickets/ticket designs for 2009 burn.Vote: To open the design up to the community. All in favor.The BOD still chooses the final design. This item becomes a priority after the February meeting.Action Item: -Troy will send out design parameters ASAP to Lee.-Lee will send out to the public immediately, and follow up by January 15.-Lee will create a document for the ticket design artists, which states that the art submitted is original or with permission of the original artist.Item: Art fundraiser.Everyone agreed that setting the date is time sensitive. The date decision depends on the involvement of new team leads, so the goal is to readdress this at the March meeting.Item: Work weekends.This item is also dependent upon choosing of team leads. The goal is to have the first work weekend in early April.New BusinessItem: Welcome Clove to the BODClove has read through old emails, and asks that the BOD update the bios page on the website.Action Item: Rebecca will update the websiteItem: Regional Summit in SF.RonJon requested that Alchemy participate in his breakout on crisis management. Also, it was determined that any questions regarding Alchemy will be referred to the BOD as a whole, rather than answered by those in attendance at the Summit. Discussed possibly doing a video to post at more than just the Summit.Action Item: -Joshua is going to email RonJon to request a proposal, so that the BOD knows what he expects from us.-BOD will decide at that point if we will participate.Item: Meeting times.Vote: To move meeting to 2nd Sunday of the month, 4pm. All in favor.Future meeting dates: February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13.Item: In/Out Tokens.Tunna gave web address for Alpine Casting ( for possible in/out tokens for 2009. Mention was made of possibly opening this to artist submissions also.Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Alchemy BOD Minutes: November 2008
11/2/08 board of directors meeting. all present.cock? all approved.financials- looks like we will essentially net 5 grand. still need to pay for portalets. we don't pay taxes until 4/1 so we have until then to spend those funds, likely on land rent and hall- 5 to 7 blue tower gallery on 11/22. rough agenda: go over financials, do an event debrief. afterburn reports will be available online, and we will make room online for prenominations for board candidates, as well as nominations during town hall. will get volunteers during town hall to count votes. Lee will facilitate and finalize agenda; Joshua will post announcement to the internets; Troy will send announcement to alchemy mailing list; danielle will confirm date and time with gallery.Discussed moving to a co-op ownership model for alchemy llc; Troy will bring proposal to town hall and temple still need to turn in afterburn reportsincident report- Troy told Dennis to post donation info to lists. Jacob (legal) thinks we're in good shape. Keith has been given info to contact insurance.staff party- 12/6/08 7 pm, shadowbrook. Troy will let all the volunteers know about it, to bring their own cups, and make it an lnt event. we will spend under $400 for food and booze, as well as getting patches made as an appreciation gesture. Joshua will get patches done; Someone will source local sub shop; Lee requests some help setting up her house at noon that day. DP will take on LNT for the this point everyone gets onto their phone and the vision statement gets tabled, thus the meeting ends.Question: incident report- do we want this in our final minutes, which will be published and available?
Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: September 2008
"Meeting Minutes for Alchemy, LLC Board of DirectorsSeptember 13, 2009Location: ShadowbrookIn attendance: Danielle, Runaway, Puzzle, GBear, TryMe! and RebeccaMeeting convened at 3:12 pmPrevious items requiring a vote:1. August meeting minutes: All approved2. Finalized insurance plan: All approved3. Waivers: tabled, Rebecca to submit revised waivers by MondayOutstanding items:1. Survival guide: Three days to release. Reworking for better presentation. To be addressed by people at the work day today, and released by Wednesday by Puzzle.2. Penis: All approved. Cock: All approved. Junk: Runaway abstains; Rebecca, Puzzle and Danielle approve; GBear and TryMe! disapprove. Junk passes.3. Alchemist: Is this a duplicate of the Survival Guide? General consensus held that it was not, and should still be presented. This should be out by Sunday, after BOD approves. (Action Item: Puzzle)4. Kid Law: Action Item: Rebecca - Get revised list of laws to BOD by Wednesday, as well as having website with laws by Wednesday (to be linked in Survival Guide). Action Item: Rebecca - continue to try to get an attorney referral.5. Perimeter lighting: Done, including music syncher.6. Stakes for perimeter lighting: Action Item: Runaway - to get at a home store7. Golden Stake: The idea of having one was adopted, and it will be used to center Effigy and create perimeter.8. In/Out tokens: Question: Use Troy and Rebecca's dog tags? All approved. Question: Alchemy to pay the cost of (only) the dog tags used? All approved.9. Current Financials: Things are pending for this month, but we are within $2k of getting all budgeted items, including golf carts. There were questions about how the tier 1 price appears on the financial reports, as well as Pay Pal fees (Action Item: Runaway to review these, as well as reorganization of some of the items under "Miscellaneous"). Radio licenses were purchased under Troy's name (Alchemy is his "family") for 5 years.10. Lamplighter Lead: We have no lead, although a new person from Nashville has volunteered to help. We have 48 new lamps11. Staggered elections: Election at the next Town Hall meeting for the Board of Directors of Alchemy will establish a future staggered election of the BOD, using the top 2 elected members as the people who will serve 2 years each, with the last 3 who will serve 1 year each. All future elections will then be for 2 year terms. All approved.12. Art Fundraiser Report: Sent to BOD by Puzzle13. Decompression: Meeting scheduled for Sunday the 28th of September, at Cherokee Farm (during work weekend), at 4:20, at the Staff Tent. Decompression is scheduled for November 22, as an all night event. The venue will be Blue Tower. Funds will come from presales beginning a month prior to the event (October 15), as well as door sales. Insurance will be from the same company Alchemy uses for the Alchemy Festival. Promotion should begin right away. A web presence should be established after Alchemy (possibly on burn night). Runaway agreed to act as "co-lead" (Action Item: Runaway and Danielle to talk this week for planning). Questions were discussed concerning whether or not there will be an attendance cap (this depends on fire code), as well as security (Rangers, possibly) and other issues that might come about if this is an all night event. Whether or not we use the hill will have to be in writing from the owners. The web address "" was approved by all (Action Item: Troy to get this address). 14. Vision Statement: TABLED! - All approvedAdjourned: 4:37pmEmergency Meeting of the Board of Directors, held directly after the scheduled Board meeting Question: Should Alchemy pay for pizza and beer today for workers at the work day? All Approved.Question: Should we have an after party for Alchemy festival volunteers and pay for it from Alchemy funds? All Approved. "
Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: August 2008
"Alchemy board meeting 8/9/20093:42 Meeting called to order. In attendance: Danielle, Lovelace, Rebecca, Troy, Lee, Joshua.VOTE: Troy moves that Lovelace be called "Giant Bear." All agree. Lovelace / GBEAR abstains.Financial reports and status reports from Troy. Troy did not bring copies, but they are currently up on the web site, under the Alchemy, LLC section. Troy made an executive decision to call the shade structures a depreciable asset. We are well under the expense limit and so we want to expense everything we can for tax reasons. Ticket sales at 302. Troy says, If we stopped selling tickets now, we could do everything we did last year. We wouldn't have some things that we want for this year like golf carts, but basically we're pretty good from here on out. As we get to 500 people, we get to do more discretionary things.New budget items:· LED lights for effigy perimeter.· Money for fire permits, etc…· Money for medical? (Refer to Medical team lead once appointed)· Sashes and patches for rangers?Insurance policy. Troy reports this is the 2nd insurer who has gotten weird with him. This one is Gold Coast who has insured Transformus. They were really responsive, but when Troy asked for the underlying documents to examine, they clammed up. Troy says he's not willing to give up on this guy yet, but he can't get any more info on our questions. Lee points out it's the end of the summer and he could be on vacation or something. Danielle says there has been discussion about Gale's Creek, which was the first company we touched bases with and says they are more responsive over phone than email. Maybe Troy should call.Need to talk about the volunteer labor rider. Two choices: one is primary coverage rider, which means insurance policy pays first before volunteer's coverage pays. Secondary coverage pays whatever is left over after the volunteer's coverage (if it exists) is exhausted.VOTE: secondary coverage. All in favor.Children at burns / attorneys issue. The list had like 400 attorneys. How should we divide it? List is really too big and we need a recommendation.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca says she'll send an email to attorneys she knows and see if she can get referral.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca to research GA and federal laws r.e. children just to get a summary.Restatement: Must notify bartenders of responsibility to card. Survival guide, newsletter, web page, at gate and at Connexus. Need something like that for adult activities.ACTION ITEM: GBEAR to update Flipside waivers for Alchemy and send to list for approval.In-and-outs: Lee has done research on tokens and buttons and dog tags oh my! Lee suggests pin-buttons because if you don't give it away it's just schwag, and it also makes it easy to collect them at the gate by pinning them to a cloth. Lee has a place that can deliver in a week that is like $250 for 800 full-color buttons. Troy asks if we've compared the price of that to the price of making them ourselves, but that would take time and Lee says home-pressed buttons would not stick together.ACTION ITEM: Lee to compare cost of ordering online vs. pressing ourselves.ACTION ITEM: Lee has a general design. Will email to the list for approval.VOTE: 20 in/out buttons/tokens for an in/out. All approve.ACTION ITEM: Lee has the last financial info she needs for the Art Fundraiser report and will forward the report ASAP.Work weekend report. Pauly from CA did GPS mapping. Did a little de-mooping. Erin and Green cleaned out brush on about 2/3 of the road. 37 people. 11 cars. Shortest board meeting ever!!!! Figured out where to put the gate and Connexus.Atlanta Decomp. Danielle is really awesome and forgot all her notes. She met with Jason from Blue Tower this week they would love to host us. We can spread out onto the entire hill. Danielle wants that in writing because that area is not technically theirs, but he says it's fine. He'd rather do a percentage than a flat fee, maybe 10% or 15%. Danielle likes that better. Troy points out that as you get a large number of people, the venue doesn't contribute as much as their percentage payment is worth. The attendees contribute more. People threw out sliding percentage based on attendance or maybe percentage with cap. Danielle says can get a one-day liquor catering license. Will need fire permitting and insurance. Inside the venue, capacity is about 500-600, more if we use the hill. Danielle suggests closer to 500 because the space tends to congregate people with bottlenecks. Need porta-potties. They're flexible about hours. Danielle suggests a town hall the next day in the same space.Question: Whether to have Alchemy town hall meeting with votes after the decomp, or whether to have just a regional town hall meeting with separate Alchemy meeting later.Question: How to introduce staggered elections or otherwise provide continuity to the board.ACTION ITEM: Danielle to introduce discussion about Decomp and staggered elections on the list.VOTE: Decomp first choice is November 22, 2nd choice is December 6th.Emergency and Fire Response stuff from Rebecca. Rebecca wants a general emergency response plan as to who does what. It should include Rangers, Fire Safety, Medical, Gate, and Troy.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca will start a discussion on Alchemy Organizers list.Team leads: Robert or Pauly for media team. Robert says if Pauly has the energy, he can have it. Troy is a big proponent of co-leads. Robert's primary interest is in the web site.VOTE: Robert and/or Pauly for co-lead assuming they both go for it. All vote in favor.Medical team lead: Bubba John and GBEAR.VOTE: GBEAR and Bubba John for co-lead. All approve.VOTE: Chwdog for volunteer team co-lead. All approve.VOTE: Vision statement. Move to table! All approve.Danielle asks Troy if he knows of other areas where team leads could use a co-lead or something. Lamplighters is open since Adam moved to Seattle. Siryn and Unga said they would help with lamplighters. Still need an actual team lead, though.ACTION ITEM: Danielle to check in with Siryn and Unga and put out the call if they don't actually want to lead.Next meeting date is September 13th. Scarlett's house. Danielle facilitates. Rebecca minute-takes.Meeting adjourned at 5:16 PM."
Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: July 2008
"July 21, 2008 BOD Meeting- Cherokee Farms, La Fayette, Ga. In person attendance- Joshua/Try Me!, Lee/Puzzle, Lovelace, Rebecca and Troy/RunAway.Not in attendance- DanielleOnline decisions made- noneFINANCIAL REPORTS238 tickets sold to date$3,681.10 in current assets$3,206.82 in fixed assets$6,887.94 in total assestsACTION ITEM: Troy will create website ready financial reports from Quicken this week and get them posted to the website.INSURANCE POLICYTroy reports:Quote recieved from GOld Coast, who is familar with burns and covered Transformus in the past.$625 in total cost for a million in coverage per incident for 1000 participantsNo coverage for voluntary labor endorsement, we are going to have an additonal quaote for covering that$5000 per fire incident, asking about fire specific riderACTION ITEM: Troy will get rider information and report to the BOD for discussion and decisionCHILDREN AT BURNSJoshua/Try Me reports:Due to specific nature of the questions and his case load, the lawyer Joshua/Try Me! has on retainer is not willing to take the caseBob Morton, the attorney from the nudist association has not returned mulitple attempts to contact.Board discusses options:Troy/RunAway does not think we need a lawyer, we know what our possible liabilites are and we need to push that back on the participants. Tell theme camps told what they are responsbile for alocohol, adult activites, nudity. Guardians are responsible for their minors. The board agrees that this is something that we would like to help the community understand, we would like to do this, but it is cost prohibitive.We agree to formulate a statement- that we believe that children at burns is important, and that we will make sure at Alchemy that children are always welcome. Educate and make the community aware of the responsibilty in the hands of the participants.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca will contact Raspa about BMORG possibliy helping us out with bill since their lawyers are NV and CA.ACTION ITEM: Troy has a copy of the waivers of the Flipside uses. Will forward to the BOD this week.ACTION ITEM: REbecca will make a list of possible attorneys in Georgia that we can call. FOrwarded to the BOD list and each member will take 5 attorneys to call.CONCENSUS: We will earmark $500 from the budget for this attorney, no more than that. IN AND OUTsCONSENSUS: We will use pins or buttons as tokensACTION ITEM: Lee/Puzzle will research costs and options and report back to the BODEFFIGY PERIMETER LIGHTINGTroy Reports: LED is cost prohibitive- $450 for 150 ft.CONSENSUS: This would be something that we would if we can, if there is enough money we will do the LED as our "dream" solution.We want to have a full circle around the effigy.ART FUNDRAISERACTION ITEM: Troy/RunAway will forward financial information to Lee to finish the Art Fundraiser financial reportACTION ITEM: Lee to follow up with Clove on the following items: Jen's Art, Overage money.ACTION ITEM: Rebecca to put together write up.ATLANTA DECOMOTABLED: until Danielle is at meeting.Follow up with her on the list.ATLANTA WORK DAYCONSENSUS: August 9, 2008 at Puck and Kitty's, confirmed on site with Puck and Kitty11am- Inventory of phyiscal items in their garage1pm- Mandatory TL meeting3pm BOD meeting TEAM STATUSMedia Team- we need someone to really take over the website. Troy cant continue to do it because of his own work. Lamplighting- Unga Bunga will helpWe need a new team lead.VISION STATEMENT "
Alchemy LLC BOD Minutes: June 2008
"2008.06.21 Alchemy BOD Meeting Minutes 2:33 pm: everyone present, meeting start Gators and Budgetwe had 200 tickets at tier onew/tier 2, now have ~213 Temple proposal? Don't have one. Lee is going to talk to Jonathan when he gets here tonight. Insurance update:still in progress. Troy has been talking to Gold Coast Underwriters, who have insured Transformus and are comfortable with what we do. Probably will be less than the budgeted $1500. Generating Reports for the WebsitePost four standard financial reports already posted: cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, and profit & loss. If anyone wants to see any other information, they can ask. We will include vendor information but no personal info of purchasers. Availability: On a monthly basis. Troy will also create a redacted report. Children at burns:Rebecca has spoken to a law student. We need to be careful about making it look like we are doing a lot directly to protect children. We should have a waiver and allow the parents to retain responsibility. Kids under 18 have to be here with a parent/guardian. Have an explicit waiver for the guardian of the kid, but nothing extraordinary, because the more we do, the more our responsibility we give ourselves. General liability:Just have an indemnification that people sign (in addition to the one on the back of the ticket) when they come in the gate. Flipside has a good indemnification procedure. We can learn from them. Joshua is happy to gift lawyer's time to look at Georgia laws to see what would pertain to child welfare. Inform ourselves so that we can inform our participants. Rebecca: Boils down to the people who are around a child at any given moment.Troy: We would be negligent if we did not inform people of the laws.Joshua: Wants to be able to say, "This is a real attorney who has researched the information, and this is what he said."Rebecca: Being informed might help to protect us. If we inform people of the law, then it becomes their responsibility to obey or not. Make it clear that just because we've presented this information to you, it doesn't mean that we are doing anything about your personal responsibility. We have the cash for this expenditure, including current outstanding AP. Joshua will be happy to pay out of pocket and have Alchemy reimburse him. Everyone will do homework on what kind of attorney to talk to, and specific referencecs. Danielle will contact BM to see if their lawyers have anything to share with us about this topic. T: will contact the national nudist federationR: get info from all avenues, including attorney, and then make a wikiJ: start with other avenues and then end with lawyer (will hold off for now) timeline: one week In and OutsRebecca: Idea! Charging people not fair because some people have more money than others. Answer: either pay or do some sort of service. Ex: 25 people vouch for you. Everyone gets an in/out token worth 1/xth of an in/out. Number to be determined at the next board meeting. Lee: gate lead comes down to get cash for cash in/out Rebecca will research the tokens. Puck and KittyHappy to have the stuff they currently have in their garage until after the event. Concerned about some of the stuff b/c they have some roof leaking issues. Troy will organize inventory w/ team leads. Vision statements: Tabled New stuff Perimeter proposal: Joshua: Rope lights would be preferable. Stakes are 12-27 cents a pieceDanielle: Paint is pretty visible at night. Can do designs like stars or whatever Consensus is that rope lights would be better. Joshua says that we should get better than the cheapest ones because the quality of the wire is not great in cheapest ones. Troy advises getting LEDs because of the power draw off the generator. Danielle: lasers?Troy: will look into lasers New Atlanta RCsClove, Amsterdam, Wild Card Julian Shade StructuresWorked really well; took about ten minutes to put up. Can set all of them up in about an hour with 8 people. Art FUNdraiserBudgetClove: have $500 to pay for space. She spent ~$70. Troy is going to spend ~$180. AtlantaComdecompression event after Alchemy-- one day eventall vote yesDanielle considering running it. What else? Next meeting on Saturday 7/12/2008 @ 3:00 pm.Joshua hostTroy facilitateRebecca, notes"